
Palin in remake of movie Air Force One--a Preview

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"Get off my plane."
Comrades, I was combing the Internets today and ran across this disturbing photo. I am not sure what to do about it, but I do know I should report it to Party Headquarters™. Please advise.

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Colonel!!!! Did you go and open a wormhole into 2014 without authorization?

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Perhaps a notification that Comrade Square was horrified by the unauthorized display of female toes in public from this areoflot plane.

She has the corrective tennis shoes in hand and is waiting for the time to wear her punishment.

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Where are the guards? If SHE is on the plane, she MUST be koming at the request of Our Great Leader!
"When you wish upon a star........."

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Anyone in politics who knows how to put on their own shoes is bound to be trouble ! And anyone who does something like that in public view even more so. The masses seem to buying into this abhorrent concept of honesty in leadership . I ask you, how can you have a government that functions as well as the current administration with an attitude like that ?
Moreover, many of these ludicrous nut-jobs state this "Sarah Palin" person as being " one of us ". SHE IS NOT ONE OF US !!!!!! Damn it !!! She is not ! I hate her....................

She is, in fact.............. one of them. ( gasp )

This irrational reasoning on the public's part can lead, if not corrected, to unabridged representative government ! God Forbid ! ( bad...God doesn't exist ....the President's advisors said so........there is only Obama. ) The Party cannot allow the masses taking matters into their own hands instead of following our progressive policies and enlightened counsel. Therefore, we must take whatever repressive measures are necessary to stop them! Remember, comrades, The Current Truth is not for us only, it is also " for the children".

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This more accurately reflects what would happen if Caribou Barbie was elected by "stupid" middle America:


See her in inaction:

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Agreed...... Obama is definitely superior ! While Sarah has only one diploma on the wall, Dear Leader has at least five diplomas from universities that we wish we knew the names of, and what he studied there........happily, they're all legally sealed for " safekeeping" along with his long-form birth certificate, social security and passport information. Also missing from this picture are the large wall mirrors ( Bill's were mounted on the ceiling ) and the forest of teleprompters surrounding the desk. And I don't see a single "czar" or card-carrying communist anywhere.
Thank goodness our Dear Leader's at the helm, firmly in control of the MSM !

Oh yes, Obama's presidential trashcan is wayyyyy bigger than Sarah's.[img]/red/images/clipart/Prog_Off.gif[/img]Wow, two years out and the democrats are worried about a former vice-presidential candidate who lost in the last election ! You can always tell what an opponent is worried about by how much he bitches about it.

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Lets hope Moochelle doesn't see Sarah exiting Dear Leaders airplane getting dressed... I heard she kicks like a mule!!!

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C. Buffoon.........Must be the lobster.

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I'm not worried, she puts her pants on the same way we do. Okay, so that doesn't work. Maybe I am worried.

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Now, do I need to question anyone else's loyalty - Komrades?

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I denounce Gulag 4 Alfred for not inviting me to such a fun filled plaid couch party!

Islamic Rage Boy Plaid Couch Party.jpg