
People's anti-Trump hyperventilation chamber

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Welcome to the People's Cube clearing house for all the latest, scandalous, fascist, and Russian outrages of the Trump administration.

What is the latest, breathless, gotta-tell-it-now scandal that defies credulity?

Well, it's all right here on the...

People's anti-Trump
Hyperventilation Chamber!

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DID YOU KNOW that Neil Gorsuch may have taken his Bar Exam with one shoe untied? Can you believe he's actually being considered for the Supreme Court?

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DID YOU KNOW that Jim Sessions may have worn a WHITE pocket square folded with a POINTY TOP? Yeah, that's not racist (sarcasm)! And they say Trump's not a fascist.
white pocket square.jpg

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Captain Craptek wrote:
Trump's momma wears GI boots!
I'll bet they're RUSSIAN army boots!

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DID YOU KNOW that Rex Tillerson used an email account with an alias?

And I quote...

Tillerson's middle name is Wayne, but the company did not explain the origin of the name of “Wayne Tracker.”

“I'm not sure how the name was chosen,” Jeffers, the company spokesman, told ABC News in an email.

Why, that's chilling. And Orwellian.

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Clearly Trump is a traitorous swine of the highest order! IMPEACH is our only recourse for a return to our beloved progressive disaster that Obi Wan Nairobi was navigating for us.


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Captain Craptek wrote:
Trump's momma wears GI boots!
In the Motherland, it's not an insult to say "your momma wears army boots" because she probably does.

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Trump wears Adidas Track Pants! Clearly he's Russian.

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The three stripes represent Marx, Lenin, and Stalin. This week, that's a bad thing.

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Did you know that president Trump called the People's hyperventilation chamber just an echo chamber of fake news? This kind of knee jerk fascist attitude is absolutely frightening coming from a sitting president. I'm scared. Does no one remember history?

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Trump! His ancestors stem like from the Alps. And yet he speaks no Austrian! What a rube...

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Putin_on_the_Ritz wrote:Trump wears Adidas Track Pants! Clearly he's Russian ...
You just wait ... and see him don the Nike Hijab! (because he's Mooslim too ...)

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
Putin_on_the_Ritz wrote:Trump wears Adidas Track Pants! Clearly he's Russian ...
You just wait ... and see him don the Nike Hijab! (because he's Mooslim too ...)

We, in the Peoples Republic of Minnesota call that a "balaclava". Hijab is directed at one gender......wait, now I'm confused....

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Putin_on_the_Ritz wrote:
Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
Putin_on_the_Ritz wrote:Trump wears Adidas Track Pants! Clearly he's Russian ...
You just wait ... and see him don the Nike Hijab! (because he's Mooslim too ...)
... Hijab is directed at one gender......wait, now I'm confused....
. . . . . confused ? you seen those tiny Trumpler hands ? no hands, no cojones !

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Donald Trump 'Bite Me!™' nesting dolls... clearly he's Russian!


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I just got this KOMPROMAT over the email from comrade Glen -


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More people are coming out against Trump. Here's a Socialist Alternative rally:



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Red Square wrote:More people are coming out against Trump. Here's a Socialist Alternative rally:




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Margaret wrote:Did you know that president Trump called the People's hyperventilation chamber just an echo chamber of fake news? This kind of knee jerk fascist attitude is absolutely frightening coming from a sitting president. I'm scared. Does no one remember history?
That is exactly what Hitler did when he ran for Chancellor as a Republican. The parallel is chilling.

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Putin_on_the_Ritz wrote:
Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
Putin_on_the_Ritz wrote:Trump wears Adidas Track Pants! Clearly he's Russian ...
You just wait ... and see him don the Nike Hijab! (because he's Mooslim too ...)

We, in the Peoples Republic of Minnesota call that a "balaclava". Hijab is directed at one gender......wait, now I'm confused....
Are you suggesting that a person may be only one gender at a time? Or are you pointing out the transphobia of Trump? Now I am confused as well. But that is a Good Thing, is it not?

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RedDiaperette wrote:
Putin_on_the_Ritz wrote:
Genosse Dummkopf wrote: You just wait ... and see him don the Nike Hijab! (because he's Mooslim too ...)

We, in the Peoples Republic of Minnesota call that a "balaclava". Hijab is directed at one gender......wait, now I'm confused....
Are you suggesting that a person may be only one gender at a time? Or are you pointing out the transphobia of Trump? Now I am confused as well. [highlight=#ffff00]But that is a Good Thing[/highlight], is it not?

To paraphrase Mr. Fremont in The Twilight Zone classic It's a Good Life;

"... it's good that you're confused, RedDiaperette, - it's real good. And tomorrow - tomorrow's going to be a real good day!"

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Thank you Komissar al-Blogunov for your thoughtfulness of providing us with an, oh so needed, People's Anti-Trump Hyperventilation Chamber. It's nice to have a place to vent our anti-Trump sentiments.

Since anger and hyperventilation is not good for my complexion, as all those frothing facial expressions cause wrinkles, I am going to enlist a surrogate to hyperventilate for me. I will, in the meantime, be working on my daily Tokyo Rose Beauty Regime which is like Mary Kay for commies.

So here is my surrogate saying EXACTLY what I couldn't say better (if I wanted to mess up my facial).......................

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Comrade Craptek,

My confusion stems from the lack of 'Gender Confused Muslims' in this balaclava/Hijab confusion. It is my understanding, that if you are Muslim, and are confused, your confusion gets tied to a chair, and launched from a 5 story building. Similar to the Flugtag, but without the water. .....confused?


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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:Thank you Komissar al-Blogunov for your thoughtfulness of providing us with an, oh so needed, People's Anti-Trump Hyperventilation Chamber. It's nice to have a place to vent our anti-Trump sentiments.

Since anger and hyperventilation is not good for my complexion, as all those frothing facial expressions cause wrinkles, I am going to enlist a surrogate to hyperventilate for me. I will, in the meantime, be working on my daily Tokyo Rose Beauty Regime which is like Mary Kay for commies.

So here is my surrogate saying EXACTLY what I couldn't say better (if I wanted to mess up my facial).......................

The subject has responded well to her conditioning. Her teachers are to be congratulated.
Also, the People's anti-Trump Hyperventilation Chamber is, like all we do, motivated by compassion.
You see, the more we rage, the more we show how much we care. The more we show how much we care, the more we receive healing from one another's vibes of outrage and caring. So the more we rage, the more healed we are, just like the subject of this video.

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Putin_on_the_Ritz wrote:Comrade Craptek,

My confusion stems from the lack of 'Gender Confused Muslims' in this balaclava/Hijab confusion. It is my understanding, that if you are Muslim, and are confused, your confusion gets tied to a chair, and launched from a 5 story building. Similar to the Flugtag, but without the water. .....confused?


Thanks for that confusing clarification. I suspect the scarcity of confused Mooslims is the result of (as you suggest) the self-regulating nature of their quaint social custom, i.e., murder by induced gravitational attraction.

Then, of course, we have the popular Antifa and Zoro fans headgear craze adding to the confusion. This item is bound to be a big seller with our youthful male, female, and "to be determined" summer adventurers. I can hardly wait for spring.


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Did you know president Trump just tweeted: "So let me get this straight, Rachel Maddow is supposed to be the smart one at msnbc. Lol! Sad."

He's so stupid he doesn't know MSNBC is supposed to be capitalized. How can somebody like that be president?

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Margaret wrote:Did you know president Trump just tweeted: "So let me get this straight, Rachel Maddow is supposed to be the smart one at msnbc. Lol! Sad."

He's so stupid he doesn't know MSNBC is supposed to be capitalized. How can somebody like that be president?
First he ridicules the press, then he'll shut them down with an executive order. My Darwin, this is Orwellian.

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Captain Craptek wrote:Then, of course, we have the popular Antifa and Zoro fans headgear craze adding to the confusion. This item is bound to be a big seller with our youthful male, female, and "to be determined" summer adventurers. I can hardly wait for spring.
If you liked that, may I interest you in this novelty item, to be mass-produced in the next Five Year Plan?


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There may be help in the form of a little blue pill...........................

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THAT video is proof that Trump wants to take away our health insurance. Every. Day. I look into the faces of ordinary citizens who can't afford their own Impeachara all the while knowing that Trump gets it by the truckload from the Koch brothers.

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Putin_on_the_Ritz wrote:Trump wears Adidas Track Pants! ... [final conclusion]
Now, that's how brilliant our pre-Trump Comrade Messiah is!

Trick Dumb Trump into wearing Track™ Pants, and then - comfy seated at the Resolute Desk - eavesdrop™ on any rumor coming from out there.

And just wait 'til Trump starts absurdly whining about "wiretapped", hahaha.
While everybody knows, there is no "Wiretap™ Pants" - neither Adidas nor Nike, hahahahaha!

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sou, here yu it haf - zhe full fascism of zhe Trump! :

(a good background-insight in legalinsurrection)

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DID YOU KNOW Rachel Maddow DESTROYED Trump by proving he paid his taxes?

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It is a disgrace you American fascists no longer want to pay for the defences of my European motherland.

Don't you know we have better things to do with our money? Like providing taxi services to invadersrefugees, paying for entire armies of indoctrinated civil servants and filling the bottomless European Union Money Pit?

I spit on you all!

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Minitrue wrote:It is a disgrace you American fascists no longer want to pay for the defences of my European motherland.

Don't you know we have better things to do with our money? Like providing taxi services to invadersrefugees, paying for entire armies of indoctrinated civil servants and filling the bottomless European Union Money Pit?

I spit on you all!
And it's worse than that, far worse.

DID YOU KNOW that Trump thinks students who take out loans should have to pay them back!? That means that nobody will ever get a degree again, except those who work, are scholarship material, or who manage their money wisely. NOBODY!

Just like no woman is illegal, no student is a debtor.

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yeah, "no woman is illegal"...
and yet, no handshake for Frau Merkel! pure American fascism! <spit!><spit!>

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:yeah, "no woman is illegal"...
and yet, no handshake for Frau Merkel! pure American fascism! <spit!><spit!>
Did you know where that hand had been Comrade?

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Guardian of Pravda wrote:... Did you know where that hand had been Comrade?
au contraire!
Our Frau Führer should have grabbed HIM - only there is no cojones there, and but a µ-pee-pee!

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je ne suis pas d'accord. The Frau (?) / Herr has large Cojones left over from the Operation. Herr Trump was wise, but still an elitist, for not allowing Her / Him to touch. The D must understand progress(?) progressivism (?) something. (Her / His Record for beet collection is amazing.)

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Hyperventilation Update: DID YOU KNOW that the second and third letters in "Trump" are 'r' and 'u'? Those are the first two letters in Russia! Wake up, America!

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Komissar al-Blogunov wrote:
Hyperventilation Update: DID YOU KNOW that the second and third letters in "Trump" are 'r' and 'u'? Those are the first two letters in Russia! Wake up, America!

Why should you have a right to speak? You have an R and a U in your name too, Blogunov. If MSCNN is to be trusted we can't trust you either.

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Comrade Stierlitz wrote:
Komissar al-Blogunov wrote:
Hyperventilation Update: DID YOU KNOW that the second and third letters in "Trump" are 'r' and 'u'? Those are the first two letters in Russia! Wake up, America!

Why should you have a right to speak? You have an R and a U in your name too, Blogunov. If MSCNN is to be trusted we can't trust you either.
And do you realize that "trust" has an R and a U in it as well -- IN EXACTLY THE SAME ORDER AS THEY APPEAR IN "RUSSIA"!!!! (Gasp.)

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Comrade Stierlitz wrote:
Komissar al-Blogunov wrote:
Hyperventilation Update: DID YOU KNOW that the second and third letters in "Trump" are 'r' and 'u'? Those are the first two letters in Russia! Wake up, America!

Why should you have a right to speak? You have an R and a U in your name too, Blogunov. If MSCNN is to be trusted we can't trust you either.
Ah, but they're not found in the same name. That is why I can be trusted, and Trumpler cannot.

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RedDiaperette wrote:
Comrade Stierlitz wrote:
Komissar al-Blogunov wrote:
Hyperventilation Update: DID YOU KNOW that the second and third letters in "Trump" are 'r' and 'u'? Those are the first two letters in Russia! Wake up, America!

Why should you have a right to speak? You have an R and a U in your name too, Blogunov. If MSCNN is to be trusted we can't trust you either.
And do you realize that "trust" has an R and a U in it as well -- IN EXACTLY THE SAME ORDER AS THEY APPEAR IN "RUSSIA"!!!! (Gasp.)
The S! Don't overlook the S! See, tRUSt and RUSsia. The parallel is chilling.

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Komissar al-Blogunov wrote: The S! Don't overlook the S! See, tRUSt and RUSsia. The parallel is chilling.

Hold on a minute...


OHMYGOD!!! Every junkyard in America is in cooperation with Russia!

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RUSh Limbaugh, the RUSt Belt, and this is only the beginning. We may know too much already.

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Now imagine:
even The Beatles!...
goo goo g' joob! I am the eggman They are the eggmen I am the wal(!!!).

(and did TRUMP possibly sponsor them? Tavarishch Comey - investigate!)

P.S. Dzen vrom ze Cherman view of point:
just zink our Товарищ Штирлиц was born - Marx Genosse Ulbricht forbid! - Stierlith!

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:Now imagine:
even The Beatles!... goo goo g' joob! I am the eggman They are the eggmen I am the wal(!!!).

(and did TRUMP possibly sponsor them? Tavarishch Comey - investigate!)

P.S. Zhen vrom zhe Cherman view of point:
just zhink our Товарищ Штирлиц was born - Marx Genosse Ulbricht forbid! - Stierlith!
Don't forget Back in the CCCP! That song is loaded with Republican dog whistles. For example, Ukraine is an oblique reference to the People's Cube, America's most trusted and most equal news source. Also mentioned are Moscow, as in Moscow, Texas, and Georgia which is "always on my (Trump's) mind". Both Texas and Georgia voted for Trump in 2016. And only the Koch brothers know what was in that paper bag. Why, it's Orwellian.

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jejjjsuss-marijjja, uh, I mean, by Marx! - Back in the CCCP, pure horror!

And remember (aside from all the pussy-speak there) the "balalaika"?
balalaika - that's strings, right? and strings are basically wires, korrekt?

And where there is "wires" - Comrades, you understand, ja? wires, tiptoeing, "tap"-dance?
Tavarishch Comey - again!

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GASP! Balalaikas have triangular bodies with three points. Trump, Putin, and Tillerson! They also have frets showing us that we should be fretting, as the media frets, just like here in the People's anti-Trump Hyperventilation Chamber.

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Komissar al-Blogunov wrote:
GASP! Balalaikas have triangular bodies with three points. Trump, Putin, and Tillerson! They also have frets showing us that we should be fretting, as the media frets, just like here in the People's anti-Trump Hyperventilation Chamber.

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There is apparently an underlying scheme to all this. Surveillance at the lowest level as well as Russian involvement in all aspects of the Media. At this point it is apparent the Russians, by deft management, have taken over the lamestream Mainstream Media and all propaganda News is now controlled by the Kremlin. Progress is more than apparent. We must rally to the cause and contribute more lies truth to the effort. Veracity is not needed, simply input any stray thought you might have. D Trump likes kolaches and this makes it obvious he is one of the chosen and a Russian spy / provocateur. Beets anyone?

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[color=#C0392B]Guardian of Pravda[/color] had a wonderful idea when he wrote:There is apparently an underlying scheme to all this. Surveillance at the lowest level as well as Russian involvement in all aspects of the Media. At this point it is apparent the Russians, by deft management, have taken over the lamestream Mainstream Media and all propaganda News is now controlled by the Kremlin. Progress is more than apparent. [highlight=#ffff00]We must rally to the cause and contribute more lies truth to the effort. Veracity is not needed, simply input any stray thought you might have.[/highlight] D Trump likes kolaches and this makes it obvious he is one of the chosen and a Russian spy / provocateur. Beets anyone?
Trump is a terrible driver...

Image Image

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Did you know that Trump conducted diplomacy with the leader of Germany? A Russian leader also conducted diplomacy with the leader of Germany in 1939.

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Hans Olo wrote:Did you know that Trump conducted diplomacy with the leader of Germany? A Russian leader also conducted diplomacy with the leader of Germany in 1939.
Stalin was known for his mustache just like Trump is known for his hair. Stalin's foreign minister, Molotov, has a 't' in his name just like 'T'rump. The parallel is...chilling.

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Hans Olo wrote:Did you know that Trump conducted diplomacy with the leader of Germany? A Russian leader also conducted diplomacy with the leader of Germany in 1939.

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Hans Olo wrote:Did you know that Trump conducted diplomacy with the leader of Germany? ...
Jawohl. And he - Trump - refused a handshake with Frau Merkel, didn't he?
Now think: there is also no single picture of Der Führer shakin' hands with Eva Braun!

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:
Hans Olo wrote:Did you know that Trump conducted diplomacy with the leader of Germany? ...
Jawohl. And he - Trump - refused a handshake with Frau Merkel, didn't he?
Now think: there is also no single picture of Der Führer shakin' hands with Eva Braun!
He likely shook something else and no one wanted that Picture. <Droll Off>

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TRUMP further on apes (clumsily!) our Real Great Leader, Hussein Barackovich.
Today's "big news" : Job growth once again at an unprecedented rate.
See? ..UNPRECEDENTED.. That's what our Messiah always does! TRUMP just tackily plagiarizes...

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Some more chilling parallels:

-Trumps grandfather spoke German. Hitler's grandfather also spoke German. Coincidence?
-When Hitler came to power, intellectuals and free speech advocates were harrassed. The same is happening now (ok, by leftists, but it's Trump's fault nonetheless).
-"Trump" has five letters. So does "Adolf". Coincidence?

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Minitrue wrote:Some more chilling parallels:
-"Trump" has five letters. So does "Adolf". [highlight=#ffff00]Coincidence?[/highlight]
Nope. For sure. See the pattern: D-O-N-A-L-D (6, right?) and now H-I-T-L-E-R (your move...) .

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The criminal corporation behind the Trump family sent a lot of money to a racist terrorist organisation. This has been proven beyond doubt, and even acknowledged by Trump himself. The intermediate was a shady organisation called the "IRS". The terrorist organisation is called the "U-S-A". Chilling.

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And furthermore, it has just been announced that Trump has donated his first quarter's pay to the National Park Service. Aha! Park Service, PARK Service! Corruption at its worst, bankrolling Park Geun-hye, the recently arrested former president of counterrevolutionary South Korea!

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Horror. Sends "his pay" to gangsters! And "his pay", it's just your-my-taxpayers' monies, korrekt?

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:Horror. Sends "his pay" to gangsters! And "his pay", it's just your-my-taxpayers' monies, korrekt?
What is money comrade?

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RedDiaperette wrote:And furthermore, it has just been announced that Trump has donated his first quarter's pay to the National Park Service. Aha! Park Service, PARK Service! Corruption at its worst, bankrolling Park Geun-hye, the recently arrested former president of counterrevolutionary South Korea!
It's worse than that - he's giving away "his" money! Soon, other Americans may start seeing their money as belonging to them, just like Hitler did, and start donating to charities of their choice instead of approved charities like Planned Abortionhood which is always there for the Children.
I miss the good old days when a president had a vengeful sense of entitlement, when a first lady flaunted her wealth, and when we were told what we may and may not buy.
What a terrifying and chilling example Trump is setting.

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Guardian of Pravda wrote:
Genosse Dummkopf wrote:... it's just your-my-taxpayers' monies, korrekt?
What is money comrade?
In pre-postmodern times, 'twas this :

Of coz TRUMP, zhat fuhrer of zhe imperializm of zhe white ubermensch, he vill kaputten all zhat.

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DID YOU KNOW that relations with Russia are at an [highlight=#ffff00]ALL TIME LOW[/highlight]!? [highlight=#ffff00]Before Trump[/highlight], we had secretaries of state [highlight=#ffff00]who believed whatever the Russians told them[/highlight]. We even made an overcharge a [highlight=#ffff00]reset button[/highlight] worthy of the dignity of our previous president. [highlight=#ffff00]Russia trusted us[/highlight] to believe them when they certified all the chemical weapons in Syria were gone and that Assad would have to go.
But now we have Tillerson, and [highlight=#ffff00]relationships haven't been this bad[/highlight] since Ribbentrop and Molotov, another [highlight=#ffff00]chilling parallel[/highlight][highlight=#ffffff] with [/highlight][highlight=#ffff00]Hitler[/highlight][highlight=#ffffff], the last Republican Reich Führer.[/highlight]

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Komissar al-Blogunov wrote:... relations with Russia are at an [highlight=#ffff00]ALL TIME LOW[/highlight]!? [etc.]
yeah! That's what the World Community gets with a not-Nobel-Peace-Prize-crowned "President"!

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TRUMP tomahawking Shayrat - a proof that TRUMP isn't Putin's agent?
hahaha, as if!

What REALLY happened is :

1. TRUMP (secretly!) sends gas (Vietnam remnants!) to Putin.
2. Putin shleps it (repackaged!) to Assad.
3. Assad puts it (canister!) on a drone, inscriptions: ISIS and داعش (Daesh!).
4. Putin bombs (everything!), Assad's drone goes poofff!
5. TRUMP makes Tillerson make Mad Dog nuke the hell out of Syria, uh, I mean Shayrat hangars.
6. Putin (hotline!) to TRUMP: nu, see nyext NY Pravda khyeadline: hyh, TRUMP Putin's concubine NOT?
7. World Anti-TRUMP coalition discombobulated!
8. TRUMP yuks it up in Oval Office (+ Melania, Ivanka, Jared, and Bibi on phone (world Jewry!)).

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Trump named his daughter obvious nod to his being Russia's bitch. it's like he doesn't even care who knows.

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Major Ursa Vitnopants wrote:Trump named his daughter obvious nod to his being Russia's bitch ...
Trump now: No, no, no, it's after her mom, Ivana.
That's Trump, that gump: doesn't even see how he slipped into Ivan's Eastern Bloc honey trap.

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I CAN'T BELIEVE [highlight=#ffff00]Trump dropped the MOAB[/highlight] on a group of [highlight=#ffff00]peaceful Islamic scholars[/highlight]! Besides [highlight=#ffff00]offending[/highlight] all the [highlight=#ffff00]Muslims [/highlight]who live on Arab Street, it's a [highlight=#ffff00]slap in the face[/highlight] to millions of marching [highlight=#ffff00]mothers[/highlight].

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Major Ursa Vitnopants wrote:Doesn't even hide it.

Dallas and Berlin both have six letters each. DTrump also has six letters. See? 666! Let's see how Trump and FOX (fake) News spin this one!

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Komissar al-Blogunov wrote:
Major Ursa Vitnopants wrote:Doesn't even hide it ... < Berlin/Dallas proof >
Dallas and Berlin both have six letters each. DTrump also has six letters. See? [highlight=#ffff00]666![/highlight] ...
zhis is sou terifyink...

Berlin: Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg? ___( the 10 sec. )
Dallas: Would you luv totaled TRUMP?
........123456789_123456789_1234567 = 27 = 3*9 = [highlight=#ffff00]999![/highlight]