
Police Investigate Connecticut Student's Thought Crime

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A professor called campus police after a student gave a presentation on concealed carry of firearms on college campuses.

What a truly noble, progressive deed of preventing horrible thoughtcrime!


Stupid morons. Somebody felt "uncomfortable" and this got the police involved? What has this country come to? That said, the student should have never responded to a simple request to show up at the police station. I would have held out for a warrant, and consulted with a lawyer right away after getting the request to visit the KGB Campus Police station.

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My socialist heart SWELLS when I see our educators concentrating on indoctrination and STRICTLY adhering to party ideals. This surely demonstrates the NEED to ban ALL gats. It's for the Children.

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HR 45 will do a great deal to make sure that law-abiding citizens never accidentally hurt themselves by owing a gun. They may be deliberately hurt by criminals but since criminals are the dispossessed of society, it is our responsibility to make sure that they have easy access to rob their law-abiding oppressors.

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Vodkavich, you have opened my eyes. We have African Americans, Italian Americans, Native Americans, Mexican Americans. Why not Criminal Americans?

The Democrat Party has pandered to every group that it can, and now I understand that gun control is pandering to Criminal Americans.

And why not? The Democrat Party has quite cynically figured that the American populace would be so flattered at the pandering that they would not realize that the pandering done down the block, or in the next sentence, was contradictory to the pandering just done to them. This is just the same thing as believing that the whore loves you and only you.

Why not pander to Criminal Americans? After all, the difference between a footpad and the government is that your tax dollars do not bear the cost of the prosecution, and defense, of the footpad.

And the Criminal Americans are <i>always</i> progressives.

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Bravo to one of the most progressive states in the US or KKKA! Guns don't belong in the hands of the local prols. After all, guns do kill people, I don't kill people.

There will be a bigger VT massacre one day, and the way colleges are heading, well, hopefully I will be out of them, and my kids will either be too young to go, or out of them.

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Comrades, The Amerikkkan people can not be allow to own firearms, They threaten the very core of our values. We need proles Weak and helpless, otherwise they will stand up and take care of themselves.

Sir Knight Teddy Kennedy killed someone in a good progressive way. Got hammered and drove off a bridge. Granted Teddy is as smart as a box of rocks. but had he just shot his victim, people many have had bad feelings about him.

Commissar Red Star CEO Hemlock Hospitality ä INC
Director of Kicking Doors at Midnight
Keeper of the sacred Plasma Cutter
Herdsman of Rainbow Farting Unicorns
Keeper of the Faith

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Red Star wrote:Comrades, The Amerikkkan people can not be allow to own firearms, They threaten the very core of our values. We need proles Weak and helpless, otherwise they will stand up and take care of themselves.

Then we would have to send them off to gulags to be reeducated. The American people cannot be trusted with firearms to defend themselves because they might succeed. They must learn that the Party is the only defense they'll ever need. We will stand up and Purge their class enemies who are exploiting them.

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Joe, that's what we'll tell them. And we'll tell them that we're <i>professional</i> Red Star does a very good line in intimidation with his, er, troops. I'm thinking though that we ought to have a subdepartment of Justice which blitzes the nation with public-service messages like:

"Don't defend yourself. You might get hurt. Let us help you."

"Being mugged? Don't fight back. That mugger is a victim of your unconcern."

"Been burgled? You were selfish to have private goods."

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Obviously that mugger needed that purse more than you, so take joy in the knowledge that you helped him.

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Yes, and in case he has family at home, or homes, if he's rotating, don't call in your credit cards for a week. Because if the law hasn't changed, you're responsible for only $50, and nothing if you call in in 24 hours.

Surely you can afford $50 for a mugger, can't you?

And don't fight back. He may not have finished his DeVry School of Mugging course and we don't want to lower his self-esteem.

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Commissar Obamissar V wrote:Obviously that mugger needed that purse more than you, so take joy in the knowledge that you helped him.

This is known as StreetShare, or QuickShare
Hahaha. . . I don't know why I'm laughing, but I am.

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Walking is good exercise, so that carjacker not only cares about your health he's also helping you lower your carbon footprint.

Social Security is wealth redistribution so be thankful that the man who took your check is helping you redistribute your wealth.

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I had not thought of that. He is also helping you redistribute your charity. After all, SOBama has decreed that only 28% of contributions for people making over $250K will be deductible. And that money will be given to socialized medicine. He, sorry, HE, sorry <b>HE</b> is socializing our charity.

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Listen to all these good thoughts realizations. First off, our trips to the gulag must be working for all the prols, and second, see, criminals are people too! They make good corrections to certain social injustices.

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StreetShare... nice Elliott!

I think I've said it before on The Cube, but when Madoff takes in billions of dollars in the quest to pay older investors returns with the money of his expanded base of new investors, it's called a "Ponzi scheme." When the government does it, it's called socialist security! Anyone who doesn't support this distinction needs to get to the KMTC immediately...

And SOBama's charity plan, Theo? Brilliant! Think what would happen if rich people donated to non-profits and to charities on their own under the principle that they can support something they believe in rather than feeding the machine!!!! HORROR! They might make a bad choice. They might contribute to an agency that doesn't ensure no more than 20% of its employees are WAGs or WEMs. They might contribute to something that's not green or doesn't save the environment. Nope, this is a good move. Thank goodness the government can make sure our priorities are straight. It's for The Common Good™, Comrades. And as always, it's For The Children™

Finally, Comrade Commissar Theocritus, thank you kindly for the option-2 trick for Leopard. Having to go to Rich Text/Poor Text isn't always convenient.

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Yes, Elliott, I quite agree with Vodkavich. If graffiti is street art, and it was dubbed so in New York to save face for the city, then muggings can be called street theater or perhaps street compassion. Or StreetShare! Support your local mugger! You're used to getting up and going to work, so suck it up and hand over your wallet.

[ off ]
Vodkavich, when you post, if you compose in Word, you might find that various tags come freighted in when you don't want them. If you compose in TextEdit, or cut and paste from Word into TextEdit and then cut and paste into Safari or Firefox, you'll avoid those tags.

Leopard was supposed to have HTML email. Have you noticed that line spacing imported from Word cannot be changed? And other things. Damn it. Well, let's hope things change. 10.6, which is I presume Snow Leopard, is out in beta.

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Theo- you're my hero. So that's what I was doing wrong. I had a hell of a time with that song I was working on and ended up having to type the whole thing over. Silly me- should have known that swine Gates' product wouldn't work properly with my Apple software. I'll TextEdit from now on. I'm on the iMac at the moment for my first attempt at Inkscape and Gimp- bigger screen. Can't wait for Snow Leopard, though. I thought Stacks and Spaces were enough to justify jumping from Tiger to Leopard on the MBP. Funny how Apple came up with Dashbord and Gates redistributed it as Dock. Same for Widgets and Gadgets. When you copy someone else's shit, i.e. repackage Tiger as Vista, you should at least make it better instead of worse and non-functional.

And not like you need it, but it's all I can give you.


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Thank you, Vodkavitch. Although all I do is practice law (and I am <i>not</i> a lawyer), by training I'm a computer scientist and I love that stuff. In 1978, my degree newly minted, I asked for the instruction manuals for the 8086/8088 (first PC) and 6800 (first Mac). I knew from the way the chips were made that it would be very difficult to write a compiler for a recursive language on the 8088, and when Windows came out with its limitations of 32K per segment I was proven right.

Apple knew it had come to the end of the 6502, used in the Apple II. It said, "We'll do it right, from the start." IBM had I think a 14% stock in Intel, which took the old 8080, which was a nothing chip, bolted on some crap registers and said it was a modern chip. It wasn't. The difficulties were built in.

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Glad to see a computer scientist using a Mac. All the comp science students currently in college that I know tease me for using something that "wants to be a real computer when it grows up."

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WAS a computer scientist. My speciality was artificial languages and compiler construction and optimization. Which means that I was up close and familiar with the architecture of machines. I started with vacuum tubes when I was ten, saw the introduction of ICs, and so started with hardware first and then came to software.

Now? I get the EETimes newsletter and have to look up the acronyms.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:I had not thought of that. He is also helping you redistribute your charity. After all, SOBama has decreed that only 28% of contributions for people making over $250K will be deductible. And that money will be given to socialized medicine. He, sorry, HE, sorry <b>HE</b> is socializing our charity.
It was either Rush or Beck, and I believe it's Rush, but anyway, I read somewhere people fear the SOBama's (nice!) tax hikes, sorry, skyrockets because they basically can not afford to give spare money away at this time. In a sense, he is not only socializing our charity, like you described, but he will hurt those who depend, or at least use, those charities, but the charities themselves will hurt. It is as Rush said, "He's (Obama) going to destroy the economy so he can rebuild it his way."

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In six weeks he's hurt the nation more than any other person.

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It's a tough job but somebody has to do it. BTW, the tax tables were not rewritten with respect to the $13/week tax credit so it's taxable. Not only is there no free lunch, you pay not to eat it. I just love these Summits, they make nice window dressing for decisions his administration has already made.

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Isn't that funny? These people who voted him in wanted things to be better, and he has instead made things a lot worse. Instead of talking of taking the falling economy like a crisis and trying to fix it, he's talking like it's a tracking poll of the country's preformance.

Now remember, it's Congress who decides a LOT of the country's. . . uh. . .stuff, I can't think of the word, but SOBama is the one who decides if the bills Congress gives to him should be signed into law. So, my point is, we have a democrat Congress, with the lowest poll numbers in history, and a democrat (socialist) president, and a Supreme Court where there is a liberal majority (throwing out the swing voters). My friend, the people who voted all these people in (except the SC of course) want a better life, but they fail(ed) to see what caused their problems: Congress, Groups like ACORN (ACORNy), and themselves.

I think it was Rush who said something like, "We have truly reached a command economy because the stock market turns on his (SOBama) word". So truly, with only his mouth, he has hurt not just the nation, but the world.

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Commissar_Elliott wrote:Isn't that funny? These people who voted him in wanted things to be better, and he has instead made things a lot worse. Instead of talking of taking the falling economy like a crisis and trying to fix it, he's talking like it's a tracking poll of the country's preformance.

Sadly, most of the sheeple who voted for change (like my neighbor and one of my clients) thinks that we all have to sacrifice something and still think he's doing a good job. I swear some of the are disassociated from reality but it's more likely they get their information from the MSM which has been out of touch with reality for quite some time.

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I like the way Jay Leno (of all people) put it when SOBama got elected, "They are throwing the victory party at his (Obama) headquarters, NBC". So yes, I do think the MSM is waaaay to removed from reality. I'm readying "A Slobering Love Affair" by Bernard Goldberg, and will give a review on it when I'm done. A heads up, it's good read, short, but I like Bernie, so if you like Bernie, or just want to be reaffermed about your belief, nay, prove your facts, read "A Slobbering Love Affair".

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Mom's reading it, so I'll read it when she's done. Unrelated to our economic death spiral, if you get the chance check out Guests of the Ayatollah by Mark Bowden (Blackhawk Down/Killing Pablo), it's a "preview" of Obama's foreign policy. I was a senior in high school when they took the embassy so I found the book to be a real page turner.

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It seems that we do not have to have state-controlled media when they will do it themselves.

You cannot hope to bribe or twist
The modern liber'l journalist.
For when you see what he will do,
Unbribed, there's no occasion to.

Pace Hilaire Belloc.

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Isn't it funny, the Founding Fathers gave us the 1st amendment becaues they wanted the media to be the counter to the goverment, and look what happened.

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As much as I disagreed with a lot of the things the Media said about Bush, I was almost glad to see someone closely examining the administration, being critical, and "keeping an eye" on America. Even though I supported Bush, I was still critical of decisions and I still researched and thought about things, and looked at the whole picture objectively. They did it for ratings and to exercise power over minds rather than because it was right, so that's why I say "almost". If they'd be doing it to Obama, I'd still only "almost" be glad because they'd be doing it for the same reason. Elsworth Toohey is truly running the MSM.

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Yes, Toohey is running things. Peter Keating, George Soros. I have a theory, and it is mine, and no one else had it, that the MSM will do anything for the power of propaganda, and that nothing frightens them more than intelligent and educated and <i>doubting</i> people.

All, really, that you need to know comes from a military man who said that he offered to take the media out into Iraq but they preferred the safety of the Green Zone, which did not keep them from saying whatever they damn well pleased.

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First off, yeah, the media would think it created the government. They certianitly created the Obama administration.

Second, as long as there is power, there is opposition, and, peace is the absense of opposition. While we both know what finishes the second quote, but a generalization makes sense.