
Prosecute Father Miedlar!

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Komrades! I have found this film of a thoughtkriminal named Father Miedlar inspiring thoughtkrime in others! He HATES Islam, he's a xenophobic racist, and he's literally Hitler! He wants to keep poor, sick, hungry, refugees out of Poland! AND HE'S CATHOLIC! Komrades, I thought we shipped all the Catholics away and made oven-baked bodies out of them! I don't know how to react to this, just watch the film, and be sure you have closed captions on if you can't understand the bastard language he's speaking:


If he isn't already, I hope he is promoted to Bishop. Father Miedlar made an absolutely riveting and exciting speech. It's so nice and refreshing to see these kinds of views celebrated in this way, instead of beaten down and denounced as xenophobia or racism. From what I have heard, Poland is one of the few European nations that aren't bowing to Moslem freeloaders, and if this is the spirit that all of Poland shares, then I hope it spreads to all of Europe and especially to the US and Canada. Just because America is a melting pot doesn't mean that we have to accept metals that weaken the alloy.

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Comrade Stierlitz wrote:Komrades! I have found this film of a thoughtkriminal named Father Miedlar inspiring thoughtkrime in others! He HATES Islam, he's a xenophobic racist, and he's [highlight=#ffff00]literally Hitler![/highlight] He wants to keep poor, sick, hungry, refugees out of Poland! AND HE'S CATHOLIC! Komrades, I thought we shipped all the Catholics away and made oven-baked bodies out of them! I don't know how to react to this, just watch the film, and be sure you have closed captions on if you can't understand the bastard language he's speaking:
It was the renegade Catholic, one Robert Spencer, who righty observed:

"The new Hitler is not just one man, but millions - millions who believe in an ideology that teaches warfare against and subjugation of a free people under its heel."

This must be the people of whom he speaks.

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Are you sure this is a Catholic Priest, Comrade Stierlitz? I have observed many Catholic priests over the years and not one had a fraction of the fire and conviction of this guy.

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Is it the battle of Vienna all over again? I thought all resistance has been vanquished in Europe by now. The Poles played a decisive role in defeating the tolerant and inclusive Ottoman Turks in Vienna in 1683. Imagine how much more peaceful and multicultural Europe would have been under Islam if it weren't for the Poles. And now they're at it again.

Turning the Ottoman Tide – John III Sobieski at Vienna 1683


Comrade Stierlitz and Comrade Red Square, most glorious posts!
History repeats itself?

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Indeed, how dare these filthy Poles stand up for their so called 'culture' and 'history'. History is mariuhana for the masses. Only Angela Merkel and the European Appartchiks can decide what culture Europe is to have!

I think it's time to add a new word to the Newspeak dictionary:


I.E. the delusional Crimethink ™ that leads to:
-being proud of one's own culture
-resisting colonisation by foreign cultures, not because the foreigners have a different color of skin (i.e. racism) but because of large cultural differences that lead to friction
-hoping your children will one day live in a society that has the same values an traditions as the one you grew up in

This is of course despicable!Being proud of one's own culture is contradictory to the Directives by the Dear Leaders, who tell us westernes should be ashamed about our way of life! and they know best of course! And a true party member never resists anything.

Minitrue wrote:Indeed, how dare these filthy Poles stand up for their so called 'culture' and 'history'. History is mariuhana for the masses. Only Angela Merkel and the European Appartchiks can decide what culture Europe is to have!

I think it's time to add a new word to the Newspeak dictionary:


I.E. the delusional Crimethink ™ that leads to:
-being proud of one's own culture
-resisting colonisation by foreign cultures, not because the foreigners have a different color of skin (i.e. racism) but because of large cultural differences that lead to friction
-hoping your children will one day live in a society that has the same values an traditions as the one you grew up in

This is of course despicable!Being proud of one's own culture is contradictory to the Directives by the Dear Leaders, who tell us westernes should be ashamed about our way of life! and they know best of course! And a true party member never resists anything.
Comrade Minitrue, I'm willing to pay, scratch that, I have no money, I'm willing to harvest frozen beets in the harshest weather for teaching me how to form words like that. I know it comes easy for Red Square as he was born in ... I don't even know where, but East of Poland and West of Japan.Any seminars close to me that I can attend?PS, I'm very good with scrubbing floors and cooking. And bowing.

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Comrade droid, thank you for the kind words! I suggest you fill in the necessary paperwork and visit the EU on a beet-shoveling exchange! Greetings!

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I'd like to buy redistribute a vowel please...

Polish is rough, but the worst I've heard is in the "former Yugoslavia" where the dialects of Bosniacs, Croatians, and Serbians might stumble across a vowel now and again, but it's an accident...if they didn't have compulsory Russian, nobody would be talking to anybody, and they'd just be shooting at each other--wait, that's what was happening...nevermind.


Clearly this thoughtcriminal is an instigator of civil unrest. I say we vote him off the island.


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I didn't make it, but I thought it was great. Kind of says it all, really.

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