
Psaki: Most Popular President* Unpopular b/c of Unvaxed

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Comrades, the most animated scarecrow in the history of scarecrows - certainly since The Wizard of Oz - has explained to we mere peasants why it is we don't like President* Biden, the most Popular™ President in the History of Presidents - certainly since President Donald J Trump.

Yes, Comrades. You heard that right. The 20% of unvaccinated peasants are making The People™ dislike our President*.

It has nothing to do with him not knowing where he is or what he's saying. It has nothing to do with him demanding that we follow his dictates. The People™ love him for that. His senility is endearing and his dictates are, of course, necessary.

It has nothing to do with the border crisis, where 100% of the peasants are unvaccinated.

It has nothing to do with the tanking economy, the poor numbers in the employment reports and the hugely successful rise in the inflation rate. Remember, comrades, the mark of a hugely successful socialist state is the elimination of the value of the currency. This works for socialism every time it's tried. When money has no value, capitalism is dead and The State can then own everything.

It has nothing to do with foreign policy failures such as that place in Asia - the name of which escapes me because I don't read about it in news articles anymore - where he forgot his keys and $85 billion worth of military equipment.

It has nothing to do with the fact that thousands of Trump supporters and potential Trump supporters were left behind and surrounded by enemies of the Republic in that forgotten Asian place. That was his most successful and Popular™ policy decision. Besides, the New Republic has no enemies except for parents of school children and unvaccinated peasants.

It has nothing to do with the fact that the DOJ and FBI are planning on investigating the Domestic Terrorism™ occurring at school board meetings across the nation.

Those are all things The People™ love about President* Biden.

No, comrades. Being unvaccinated is causing President* Biden to be unpopular. Do your part, Comrades. Help restore Equity™ to our Presidential History. Get the jab. Once. Twice. Three times. Every month. It won't stop you from getting the Wuhan plague or from spreading it but it will make the Most Popular President™ in the history of Presidents more Popular™ than he ever has been.