
Ray Nagin calls a spade "a spade"...give him his shovel!

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Kudos to Brother Nagin on calling that "giant hole" in N.Y.C. what it really is...a hole! Call it like you see it, and let us all know how smart you are!

As a taxpayer, however, I would rather hand over my vodka ration to N.Y.C. than dump it down the cesspool that is N.O.

The N.O. Proletariat deserves all they get for having the foresight to re-elect the "Chocolate Master" himself. Good luck!!

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Its ok Comrade Pravda, our Hollywood stooge Brad Pitt is in N.O overseeing the rebuilding of an eco-friendly chocolate utopia.

To the giving away of our glorious tax dollars! Cheers!

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They should make a movie about how the Bush regime set Hurricane Katrina upon New Orleans and only told the people to evacuate less than 10 times.

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Premier Betty wrote:They should make a movie about how the Bush regime set Hurricane Katrina upon New Orleans and only told the people to evacuate less than 10 times.

It's coming...directed by Mikhail Moore, produced by Robertniev Reinersky, sponsored by the ACLU, endorsed by The Rainbow Coalition and All the Usual Suspects.