
Re: Melissa Harris-Perry's Kid Kollektivization Program

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The Department of Gender Equality has concluded that the common prole is not ready to abandon responsibility of their kids to the kollektive. We reached this conclusion after we launched a "trial balloon" in early April 2013, and it was quickly shot down by top konservative pundits. This "trial balloon" took the form of Comrade Harris-Perry making a statement on MSNBC:

Frankly, we were a bit surprised that so many konservative pundits shot it down. But it was instructive to us, because we realized that they have NO CLUE how far advanced we already are in the Kid Kollektivization Program! You see, many of these same pundits support Gay Marriage, and Gay Marriage is the means whereby we will bring this exciting new program into being. (It is no coincidence that Comrade Harris Perry also supports Gay Marriage).

Gay Marriage:

1. Removes the recognition of "natural bonds" between mothers and fathers and their children.

2. When the concept of "natural bonds" is out of the way, it means that we will be assigning all bonds. After all, natural rights cannot exist in a fully functioning kollektive, and this would of course include the natural right of a mother to her child, a father to his child, and the child to his mother and father. Canada is a perfect example of how this works. When they legalized Gay Marriage in 2005, any mention of natural parenthood within their legal code was replaced with the words "legal parent." In British Columbia in particular, our colleagues there have successfully usurped natural rights of parents by saying this in their legal code:

"A child's parent is the person determined under this Part to be the child's parent."

Isn't it brilliant? So even though later in the same legal code our esteemed colleagues say this:

"On the birth of a child not born as a result of assisted reproduction, the child's parents are the birth mother and the child's biological father,"

...these rights are flowing from the State! They are not recognized as preexisting natural rights. The State is standing between parents and their own children, assigning one to the other. Their relationships to one another depend on our good graces.

3. Gay Marriage opens the door to three or more legal parents. This results in a "mini-kollektivization" of the child. It is not the massive kollektivization that we are seeking, but it is a good start. After all, once the natural ideal of "two parents" is destroyed, why stop at three? Why stop at four? Why not 5 or ten or an entire neighborhood?

You can see that once we have closed the door to the idea that nature should have a say in the rights of children or their parents, konservatives can no longer use their tired and outdated arguments based on "the laws of nature and of nature's God." Gay Marriage allows us to create marriage, parenthood, and childhood in the image of our glorious kollektive.

Remember, Comrades: the issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution. Gay Marriage is no exception. Even though the common prole is not overtly ready for kid kollektivization, we believe they are tacitly ready, since they fail to educate themselves about the full ramifications of Gay Marriage. Most are quite content with the thought-stopping slogans we have given them:

Marriage Equality
All Love is Equal
How does gay marriage affect YOUR marriage?
... along with many others. My personal favorite is this one:


Not only that, they are terrified of being called a "bigot" or a "hater." And some of them actually imagine there will be an armed rebellion against us once this program is fully implemented! LOL Once the proles put two and two together and realize what has happened to their natural rights, it will be too late for them to take them back. And since they're too scared now to stand up for their rights against some simple slogans and name calling, there is no way they will form an actual rebellion complete with bloodshed and the loss of life.

Keep up the good work, Comrades. We are making excellent progress.

Warmest Regards,

Commissar of Gender Equality

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Do not pass maternity - Do not collect a child.

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Oh ... Get me to the church on time. It takes a village to raise a kid.

goat bride.jpg

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Comrade of The People,

I suspect you somehow pilfered borrowed this photo of my former mother-in-law from the family album. Yes?

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Remember ...

... the function as children as wards of the ObamaState™ is to dutifully report on the unprogressive thoughts, beliefs and activities of their parents.

I think my next thread will be to Glorify the ObamaState™ so my children will report favorably regarding my activities. Oops, as a Geezer, I forgot (geezers are forgetful, you know) -- my children are already full-grown adults with a prospective need to worry about what their children will report to the ObamaState.


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Captain Craptek wrote:Comrade of The People,

I suspect you somehow pilfered borrowed this photo of my former mother-in-law from the family album. Yes?
Comrade, this is a composite of Mother-in-laws in the best Obama-writing tradition.