
Reporter: Mega-Trucks exist to intimidate-kill pedestrians

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Ford F450.jpg

It's not just gun sales that are up during the Summer of Peaceful Protests. Americans are getting their hands on another dangerous weapon of war - Pickup Trucks!

Ryan Cooper tweet.jpg

Ryan Cooper is a national correspondent at His work has appeared in the Washington Monthly, The New Republic, and the Washington Post.

RyanCooper - Profile pic.jpg

We need common-sense pickup truck control. We can't allow assault trucks on our streets.

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If there is one thing that best illustrates the complete and possibly unbridgeable socio-cultural, moral, and political divide between leftist coastal elites and the rest of America it may well be trucks.

Big trucks. Yuge trucks. The bigger the better trucks.

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The left has long had a cursory interest in normal Americans' preference for trucks, an interest that was once fueled by global warming concerns.

How can anyone drive a gas-guzzling truck when the planet will be destroyed in 20, 15, 12 years?

How dare pickup truck owners endanger the lives of every. single. person on the planet with their selfish truck purchase? Isn't that just so typical of selfish, capitalist Americans?

Pedestrian Control Truck.jpg

Such trucks should not be made, everyone should drive one of those nifty electric cars the size of a suitcase.

Because global warming / climate change / whatever they're calling it these days when they bother to mention it at all.

Would Ryan Cooper approve of this "Farm Vehicle?"

Smart Car on Farm.jpg

It seems Ryan Cooper thinks trucks are something driven in an updated version of Death Race 2000!

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The danger has increased as most of these trucks are FULLY AUTOMATIC, as opposed to the manual ones I had to learn on as a Young Pioneer.

Many of the local land-barons have more than one of these trucks, and assert their right to own as many as they please without so much as an agricultural tax exemption from the county...

the good news: Black Trucks Matter!


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I never knew my Silverado was a weapon. The .380 that usually rides in the cab with me, I get.

My backhoe is much more of a threat to kriminal hu-mans than my truck. After all, it can dig 8 feet deep, plenty of room to dispose of burglars without fear of the coyotes sniffing them out.

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( just transmitting STUPIDITY1 )
1 the Standard Transatlantic Unicorn Position
of Ideal World-Design In Thousand Years
Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:... have more than one of these trucks ...
But.. but.. ze Planet..

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Genosse Dummkopf wrote: But.. but.. ze Planet..

Ze Planet.....LOL......enjoy.....

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Oh, are our Useful Idiots™ afraid of large vehicles Comrades??? Well, well, well.. wait until they meet Our future USSA:









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Ah, movies about our dystopian future...those were the days.


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The three main a(gita)ctors are most equal in their wisdom, foresight, and transformativity.
And yet, Gorbel is even more equal - in his willpower, intrepidity, and visionary insight into the Ascendant Future to which he decisively points, urging Humanity to set out on the journey to GWONT™.


Great visual indoctrination, Komrade KOOK!

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Clara Illbustyourballs Zetkin wrote:...
Ze Planet.....LOL......enjoy.....

Makes any korrekt komrade's breast swell with pride1!

1 and especially any komrade's of gender F!

(once there, text-search <krasavitsa> -
(isn't it Clara, in full blossom of Revolutionary Shoveling?)

But.. but.. ze Russia! Russia!! Russia!!!

10 minutes sample:

There are tons of that stuff, also on YT.
(key = <вездеход>) (вездеход = (literally) everywhere-locomote = (aka) ATV)

(AT: verbatim, not the fancy-shmancy AT)

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Duel - The Movie

Semi Tractor's Drag Racing

Tractor - Jet powered

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This truck meets all a comrades Carbon FootPrint Credit Needs.


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Anti-monster truck missiles! I sense an opportunity.