
Scientists to Vie for $25 Million Dollar Climate Prize

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RedtheProgressiveHedgehog wrote:Dr. W. S. Palimpsest, Please forgive me for taking so long. I went to a man that I knew in the institution, and he had the nerve to suggest that you and the Chairman actually pay for the plane! After I sent him off to Siberia for thought crimes, I was able to get you and the Chairman one, with tax money that was taxed to Kapitalist, and redistributed for both of your needs. The plane will be at your local airport, enjoy!

Kommissar Hedgehog: Excellent work, kid! And, hey, I like your style.

Good morning comrades and welcome aboard Air RedSkies flight "Revolution", this is your captain general speaking,

--Dr. P

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You should have gotten a second one, and donated it to the Middle Eastern "Fly Another Plane into a Building" fund.

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That is a brilliant idea Premier Betty! Although we have a problem, where should the next attack be? I am personally tied between both the Kapitalist Tower (Sears) or the Statue of Liberty (the symbol of evil!).

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No, we need the Statue of Liberty to stay because it is both a gift from the ever superior French, and to destroy it might bring their military wrath down upon us. For that reason, and because it is also the ACLU's mascot. we don't want to bother them with trying to find another one. They already have enough to deal with, what with their activist lawsuits, and undermining and corrupting of the constitution. I believe the Sears tower would be a perfect location for the next terrorist, I mean, peaceful demonstration of disapproval.

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Yes, good idea Premier Betty, that way more infedels will die. Layers, Businessmen, Bankers..... Oh! So exciting! This will be an awsome att- I mean "Peaceful Protest".

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Premier, you just touched upon two new entries into the People's Dictionary:

Statue of Liberty = ACLU's mascot.

Terrorist attack = peaceful demonstration of disapproval

Need to elaborate.

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Elaboration on the statue of liberty being the ACLU's mascot:

Elaboration on the Peaceful Demonstration of Disapproval:
It's the only way they can get lots of attention.

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I think though, that we should paint it red. As it stands right now, it is the ACLU's mascot, but it is also preverted by Kapitailist. They use it as thier symbol of what they say is freedom (which anyone that got an re-edukation should know that is not true.) Thus, painting it red (like on the gay revonultionary guard did in thier music video), will throw away its old symbol and become a internationally accepted mascot for the slendid ACLU.

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as the Guinness commercials would say: "Brilliant!"

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A transgendered Statue of Socialism is what we need - not the bloated bigoted relics of the past (which the Statue of Liberty clearly is). Of course the Statue of Socialism will stand eighty stories tall, will be constructed by the finest in unionized labor, made in shoddy materials, and of course..... it will resemble Phil Donahue (complete with black rim glasses and cheesy grin). Out Statue of Socialism will hold a glow-in-the-dark dildo which will serve as the beacon of progressive hope to the unwashed masses of the third-world!

The People's interpretation of Emma Lazarus' "New Colossus" which will be dedicated to the Phil Donahue Statue of Socialism...

"Give me your ignorant, lazy, deadbeat losers. Your unwashed masses yearning to rape the system. Send these, the victims, the temptress' tot to me. I lift my glowing dildo beside the golden door of entitlement programs!"

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Premier Betty wrote:Sounds... um, unsanitary

All the more reason to erect such a monument to progress... all the more reason, Betty.

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Dr. W. S. Palimpsest wrote:Good morning comrades and welcome aboard Air RedSkies flight "Revolution", this is your captain general speaking,

--Dr. P

Mon Capitan General,
Will you be hiring unionized flight attendant/STD's**?

**(sex trade drudges)

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You'd better believe it, SMO. Our Gwyneths will be Union gals, through and through, handpicked from the best that UFO (Union of Flight Occupationists) has to offer.

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Hey Chairman, just load me up on cheese pizza, some beans, and a steak, and you'll have a million dollars in crap!
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