
Seattle Liberated!

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Seattle has been liberated.

Leftist forces with the help of AntiFa and Black Lives Matter have taken over Central Seattle and liberated the center of the city from its oppressive police force.

Your white privilege is over.


A wall has been erected and downtown Seattle is a police-free zone.

Of course, Google and the media will quickly delete and hide the photos showing our automatic weapons for us - or people might get the wrong idea.

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Hi crazy commies,

This is what no police looks like:Image
Raz Simone, the warlord of CHAZ

The new boss is NOT the same as the old boss.

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The new Minister of Culture installs new art works in the newly liberated CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone). If only Che were here to see this... sniff...

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The End of White Privilege!
Seattle's New Warlord, Raz Simone.



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Finally, some sane people running Seattle.

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Evil Smiley wrote:. . . . .
Seattle's New Warlord, Raz Simone.
. . . . .
... ekh Raz, da yeshchyo Raz ..._ (meaning)


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Evil Smiley wrote:
The new Minister of Culture installs new art works in the newly liberated CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone). If only Che were here to see this... sniff...
Russia!(?). Russia!!(?). Russia!!!(?)

Seen the Ushanka Boy @1:18 and @2:01 ?