
Shovel Ready Jobs are HERE!

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Comrades - it is with great pleasure to report to the collective that Dear Leaders brilliant 5 year plan of "Shovel Ready Jobs" is here!!

This report out of the Democratic Socialist Utopian Paradise of Detroit:

Help prepare the next generation of Necro Voters:

Cities Too Poor To Bury Dead

In morgues across the country the corpses of dead poor are stacking up as the the government runs out of money to bury them. State and county budgets for interring indigent and unclaimed bodies have beendrying up faster than usual in the current economy, as more familiesare unable to come up with the money to lay their loved ones to rest.

CNN's Assignment Detroit project released a report Thursday detailing how 67 people lie in wait at the Wayne County morgue. Unemployment, at a staggering 28% in Detroit, prevents many from affording to provide their family members a final resting place, and Detroit's $21,000 annual budget to bury unclaimed bodies ran out three months ago. More bodies are being left to the control of the "GLORIOUS" state, who are having a harder time picking up the slack.

Detroit may beover-exposed as a cite of poverty porn,but stacks of stagnant bodies rotting in city buildings offer a bleak picture of the city's ability to provide for its most vulnerable citizens. Carl Schmidt, Wayne County's chief medical examiner, noted the despair of the condition. "There are many people with sad lives,"he said, "But it is even sadder when even after you are dead, there is no one to pick you up."


Get out your shovels, fellow travelers and dig deep for the Party!

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Too poor to bury the dead? Why not burn them in the power plants? Recycle their ample caloric content. Geez, do I have to think of everything? Hey and while we're at it, bill their next of kin for cremation fees.

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
Mein Obama in Himmel!

You call yourselves Progressives? You MUST stop thinking so Outer Party! Must the Inner Party dictate EVERYTHING? Use the gray matter Obama gave you!

Why are we wasting the People's Money burying perfectly good state property? These are RENEWABLE RESOURCES!

We have the makings for what I call the "Complete Circles of Life System" (See my posts on “The All New Pol Pot Collection!”

Yet another glorious byproduct of Progressive Obamacare and Comrade Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel's "Complete Lives System." We can expand upon this!

Those Loyal Party Members who have made the great patriotic sacrifice for the greater good of the collective are able to cast ballots for the Party in perpetuity without being a burden by expending additional resources (like air).

As for Evil Re-Thuglikan 'unpersons' have lived the full measure of his/her worthless lives...we can vaporize them into a Left-Minded Progressive (such as the ones pictured above) who will be made available for ACORN registration and Get-Out-The-Vote Drives.

When the inner cities run out of bodie... er, "People's Renewable ResourcesTM", we can have the Comrades from the New Black Panthers check for Re-Thuglikan ThoughtCriminals at the polling booths (we can bait them with phony congressional recall elections or just host more town hall meetings to bait them). They can then be guided around back. There will be little need for the wasteful spending of half-priced little Blue Pill™ will be all that is required and then they may vote as Necro-proxies for the Party!

....and that's not all! Each "Instantly Reformed ThoughCriminal" also is useful for labor on the People's Farms as Organic Compost Specialists!

Once they have lived out their usefulness on collective agriculture projects, we harvest the skulls and bones for the Pol Pot Collection...this will ADD rather than subtract from the Peoples' Coffers!

Indeed! This is what I call the "Complete Circles of Life SystemTM."


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I have a shovel ready job for Comrade Fresh Fish already Glorious Comrade Shovel. Not to worry. This prole will be shoveled out.

We are still waiting on Glorious Creator of Internet Gore, to send Comrade Fresh Fish his license, and then it's on to Macroshaft training courses on The Peoples Apple IIc as soon as Macromedia releases the next version of Photoshop.

Keep those necro proxy voters coming Comrade Shovel!

Hail Obama!