
Show YOUR allegiance to Jok Biþen! (& print & glue it?)

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Komrades, it's Grendelssohnovovich, that genius behind Biþen/Biden (and Alexandrovevskivich) campaigns, it's his new trick!

Look: just a few steps, and you got a glorious result!
Here the recipe:

  • Get YOUR favorite pic to jubilate and support Jok, the coming.. uh.. pre.. pretzel.. aa, whateva - you know.. you know, the thing...
  • Uh, the pic must be at least 512 x 512 pixels (typical TPC pic is 600 x 600 px)
    (YOUR favorite is smaller? just resize it! or add "empty" margins)
    (no no, Clara, not picometers - pixels, ja? oh, your favorite is a twerko-clappin' Myrtle-Beach-grade whatchamacallit? EXCELLENT!)
  • NOW go to G's trick, and here - just 5 simple steps!
    1. upload your pic
    2. within seconds, it appears in the (pre-selected) Jok-frame
    3. there are 4 such frames - just click on the one which best suits your artistic ideas
    4. now fine-tune: scale-up or -down your pic (slide-button), position it (click-n-drag), rotate it (0-360-slide-button) ― DONE!
    5. download YOUR glorious result (to YOUR local shovel).
Steps 1-5 done, howbow printing it? replicating copies? placing the copies in YOUR favorite Most Exalted Locations of Our Beautiful Planet1? (did ANYBODY say, or whisper, or even silently allude to the magic word "glue"?) (not that I'm aware of...)

1 da, da, looking especially at YOU, Komradette M .

... and just like that, voilà:

Image ~

Image (reuse)


For ventriloquistically challenged comrades (who thusly can't hear Achmed's peroration), Achmed says: You not vote Joke, I keel you! I keel you all!

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吉庞平 未来 沃特尔 骄傲 支持者 !
Khi Pongping Futule Votel Ploud Suppoltel !


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Genosse Dummkopf wrote:By Joe-n-Hoe! Avatar.JoeBiden already had a gig in TPC!
So, lets use that "old" template:



(the former: a Hungarian poster (election 2019),
the latter (first TPC appearance and details here)
from the gifted hand of a Hungarian meme-guy)