
Slogan for Success!

Taking from The Very Top!


Everybody eat your peas (and then clap your hands)!

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Zionist propaganda...

Everyone knows it is balls that drives the world!

You must free yourself...get the can do it!

No zionism allowed! We only allow the progressive jew! But we will take from the top! The top of American ingenuity, free enterprise, the Bill of Rights, energy production, international policy, and of course the rich! We will leave nothing but darkened calamari like flesh behind while we decree the rest of the USSA to eat their damn peas! And then clap their hands in praise to our Premier Nescafe!

Pillows are being taken from the capitalist pigs and right wing wimps, and large rocks to break into little ones are the salvation for the masses!

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This cannot be done for San Francisco, which voted to outlaw circumcision. Actually they thought they were voting to outlaw circumspection. Which they hate.

I guess San Francisco received their Premier Nescafe Care waiver. Knowing it is San Fran, I guess it should be no surprise. I am sure there will be more geographic waivers to exercise over the coming months!