
Something's wrong here......

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Obama - Lion.jpg

Go figure...... and all this time I thought that him and three other guys were supposed to come riding our way on horses.

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Where did this come from? Reference? Link? Backstory?

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Comrade Red, I think that Krasnodar is referring to is the big sermon that the Dэaя Lэadэя gave at the U.N. today. In it, hэ almost sounded like Goerge W. Bush.

But make no mistake, that American Pro-freedom rhetoric is only for mass consumption (if you scratch hard enough, you will notice the sweet aroma of Lenin/Stalin/Marx).

However, if Krasnodar thinks he is getting confused, I must remind him that the Christian Bible, written some 20 centuries ago, listed a Man on a White Horse among the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse 6:2-8.

That rider in Apocalypse 6:2 is NOT the Rider of Apocalypse 19:11-16.

The rider in Apocalypse 6:2 has only ONE CROWN, while the Rider in Apocalypse 19:11-16 has MANY CROWNS and His name is Faithful and True (not the labels of our Dэaя Lэadэя).

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Damn straight somthing is wrong here. Dear Leader (PBUH) holds his mighty golf club in his non-left hand.

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Addressing questions:

1. Red Square,
My brother-in-law sent it to me. I'll ask him about its origins.

2. Jibaro,
Somehow, when I saw this image, the words " Faithful " and " True " didn't readily come to mind. Other words and phrases... perhaps less noble, did.

And yes, comrades, I am a Christian. I know, I know.... report to Platform #5.

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Comrade Krasnodar - don't worry, Dear Leader is all about Love and Forgiveness (somewhere down the list after Hope and Change).

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Is that a man on a white horse or a white man on a horse or a man on those white whores?
This gets more confusing!

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Something's wrong with that picture, all right. Why isn't he naked? Why isn't he riding a unicorn? Why doesn't he have a stack of pancakes with extra butter hovering over his head?

Instead, Krasnodar has posted something that makes utterly no sense.

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Wonderful news! The completely genuine photo original of this meme can be purchased here ... 1x17-print for the mere paltry payment of $25.00!