
Students Assigned To Depict White House, Obama Under Water

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Long Beach Students Assigned To Depict White House, Obama Under Water
December 5, 2012 11:05 PM

LONG BEACH ( — A group of parents at Rancho Dominguez Prep School in Long Beach are asking for a long-term substitute teacher to be removed from the classroom after he told students to create images of the White House under water.

Junior Carnal Washington said his Digital Imaging instructor told him it wasn't enough to just submerge the White House, but somebody had to drown in their creations.

“My (project) was the president being saved instead of drowning him… so I drowned his wife and the dog,” he said. “I felt bad. It didn't feel right drowning the president.”

Washington and a classmate said the student who got the most praise from the teacher took the Photoshop assignment a step further.

“The highest grade in the class was a girl who had Obama swimming toward a bucket of chicken instead of his family. I thought that was sad, but when (the teacher) saw it, he started laughing,” Washington said.

The Los Angeles Unified School District said the assignment was related to Hurricane Sandy, but students and parents said it just made them uncomfortable.

FULL STORY and video

The comments on this story are excellent, too. The news report says they couldn't show the pictures. I am willing to bet some people here can come up with some dandies.

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“The highest grade in the class was a girl who had Obama swimming toward a bucket of chicken instead of his family. I thought that was sad, but when (the teacher) saw it, he started laughing,” Washington said.

Laughing? Indeed. I just lost a whole mouthful of beet vodka when I read this.

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Why couldn't they just do something like this?


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I for one am shocked to hear that after all was learned from Fannie-Mae/Freddie-Mac, the mortgage on the White House is under water. If ONLY George Bush <spit> had taxed the rich...

Did that fool substitute teacher not know that all evil things are George <spit> Bush's fault?
No doubt he is now under hot water.

The sea levels stopped rising when The One was inaugurated in January 2009. This un-educated educator should have his credentials seized and be that British Global Warming Denier at the U.N.'s annual shin dig a day or so ago.

The criminaliztion of abusing the 1st Amendment such as global warming denial, Islamophobia, dog whistling on FCC licensed venues and that abomination called Citizen's United must be addressed. The process of Constitutional Amendment for overturning Citizen's has already begun, hopefully the other loose ends can be wrapped in the same package?

And all these slavers signing secession petitions!

What happened to the Fairness Doctrine? (or did ownership social quota rules take care of that yet?)

And these Salvation Army bell ringers! Don't those knuckle dragging child molesting tax evading religious fanatics know Goobermit should be the sole source of survival for voters? Isn't that why Biden & other progressives make a point of not giving to charity?

Why can't these reactionary losers just DIE?

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Comrades, don't you fin it odd that OBAMA was swimming towards the chicken?