
Tea-Baggers Invade Thought-Crime Gulag

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Tea-Baggers Are Invading the Thought-Crime Gulag in an attempt to prevent ObamaCare treatment from enabling loyal (but wavering) proles and progs to purge unprogressive thoughts, words and deeds.

It's quite distressing, Comrades.

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Fortunately, Comrades, we are winning the propaganda war by providing the public with conclusive photographic evidence refuting the Tea-Bagger lies that ObamaCare does not provide treatment for pre-existing conditions:

--Doctor Obama
Don't forget: "Doctor Obama Knows Best."

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And, don't forget that we're going to have the assistance of ObamaCare agents highly trained and skilled to gently help tea-baggers as well as wavering progs and proles to joyfully submit to the wisdom of ObamaCare:


I hope to return soon with more useful information, but at present I must make myself scarce here in order to continue my incognito activities with inlaws celebrating a politically incorrect religious holiday. I hope I'm not exposed.

--Doctor Obama