
The D's Party Wins a very Pyrrhic Victory for our Souls

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This will make some of the Republican consultant class even more wealthy. The landfill near my home is near capacity with "Send Us Money" mail already. I can't touch my phone without fear that some political huckster from either side will call or text for more money.

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The election is not over until all legal votes are counted and it is NOT the mainstream media that determines the outcome no matter how determined they are to do so.

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Margaret wrote:
The party of D.jpg

Since we are now a Banana Republic of America...does that mean we 'do' practice Santeria as State Religion of Harris/Biden administration?

Like doesn't Santeria use chickens in a manner not proscribed by FDA or CDC?

What do we pay these Federal Science People for if not to proscribe proper chicken handling.and then we comply per instructions?

That's the way the FEDState's run things before. Since when did a religion get to boss the FEDState Science People around?

sizzlin' sound of the mythical soul of the horned rodent gettin' fired up.

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I'm very glad that Comrade Biden did not shout "LEEEEEROY JENKINS" after his press conference claiming victory.

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A Pyrrhically Rear-Ended Victory

It just didn't work out they way they'd planned— and the end isn't behind them yet.
