
The Evils of More, The Virtue of Less

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Possible Lawsuit Over Aurora Movie Shootings Targets Owner

Yes, when a deranged lunatic storms the movie theater and shoots people, it is the theater owner's fault. Well, not really. Few people in their right minds believe fault or liability lies with the theater owner. But that is not the issue. Legal eagles know that the theater owner's insurance company, not desiring to spend zillions on legal fees, may wish to quickly pay out a settlement depending on the cost calulations.

This is fair in our collective eyes because the insurance company has more money than we do and more, when in the hands of others, is a bad thing.

-This has been another inspiring report by the Commission on Equalization-

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They are not legal eagles, they are legal vultures. The bird vultures are God's janitors, the legal vultures are Marx' janitors.

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As this liberal guy said, Obama is yet another Ivy League asshole.

People like Obama have a lot of strong convictions, and none whatsoever experience. They are somebody's drones. At some point in life Obama will understand that he was Jarrett's and Axelrod's drone. Not that it will do America any good, or not that Obama will regret the evils that he's doing to America. All of it why? Because we are the only country that would make him president.

For equally brilliant legal help, dial 1-666-SHYSTER.

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Well done, Comrade Peoples.

We must remember that the excrement of these legal vultures are what fuels the engines of Next Tuesday™. Legal vulture feces-- as natural and Gaia approved as it is -- translates into votes and campaign contributions. Consider it ALL for the Good of the Children™.