
The Greatest President

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Ah yes....Comrade Carter was the most excellent of leaders!

I recall how fondly we all felt that he was setting his own energy policy by wearing a sweater by the fireplace. I am sure the thermostat was set low in his office.

The Carter Department of Energy was SOOOOOO effective, it turned the Global Cooling of the 1970's into the Global Warming of the 1990's and beyond.

Viva la Carter! A truly great leader.....thank goodness he is still with us to give us good advice.....

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Comrade Chairman, when I watch this video I felt a feeling I have not felt for a very long time. I must admit the Hope the Obamessiah has eluded me, must be the drugs I have been on. I still cannot identify this feeling but I had it back in 1979 when I attempted to finance a new home.....It was a mix between nausea, gas, and wanting to strangle someone.

Yes yes, we have the Obamessiah today, but in those days we had the stupid one. Yes Comrade Carter proof that stupidity can be elected.

ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz, chchchchchchchchchhhhhhhhhhh, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, chchch, what was that you said? GOD DAMN that was pathetic! I dont know who was on more qualudes back then, kbag Karter or the American people! The 1970's were most definetly a walking abortion and that 4 and a half minutes says it all. Can you imagine the magnitude of such a fruitcake negotiating for the United States regarding nuclear arms reductions with our master and diety, Brezhnev the Great!

I think we have to get to a more clarifying position regarding a potential Bin Ladin presidency. We must stop shaping Barry as the second coming of Kbag Karter, and be clear that has to be the second rejection of Kbag Kerry.

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Hey Carter! Mr. Rogers called from the grave. He wants his sweater back. Poor Mr. Rogers gave the sweater off his back for his country. How about that Biden? Is that Patriotic enough for you? Dude had lost it, talking to toy trolley trains and make believe puppets and owls and had creepy people showing up at his door, I mean, the guy was very weird. He really really wanted more neighbors. I think he had OCD too, cuz he could never wear his outside shoes inside. Thank goodnes the public bankrolled him through PBS, because he never would have made it on network television. But still, HE GAVE THE SWEATER FROM HIS BACK so the President of the United States could ward off a cold winter's White House draft. I hope your warm Carter, ya damn peanut farming freak!

That was great Union Boss! Here, how about an offical name for Mr Kbag Karter - King Friday!

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I love make-believe. Socialism relies on make-believe which is why I love it so much.

Speaking of the Progressive, foward-thinking King Friday:

That Lady Elaine Fairchild belongs in the gulag. She is a mouthy little broad.

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Lady Elaine the Puppet, has been drinking way to much vodka. Red nose and gin blossoms. Shame. Perhaps she needs to go to Puppet Recovery. I also noticed for the first time, King Friday is obviously gay. I did not realize how progressive this show was when I was a youngster. Gays, addicts, props to educate the masses, mind numbing piano music playing nonstop. Wow. I need to get me the Mr. Rogers DVD collection.

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No, Union Boss, King Friday is not gay. He's gay-manqué. Do you think that a gay king would outlaw <i>play</i>?