
The Lost Seinfeld Episode

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So this is how re-education is handled by the American weak-liberal establishment. Laughs, funny videos, and Late Night Show appearances. Shame on them!

In the Motherland, if this man had insulted the principal foundations of society, he would be never heard from again and all records of his existence would be erased from libraries, catalogues, and TV reruns. The Seinfeld show would cease to exist. It would never exist in the first place, with that name anyway. In the unlikely case it were a favorite show of the country's leadership, certain episodes would've been redone with a different actor. Obviously no actor can be better than others. Everybody is expendable.

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Just clone a replacement and indoctrinate, I mean, "properly educate" he/she/it to be a useful tool of the party and spread the word to this nation's couch potatoes.

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KKKramer is OBVIOUSLY a Repuglican!


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Chairman M. S. Punchenko wrote:KKKramer is OBVIOUSLY a Repuglican!


talk about a freak....its unbelievable to me he beat G.A. The peoples of VA will not be disappointed by Webb's antics (nor will our beloved Collective). Somebody needs to follow this guy around with a mic and camera...

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African-American comedian Paul Mooney (who was on the Dave Chapelle Show and never heard of before or since until now) told a racial joke as part of his response to the Michael “Cosmo Kramer” Richards N-Word incident to illustrate that racial humor CAN be okay, so long as it's funny.

I have posted the joke on my blog, along with questions about the issues it raises.

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I think its high time we start crimializing such behavior. We must urge our elected represenatives to pass legislation to enforce capital punishment for anyone who dare says The Word or thinks of doing such ( we should also refrain from saying "N-word" due to destructive consequences it has on the African-American communities self-esteem.)

Racial justice must come through the steady and swift blade of the Mark VII (or is VIII now? I'm really not sure--Betty?)

Speaking of Seinfeld:

Mulva has a nifty new posting at his bog - - on the EVILS of the RepugliKKKan capitalist healthcare system. It makes for good conversation.

P.S Laika - Mulva purged your comment(s) on the Carville Caper! INTOLERANCE!

User avatar's still there. Pelosi has her "shortcummings" and the progressive "caucas" will straighten her out.

I just love his post on "I Have Cancer, Three Kids, Please Help!"
It gives you some real insight to this progressive thinker and his "lifestyle"

A) He lives in a neighborhood "with our $400,000 mini-mansions".
B) He was <gasp> "Christmas shopping".
C) Mulva has an overdeveloped "guilt lobe" in his socialist brain:
I sat there in my car looking at this guy, feeling like complete shit because I had nothing I could think to do to help him. Maybe I could have told him to collect $8,000 and move to Canada where he'll get free health care. Maybe I could have directed him to some public resource unbeknownst to me that would help him with his dilemma. Hell, maybe just walking up to the guy and giving him a hug would have helped.

Gawd, I couldn't stop laughing.....thanks Meowsevich.
Give him a hug....bwahahaha
$8K and move to Canada.....please! If I could panhandle $8K in Woodbridge, VA. I'm moving there!
Shit, Mulva! Maybe you could have bought him a loaf of three grain bread while at Panera eating lunch, then stopped at Starbucks and got him at least a $3 double latte, after that, off to Best Buy to get his three kids a Playstation or a Wii and make it the best damn Christmas those kids ever had (and probably the last with dad, if he really does have "cancer").
Mulva, you selfish son-of-a-bitch! Report to the re-education camp immediately!
"Cognitive dissidence"? Try "dissonance" moron. Freudian slip, no doubt.
What a dipshit!


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Laika the Space Dog wrote:I just love his post on "I Have Cancer, Three Kids, Please Help!"

C) Mulva has an overdeveloped "guilt lobe" in his socialist brain:
I sat there in my car looking at this guy, feeling like complete shit because I had nothing I could think to do to help him. Maybe I could have told him to collect $8,000 and move to Canada where he'll get free health care. Maybe I could have directed him to some public resource unbeknownst to me that would help him with his dilemma. Hell, maybe just walking up to the guy and giving him a hug would have helped.

I'm not going to Alva's nitwit planet for any reason whatsoever. You two have stronger stomachs than me. But what you've written has given me an idea. I enjoyed the Chairman's game show idea "The Price is Right-Wing Exploitation." Here's another idea for a game show. I don't know what it should be titled but the idea is you've got two families of weak liberals as contestants. Each family of weak liberals tries to out-do the other family with compassion for the poor downtrodden masses. Not by doing anything but by professing compassion. Something like this:

Game show host displays picture of poor street person:

The two teams of weak liberal families try to convince the audience of their compassion for the pictured poor person. The audience votes on which team can come up with the biggest whoppers of compassionate lies. It's all about convincing other people that you really care. For prizes they compete for dream vacations to Hawaii, Monte Carlo, places like that, staying first-class at the Ritz-Carlton.

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Comrade Otis - congratulations. It's as great a pitch as "The Price is Right-Wing Exploitation." When we get to Power after the Revolution, the both shows will be a mandatory #1 viewing for the masses.

Oops... I forgot, in the workers' paradise there won't be any beggars. They will all be picked up by the people's police and forced to work for their food. Whether they like it or not. And there will be no rich liberals (the Party elites don't count). They will also be picked up by the people's police and forced to work, whether they like it or not.

So here's an idea for a third show:

A former homeless person and a former compassionate rich liberal person are made to work side by side at a collective farm, sharing all the food and the amenities equally. The camera will follow them everywhere, so we will see if they decide to hide surplus crumbs from one another. Very entertaining. It will be called "Simple Heroic Life" or something like that.

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Laika, I could've sworn the Carville Caper Exposé was void of your post. But even I, in all my progressive wisdom, am prone to mistakes (coprophobia being one of them).

I know, that Mulva is a gem. His hypocrisy (and that of Northern Virginia) keeps me entertained for hours. I see the same things as Mulva when visiting my cousin who also lives in NOVA, like the finely dressed progressives, fancy cars, $tarbuck$ on every corner and of course, mini-mansions! Yet, no one up there wants to spare a square, not even a nickel! No, we have to ask EVERYONE COLLECTIVELY to pitch in FOR US! Mulva has to have coffee, bread and trinkets for his loved ones! Why should he spare the square!? Why should he have to sell his Hybrid or one of his instruments to help this guy!? WHY SHOULD HE HAVE TO WALK THE WALK!? Maybe a hug will hold him over and the promise that Obama or Fancy Pants will make it all better, or maybe that stem cells will cure him! Yeah, that's the ticket! A hug always works and maybe some preaching about superman walking again! After it's all done and said, I will go back to my mini-mansion and squeeze guilt from those who don't spare the square with my virtually unknown *Bog* that only TPC twerps like to troll! BRILLIANT! Damn it feels good to be a Democrat!


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I believe we must, for the Common Good, annex the Nitwit Planet, like Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in 1940. The Nitwitians are begging for the Freedom only Communism can bring. Or, we can make Nitwit a satallite, like Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslavakia and bring back the Eastern Bloc. We can call it The Woodbridge Pact.

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FREE NITWITIA! NO BLOOD FOR BLOGS! The Woodbridge Pact will lead you to freedom from yourselves! Embrace the Cube, behold its red glimmering truth!

I found more pearls of wisdom on Mulva's little patch of cyber-progress at , this guy is a total BLOWHARD! Just read his "All about me" and I think you'll understand. (Please note he likes to be called Fulbright Scholar Goldman!)

*If the link doesn't work, try copy and pasting*

I hate giving these losers traffic, but they provide soooo much good material!

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Hi Chairman! I tried to read some of ivangoldman's stuff but he's too much of a windbag for me. As for The Peoples Troll, Mr. Nitwit, did you know he has a channel on YouTube? It's a little bit more succesful than his blogspeck. Check it out. Rate a few of his videos.

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Dearest Margaret wrote:As for The Peoples Troll, Mr. Nitwit, did you know he has a channel on YouTube? It's a little bit more succesful than his blogspeck.

...Or his music.

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Let the tanks of the People's Cube roll! (or "troll" <wink><nudge, nudge>)
Free Nitwitia!
I'm calling on all members of the Cube to begin posting on Mulva's blogspeck!
To paraphrase his quote about Mr. Cancer, the Pride Swallower:
If there is anyone out there who knows who this guy is, perhaps there is something we can do collectively to help him. Hell, maybe we can even save his life. What better gift can anyone give for the Holiday Season?
And what better gift could we here at the Cube give to Mulva than a few measley posts? After all, how many troll posts did he give us? (16 to be exact) And just look at his poor blogspeck! Very lonely comrades, very lonely. I think he's had a total of 16 posts in his two years of blogging.
I've posted twice, so we need at least 14 more posts on Nitwit Planet for a fair and equal re-distribution of posts!

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Yes, comrade Laika. We'll launch a campaign to Free Nitwitia from the chains of being deemed 'unimportant' and 'stupid'! We must post to free the Nitwitians! WE MUST!

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Laika the Space Dog wrote:Chairman,

I believe we must, for the Common Good, annex the Nitwit Planet, like Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania in 1940. The Nitwitians are begging for the Freedom only Communism can bring. Or, we can make Nitwit a satallite, like Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslavakia and bring back the Eastern Bloc. We can call it The Woodbridge Pact.

Make it the place where we dump our trash, nuclear and biological waste, etc. etc.

Just a quick glance over there and yeah, they are freaks. Permission to troll granted! I would but I don't have time right now...