
The Newest Media Martyr

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Most Equally Esteemed Komrads,

First, I'll get the denunciation out of the way. I denounce myself for pointing out the obvious. Rail yard, heavy coat, shovel, etc...


I heard the news about Alec Baldwin shooting someone "accidentally" while riding in the car with my 6 year old Granddaughter. To make it clear, my Granddaughter and I were in the car, Alec Baldwin was nowhere near us, I hope. Anyway my Granddaughter pipes up and said, "Didn't he know that every gun is loaded and you never point a gun at anyone you don't want to shoot?" Up to this point I never knew if she listened to a thing I've ever said. Apparently my attempts to drill firearm safety have made an impression.

Just in case anyone needs a refresher, here are the 4 Primary Rules for Firearm Safety:

1. Treat all guns as if they are loaded.

2. Never point a gun at anything you are not willing to destroy.

3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you have the intended target in your sights and have made the decision to shoot.

4. Be sure of your target and what is around and behind it.

My 6 year old Granddaughter understands these rules and can reasonably apply them. Perhaps this is an indication of her future potential for Party ™ membership. If Alec Baldwin had taken an NRA Safety Course (and paid attention) maybe this tragedy could have been prevented.

I taught these rules to my sons when they were small. I added one thing to this list. I told them that if they were ever at someone else's house and someone brought out a gun, they should call me immediately and I would come get them. There was a death in in my son's school where a kid got hold of a gun and shot another boy while playing. I taught my kids to respect firearms and shoot at a fairly early age. Not uncommon for Alaska. It is more uncommon where we live now.

Sorry about the unfair use of The People's Pixels. Add that to my denunciation.


Those evil guns! Probably stalking the streets right now riding in marauding Red SUVs looking to "just go off" and plow into Parading Evil Rethuglican Christians. Objects kill people, The People are NEVER responsible. (Unless they are white or Police Officers)

Settled back into The Current Truth ™,

Red Salmon

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Responsible SUV control! When SUV's are outlawed, only outlaws will have SUV's!