
The Party of Peace

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As all members of The Cube know, there is no more enlightened, tolerant, incorrupt or peaceful group than The Party. True believers can go through life, doing whatever is necessary to achieve Party goals, secure in the knowledge that they are always right.

Unless they dare to help out anyone the Party has deemed an enemy of the People.

(Hat tip to Cassy Fiano at Right Wing News)
LINK (Caution: Reich-wing hate site)

The short version. Austin, TX "activist" Brandon Darby discovered that a couple of fellow "peace activists" were heading to the 2008 Republican National Convention to hold a cocktail party for local police and possibly Republican conventioneers. The only cocktail on the menu was famous Molotov recipe. So Darby, in a fit of misplaced concern for his fellow human beings, dropped a dime on these guys to the Federales. And we know how the Party values peace and non-violence, right?
The article's in your face money shot quote:
"Darby's admission shocked Austin's activist community, which includes people who have worked with him on a variety of grass roots organizing efforts for years.

"Everyone that knew Brandon has gone through a whole range of emotions. Clearly, he's betrayed the trust of the community, and all the communities he's worked with," said Lisa Fithian, a social-justice activist who worked with Darby in Austin."

Meanwhile, we're still trying to find that lone voice in a crowd of angry hate-filled Rethugs that was never proven to have shouted "Kill him!". Now that, my good comrades, that is hate and violence.

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Comrade Commissar M,

I read about this backslider, this Liu Shaoqi of sorts. We tolerant progressives must, with one face, resolutely oppose his kind!
<br>The defunct Aussie band Lubricated Goat created a possibly suitable theme song for this thread: "Give Chance a Piece" (of X, Y, or Z) from the album Psychedlicatessen.

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I hate snitches who aren't whistleblowers in a Republican administration.