
The People's Google helps silence Thought Crime!

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Good news from HotAir, Comrades. The Commissar of The Internets is doing his job. The bad news? It's supporting religion.

An anonymous blogger has been outed by law enforcement in Jacksonville after angering a local pastor with close ties to the Sheriff Department. A series of false accusations about stalking and mail fraud allowed Detective Robert Hinson, who also works on the security detail for Rev. Mac Brunson to force Google to reveal Thomas Rich's name. Rich has been expelled by the First Baptist Church and publicly criticized, but Rich wants to know how Hinson got the subpoena in the first place:

Read the whole article. It's neat.

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Relax comrade, as more and more xtian assemblies are infiltrated and co-opted by our cadres, it will be more acceptable to use xtianity as a tool to spread our viral message to the masses. Of course, every good little faux xtian will still rail against Christmas and Easter while pretending to "believe" in the tripe.

This is merely an extension of our "Liberation Theology" strategy. We can say with a straight face, that Jesus would rather have you celebrate Obama's birthday than his own (assuming we knew when and where Obama was born).

Besides, Leftwing atheism like Global Warming was beginning to take on a sanctimonious pseudo-religous taint anyway.

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What the nice policeman did (albeit for his friend), reminds me of what happened right outside my window a few months ago. It has to do with one of the most effective tools to date for controlling and searching all proles.

Once upon a time, before our glorious system replaced the one created by the evil white founders of Amerika, policeman did not have this most powerful tool: Probable Cause. Now, thanks to the most Progressive judges of the Supreme Court, Probable Cause has become a most effective way to search trunks, pockets, and other cavities, in order to keep all proles in line. And it seems to be used quite often on comrades who are differently colored or speak differently and might look as if they are on their way to mow a lawn.

Outside my window, a nice black man was minding his own business when he was stopped by a policeman. The policeman made the man come out of his car, hand cuffed him and searched the trunk of his car. With my strong intuitive powers, I knew that this black man had done nothing wrong.

Sure enough, just like the nice policeman in your story, he could find no reason to arrest him, and let the black man go.

Isn't our glorious system wonderful? My strong intuitive powers tell me that our Dear Leader plans on using both Probable Cause and the immense powers of the Department of Homeland Security to rout out such bloggers.

Where have you been, Obamissar V? You are missed. Are you riding on a line through the jungles of Mexico, or what?