
The Red Machine

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The more I study our fellow Comrades in The People's Republic of China, the more I become appreciative of this beautiful totalitarian free society. The People's Republic of China is an example for all collectivist nations, or one world collectivistic order in the near future. The People's Republic of China has a system, I believe, will be useful elsewhere in our world in the present. Considering our fight against individualism and laissez faire economic principles, this system will be able to enhance our inner most secret intelligence from the capitalist pigs. To be sure, other nations has a similar system to The People's Republic of China; however, none compare to The Party.

The red machine is like no ordinary phone. Each one has just a four-digit number. It connects only to similar phones with four-digit numbers within the same encrypted system. They are much coveted nonetheless. For the chairmen and women of the top state companies, who have every modern communications device at their fingertips, the red machine is a sign they have arrived, not just at the top of the company, but in the senior ranks of the Party and the government. The phones are the ultimate status symbol, as they are only given out—under the orders of the Party and government—to people in jobs with the rank of vice minister and above.

The phones are encrypted not just to secure party and government communications from foreign intelligence agencies. They also provide protection against snooping by anyone in China outside the party's governing system. Possession of the red machine means you have qualified for membership of the tight-knit club that runs the country, a small group of about 300 people, mainly men, with responsibility for about one-fifth of humanity.

Source: The Hidden Power of China's Communist Party

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My Dear Comrade,

You are wrong about the 300. To quote the report:
"None can hold a candle to the Chinese Communist Party, which takes ruling-class networking to an entirely new level. The red machine gives the party apparatus a hotline into multiple arms of the state, including the government-owned companies that China promotes around the world these days as independent commercial entities. As a political machine alone, the Party is a phenomenon of awesome and unique dimensions. By mid-2009, its membership stood at 76 million, equal to about one in 12 adult Chinese."

You must realize that China has entirely too many people and governing such a large population is difficult. Collectivism is the only system that could work in such a large population. A less compassionate system would euthanize the superfluous populace. But China gives them labor and cares for them. Yes, some harshly view this labor force as slavish but that comes from unenlightened enemies of the state.

Here in the US we have many fewer people and I expect most of us will live as the Party Members do in China. Imagine, no more disturbing and dissenting voices, but a strong hand is required. Of what value is media like Fox News, always complaining and whining. President Obama should regulate broadcasts assuring a calming truth and eliminating disturbing dissent. When health care and economic recovery take hold these dissenting voices will dissipate on their own. Even the most unenlightened will struggle to complain amidst superior medicine and prosperity. But it would behoove the Progressives to control these voices more forcefully to speed up and assure progress.

One day when we can openly declare our collectivism, our Chinese brothers will share with us their benevolence.

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My Comrades

I must tell you that the Zimbabwean Black Macine is much better - more exclusive.

It has a one digit number, only connects to other other Black Machines via encrypted communications and has only one user.




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There is saying in village... the most fast way to get important information to be passing is not by telefaxes or telefones or televisions but by tell a womans.

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Comrade Obamugabe - your new Zimbabwe Telephone & Telegraph black machine is ready sir.


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Thank you Comrade Putout

I will phone me immediately!

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Mrs Al Czarweary wrote:There is saying in village... the most fast way to get important information to be passing is not by telefaxes or telefones or televisions but by tell a womans.
Comrade Czarweary,Your English is refreshing. I am pleased to see you have not taken the politically correct route of using a grammar/spell check. In fact in the Glorious New System it may even catch on and become the new ebola Ebonics. Image(Pic. insert is behaving like a Capitalist Pig ... I give up.)

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Peoples Comrade, I can appreciate the image, but I have found a website that translates English into Ebonics.

Peoples Comrade, I can appreciate da image, but I gots found uh website dat translated English into Ebonics. what 'chew trippin foo'


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As a guilt ridden white boy, what I really need is a way to translate street speak ghetto-eeze to the language of the oppressor (English).

Nowhut I'm sayin'?