
The Unsociables

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A friend who is also an immigrant from the USSR, sent me this link asking me to help promote a two-minute video produced by her daughter. I admit I was skeptical at first, but watching it has changed my mind, so I'm posting it here. It is a trailer for for a comedic web series about life after graduation called "The Unsociables."

The email said the girls were hoping to make this series a reality by submitting an application to the IPF. At first I thought, what does International Powerlifting Federation have anything to do with this? So I looked it up. It turns out that IPF also stands for the Independent Production Fund, a Canadian non-profit that finances dramatic TV series created locally in Canada.

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OK, the first thing that came to my mind after viewing this was, "Why not do a meme based on the "Untouchables?" I mean, nobody wants to touch them with a ten foot pole. So, why not create a rebellion thingy ignited by the "Unsociables?"

You can't use "Untouchables" because that's already been done. However, you could turn the "Unsociables" into aggressive, self-serving, entitled brats on a rampage, trying so hard to justify their existence, and have a winner here!

It would be very gratifying to the audience to see clueless, uneducated, entitled brats winning over those same masses by aggressively inserting themselves into the public arena. They could claim that they had to endure rape threats to earn their degree or, even better, male domination in the marketplace.

I mean, like, you know, it's not their fault!

I dunno, just an idea.

BTW, if this idea is taken without my permission, I will sue for copyright infringement.

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Comrade Pamalinsky, you are too late with your idea, as anyone that has watched the hearings and daily proceedings in Washington will recognize it ...

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trashmouth wrote:Comrade Pamalinsky, you are too late with your idea, as anyone that has watched the hearings and daily proceedings in Washington will recognize it ...
Yeah, I know but, I'll sue them anyway!

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Pamalinsky wrote:OK, the first thing that came to my mind after viewing this was, "Why not do a meme based on the "Untouchables?" I mean, nobody wants to touch them with a ten foot pole. So, why not create a rebellion thingy ignited by the "Unsociables?"

You can't use "Untouchables" because that's already been done. However, you could turn the "Unsociables" into aggressive, self-serving, entitled brats on a rampage, trying so hard to justify their existence, and have a winner here!

It would be very gratifying to the audience to see clueless, uneducated, entitled brats winning over those same masses by aggressively inserting themselves into the public arena. They could claim that they had to endure rape threats to earn their degree or, even better, male domination in the marketplace.

I mean, like, you know, it's not their fault!

I dunno, just an idea.

BTW, if this idea is taken without my permission, I will sue for copyright infringement.

Comrade Pamalinski, I believe you need to sue Lena Dunham.

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Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt, Lena Dunham is all sued out! I'm looking for some fresh meat! This new series sounds like a flesh eating plant. Capiche?

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Clever, clever. I see that the Canadian educational system is as Forward™ as the USSA's. Perhaps the Iranian acquisition of nuclear weapons and subsequent probable Global Thermonuclear Warfare™ is for the best.........did I mention that I've been dating a woman who's a member of the Goth subculture for the last 9 years?

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Pamalinsky wrote:Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt, Lena Dunham is all sued out! I'm looking for some fresh meat! This new series sounds like a flesh eating plant. Capiche?
By chance, does this plant come from a little shop?

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Hammer and Loupe wrote:
Pamalinsky wrote:Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt, Lena Dunham is all sued out! I'm looking for some fresh meat! This new series sounds like a flesh eating plant. Capiche?
[highlight=#FFFF00]By chance, does this plant come from a little shop?[/highlight]

Why yes, it does! The one that sells horrors! ; • )

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A diploma (from Greek δίπλωµα. díplōma, meaning "folded paper") -- Wikipedia

The small print on an (Poison) Ivy League diploma:

This folded paper qualifies you to
1) manage other people's lives without their consent
2) a media free pass no matter how obnoxious, detestable, or criminal your behavior, or how grievous your lies
3) show unlimited arrogance and condescension toward others
4) have any job you want no matter how limited your experience, even president.
5) make the most asinine claims and never have to back them up

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Dedhedvedev wrote:A diploma (from Greek δίπλωµα. díplōma, meaning "folded paper") -- Wikipedia

The small print on an (Poison) Ivy League diploma:

This folded paper qualifies you to
1) manage other people's lives without their consent
2) a media free pass no matter how obnoxious, detestable, or criminal your behavior, or how grievous your lies
3) show unlimited arrogance and condescension toward others
4) have any job you want no matter how limited your experience, even president.
5) make the most asinine claims and never have to back them up
Comrade Jello Brain Mold,

I see this daily in my observations of students pursuing an Engineering Degree in anything at a major university. Specifically IUPU.

After experiencing being raked over the coals by some prof who has tenure and is deemed "intelligent", this same prof cannot or will not teach. There are some excellent profs here but there are enough bogus ones who can change the lives of these students for the better or for the worse.

I get this information from students who have an "A" average, and, want to keep it.

Some of these students are so pissed off at the incompetence and uncaring of the current administration that they just want to get out of there ASAP! They want to transfer, but, they can't. They're stuck.

These are good honest people who want to do the right thing.

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Pamalinsky wrote:These are good honest people who want to do the right thing.
As in Kafka's parable Before the Law, academia serves as one of the Left's many "gatekeepers."

In front of the law there is a doorkeeper. A man from the countryside comes up to the door and asks for entry. But the doorkeeper says he can't let him in to the law right now. The man thinks about this, and then he asks if he'll be able to go in later on. 'That's possible,' says the doorkeeper, 'but not now'. The gateway to the law is open as it always is, and the doorkeeper has stepped to one side, so the man bends over to try and see in. When the doorkeeper notices this he laughs and says, 'If you're tempted give it a try, try and go in even though I say you can't. Careful though: I'm powerful. And I'm only the lowliest of all the doormen. But there's a doorkeeper for each of the rooms and each of them is more powerful than the last. It's more than I can stand just to look at the third one.'

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Comrade Jello Brain Mold,

Excellent reference, Comrade Dedhedvedev,

I learned something there. I appreciate that.

These guys know that, somehow, and feel that they are being "hazed". They persist, however, and manage to win. Yes, they do!Thanks for the Kafka thing.