
The very definition of BLM and Antifa rioters

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vigilante | ˌvijəˈlan(t)ē |
a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate.

When they take to the streets, BLM and Antifa are vigilante mobs undertaking what they think law enforcement should be, conducting their self-appointed law enforcement activities without any legal authority. They are vigilante mobs engaged in criminal activity.

To protect others and yourself from an attack by a vigilante mob is not vigilantism, it is self-defense by definition.

For the vigilante mob and their accomplices to accuse someone who defended himself from them of being the vigilante is to pretend the mob is the law. The rise of the mobs and mob justice needs to end now. Those who wish for this vigilante justice on America have no moral standing.

This is not politics as usual. The criminals are trying to take over. They and their abettors must be put in their place and stopped now.

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Karl Marx Treatment Center wrote:The rise of the mobs and mob justice needs to end now. The criminals are trying to take over. They and their abettors must be put in their place and stopped now.


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Back on 12/3/2020 Snopes responded to our Rittenhouse tweet with a slanted opinion editorial that has nothing to do with their alleged mission of fact-checking.

I guess today they'll have to fact-check the judge and the jury.


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The Magnificent Eight - now with Kyle Rittenhouse



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Red Square wrote:Back on 12/3/2020 Snopes responded to our Rittenhouse tweet with a slanted opinion editorial that has nothing to do with their alleged mission of fact-checking.

I guess today they'll have to fact-check the judge and the jury.

Snopes 'argument' makes perfect sense to me: don't judge the people killed merely based on their past actions, like a few felonies here and there. We shouldn't judge people like that, it implies that just because they were convicted of violent crimes in the past that their proclivity to violence may have had something to do with their own untimely and tragic demises. But that is an assumption and isn't fair. What is fair is to assume Kyle Rittenhouse killed these people because he is some sort of deranged, violent right-winger. Those kinds of assumptions are fine.

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Karl Marx Treatment Center

BLM and Antifa are vigilante mobs undertaking what they think law enforcement should be,


BLM and Antifa are vigilante mobs of socialinjustice undertaking what they "think" law enforcement "should" be.

Clearly, these comrades deserve Karl Marx Treatment Center's services.

It reminds 'pelipsky of the response of the girlfriend of Anthony Huber eulogizing the man she respected.

In Hannah's thinking, Anthony Huber was part of a vigilante mob of socialjustice undertaking the alignment of justice and his death marked, what she "thinks" heroism "should" be.


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Comrades, remember:
When you build
a field for riots,
they will come.