
This Friday, April 22 celebrate (Lenin's birthday) Earth Day

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April 22 is Vladimir Lenin's birthday Earth Day!

I was a part of this movement on the first Earth Day in 1970. I was a recent convert to the Radical underground at the time, and the significance of 22 April 1970 was not lost on us young Communists: it was Vladimir Lenin's 100th birthday -- a day that would be celebrated by Communists worldwide.

We were well aware of the goals of the environmentalist movement: it had nothing to do with the environment. Our end goal then remains the same today among all of the various environmental causes: the destruction of Capitalism, with the United States ruled under Communism.

And the best way to destroy an economic system is to deny it the use of its own energy, and its own resources.

This is what the anti-nuclear movement, which began during my time as a Radical, was about. It is what the spotted owl controversy in the Pacific Northwest was about. It is what the so-called "ozone hole" issue was about.

And it is what Global Warming "Climate Change" is all about. And it's the only thing it's about. It's the only thing it's ever been about.

So, this Earth Day, raise a glass of beet vodka to Comrade Lenin and celebrate the Glorious World of Next Tuesday that is coming, as soon as we can get rid of all those nasty Kapitalists [spit, spit] that are oppressing us all!

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Mikhail Lysenkomann wrote:... We were well aware of the goals of the environmentalist movement ...
yeah - and (among many), also Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace (and later nearly vanished in GP's Memory Hole), tells the same story. ...................................................................................................................................
and here kinda watermelonchik A.D. 1920 : ...................................................................................................................................

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Red Square wrote: ... must be more shovel-ready ...
Shovelwise Experienced Komrade Director !
Your nauchnaya documentation proves : HopeyChangey's way of handling the Glorious Shoveling Device opens a new Chapter in the arcane discipline of Progressive Shoveling !

Our Glorious Kollektiv of Progressive Kubists will surely pronounce not a lousy 97%, not a meager 100%, but a 314% Overwhelming Stakhanovian Konsensus in the above Earthy Matter ( or else... (here, "dead sure" comes to my Magadanian mind...) ).

But now - enough, onward to new Scientific Endeavours !

I intuit some tremendous Nexus in the Triangle of : Stakhanov + Pi ( those 314% ! ) + The Number of Kubik(!) Meters of Earth, revolutionarily moved & shaken in Shoveling Acts along the Victorious Path of Человек побеждает природу* !

* which basically means, like, Earth Day. Vy saglasny, Tavarishchi Kubisty ?


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Red Square wrote:Obama: Shovel-Ready on Lenin's Birthday / Earth Day

Americans must be more shovel-ready and dig faster!

Image Image

Those aren't shovels, Comrade, they're spades.

Oh, wait a minute... can I say that? Hold on, there's a knock at the door...

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Mikhail Lysenkomann wrote:
Red Square wrote:Obama: Shovel-Ready on Lenin's Birthday / Earth Day

Americans must be more shovel-ready and dig faster!

Image Image

Those aren't shovels, Comrade, they're spades.

Oh, wait a minute... can I say that? Hold on, there's a knock at the door...

For Komrade Red:

Shovels have flat edges for shoveling coal, pea gravel, or cutting the tongues off infidels.
Spades have a pointy edge for stabbing into ground, moving denser materials that the shovel's flat edge won't go into, or doing a bayonet charge into a crowd of Kapitalists when you have no bayonet and no rifle.

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Comrade Stierlitz wrote:Shovels have flat edges for shoveling coal, pea gravel, or cutting the tongues off infidels.

You forgot the most important use of shovels, Comrade Stierlitz.

Shoveling manure.

Because there is a LOT of it to shovel these days.

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Mikhail Lysenkomann wrote:
Comrade Stierlitz wrote:Shovels have flat edges for shoveling coal, pea gravel, or cutting the tongues off infidels.

You forgot the most important use of shovels, Comrade Stierlitz.

Shoveling manure.

Because there is a LOT of it to shovel these days.

Komrade Mikhail, we use spades nowadays to shovel manure. That is because that the manure has increased tenfold in quantity and has become as dense as depleted uranium. In past years, yes, we have used the timeless shovel. I would have liked to continue this proud tradition of service, but to meet my quota, I simply can't.

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caption Lenin.jpg
On this glorious day the spirit of Lenin calls upon members of the Collective™ to inspire us with the Current Truth™.

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And this one is way back from 2005 -


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[color=#C0392B]Red Square[/color] wrote:_Image

True enough. But the reason for this is komplex, vyery komplyex. Indeed, it was Comrade Maksim, an outstanding grafichyeskiy propagandchik*, who discovered the mentioned reason, by heroically shovelling a yuuuge heap of kapityalistic-impyeryalistic double-minus-untruths away, to reach the Glorious Diamond of Double-Plus-Truth.

*, too. __( if you see what I mean )

Here is the harrowing chronicle of Comrade M's Herculean Endeavour.

Exactly 5 years ago, early morning, here comes M down the stairs of his cottage, our planetary Sun shining friendly over M's beloved progressive townlet. Borshch ( which Amis call "borsht" ), thinks M, I want a jar of borshch, or maybe some beet extract. There, out of nowhere, a breeze comes around the corner. Heh. It's 2011, Planet already in the iron fist of Global Warming. Yeah, borshch ( or beet ), but here it's windy by now - clearly Climate Change, once more ! Then, a bulky blob of dihydrogen monoxide, totally vaporized, gobbles the sky up ! No Sun - as M can clearly see, the Planet is now deprived of its solar energy, cut off. It's darkish around M, luminositywise. Climate Change in progress ! Had M a suitable device - astrolabium, or iPhone, M could even measure the sudden Changing of Climate ! Alas, he only has a jar, glass jar - for that borshch, you know ( or beet ). The blob in the sky shoved away, must be hurricanes over there - what a hell of Spinning Climate ! wheeeee, the wind ! shhhhh shhhhhhhh... ( seems raining, over there, the distant highway ). burrrooommm, BUMMM ! a thunder - and Climate Change full gaga. bzzzzzz-iiiiiiiii, zigg-zagggga/da-bamm!-s-zzzzzkk !

____that was the moment. __a shithead of a blitz-flash-banggg. __borshch jar kaputt.

M nearly blinded, has a sudden vision !
This here is what he saw ( and documented, later, back at his drawing board ) :

cosmology.Flammarion woodcut.anonym wood engraving.(h=600).jpg
But that wasn't the apex.
M not only stuck his capita into the Grand Treadmill Of Planetary Climate. No, he could also see the workings behind. That he remembered clearly, and brought it to paper, ah, I mean to electrons :

US.Tea can control the climate!Al Gore.warming-icing.EXCERPT.(h=600).jpg
( the original Report of Comrade (indeed, Superkommissar) Maxim is here. It's uncommented, as M was still in shock after his not "close" but head-on Encounter of the Third Kind. He heroically depicted the Story, and little me just stenographed his testimony and let the cat fully out of the bag - now, 5 years later. )

And now you comprende what's going on. See, once ClimSci models a desaster (D) caused by factors F(1)...F(n) in near of far future, then Goracle goes bananas on the D/F(i) controls, and stops only after D/F(i) are, like, totally annihilated.

And that, dear Comrades, explains why the PREDICTIONS practically NEVER COME TRUE ! That marvelous negative feedback - Modeling / Predicting / Announcing / Goracling - that's the thing holding our Beloved Mother Planet in balance ! Agreed, at the cost of PREDICTIONS going gaga - but hey, that's peanuts, compared to the ( cancelled ! thank God, ah, I mean Goracle, ufff... ) Infernal Armageddon Of Planetary Climate Catastrophe !

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Biff Henderson wrote:Image

vyeeeri naaaaayss ! __( compare this YouTube shtik )

Germans are acknowledged Weltmeisters in μ-detailed recycling-related segregation/collecting/informing ( and sometimes even persnickety lying in wait for potential Grün Zeitgeist Kriminals ). I guess, more than 50% of them ( ah, us... ) Krauts would applaud that poster ( and request it being placed in schools, cafeterias, ... , you know the drill ... ).

Were our Glorious Comrade Irina ( here and here ) as fluent in Germlish as she is in Russlish, she would be perfect for serial spoofing dse Dsherman Grün-zelotyzm.

o yep, and this :___( likely a Cube-production - me Dummkopf, didn't record the source )

US.2012.05.03.Obama.Marx.Ein Gespenst kreist in Capitalism.Lemon Socialism.(see - Lenin.specter-over-Europe).jpg

BTW, the original is not quite bad graphics ; by style, it's from the early 20s ; the socrealist bombast, paired with severe stifling of creativity, started in the second half of the 20s ; by 1930, the muzzle was already fully operational... (and it was effective till the bitter end in the late 80s.)

(in case you were struggling with, ah, decryption - Cyrillic says :)


(sounds like we heard this - somewhere, sometime - uh ? )

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Mikhail Lysenkomann wrote: April 22 is Vladimir Lenin's birthday Earth Day!

... the significance of 22 April 1970 was not lost on us young Communists: it was Vladimir Lenin's 100th birthday ...

Esteemed & Revoolooshionary Kollektiv !

Shouldn't Vlad's, oopff, Lenin's birthday be renamed to BEarthDay ? Wouldn't that enlighten the contemporary, planetwide followers along the path of 20-year-old Comrade Lysenkomann ? Enlighten them, and give a clear, explicit purpose to their struggle ?

... and here Vlad & his two most famous community activists, celebrating Mother Planet in a Down to Earth mode :

Deeply concerned about the ecological status in the progressive part of our Planet stretching from Kamchatka to Bessarabia, they saw the need of population control and even population reduction, and so they intensely planned, as seen here :

The Peoples Cube.2015.03.13.(Trotsky.Lenin.Stalin).Forbidden Jokes About Our Dear Leader Discovered.jpg
_________( hey, not a premiere - that Happy Troika already had a gig in the Kubosphere, here )

And note :
this was 50 (!) years prior to the drammmatic opus of Populo-Bombist Ehrlich (& wifey).
( for those greenhorns among us, who possibly got, like, quite shabby education in Amiland's & Environment's history, here a quickie. )

Somewhat discontent with wifey ( as co-author, I mean ), Populo-Bombist Maximo turned to Dr. Holdren ( again, quickie ) and the duo came up with a yuuuge tome, full of even yuuuuuger ideas on how to put a cap on, and next cut down, the planetary vermin going by the name of Homo sapiens. Both Doctores seem to also be sapiens, but they are more sapiens, of course.

The just mentioned oeuvre is in parts truly GULAGish ( or Konzentrationslager-ish, it's your choice ).

Dr. Ehrlich, learned lepidopterologist ( no, it's not some stupid Kubist joke ) is nowadays still in Stanford University.

Dr. Holdren ( a typico scientist-turned-science-administrator(-of-somewhat-shady-odor) ) is HopeyChangey's Science Czar - since mid March 2009, until today. ( Sounds like he must be very much to Hop's taste - kinda Nr-2 on His list of Beloved Top Sycophants, ah, I mean Advisers. Nr-2, right after ValJar. )

( DISCLAIMER : no, yours truly does not suffer from entomologo- / lepidopterologophobia. )
Dr. Ehrlich is a recognized expert in his field (study of butterflies & moths).
However, after those piles of "dead sure" yet loony predictions and outrageous pontifications in intellectually-Mengele-like style, maybe his "scientific" prominence deserves being toned down.

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Image .
Image .
Is this Genosse, Mikhail, or Vladimir drinking a forty?


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Mentally & Environmentally Sensitive Comrade Putout - yu häff put dsä kväshtshn in !

BUT ...

Had the inscription not been BOTTLES & CANS, but FLASCHEN (separate kontäyner!) & DOSEN (separate kontäyner!), only one conclusion would be legal. But here, Glorious Kollektiv must decide.

Ämärykäns ! BOTTLES & CANS yz not Climate Fight, yt yz KRIME ! Umwelt KRIME !
Ämärykäns ! Rymembah - never put BOTTLES & CANS zusammen !
Ämärykäns ! Ven YU du zo, YU go zu Umwelt GULAG !

Ämärykäns ! Not bi Umwelt dummkopf ! or elz !!!

logo.pointing.finger.commissar.SU.poster.You volunteered for recruitment_.Ты записался добровольцемünast.Trittin.Brave New World.Spiegel-2010.11.15.diptych.jpg



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I am proud to be part of generating Amerika's number one export to the world, it's waste. Were it not for the ideologically pure plastics dumping scheme finding its way to China's shores, not one wide-hipped Barbie would find it's way back into the disappointed socially-engineered hands of the Children.™

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I don't know what Comrade Dummkopf is trying to tell me!
