
Tragedy by imPali'n

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Fellow Comrades,

We both know X-mas is the season to give equally to all our comrades and higher powers (like our Commisars and Commissarkas (hope I got it spelled right Pinkie.)) We all wait around for Santa Mao to come and give us all one extra potato and goat to help with the Common Good.

Unfortunatly, I have discovered a travesty of an act by the RetugliKKKan imPali'n. . .


Looks like our extra potatoes and goats will get here a little late.

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Comrade Elliott,

Though I have no doubt your image depicts a horrible act committed by the foul and most vile Sarah The Ignorant (as she could be capable of nothing more), my People's Internet Explorer only shows a red X. This can only leave two possibilities, Comrade. Either you are a Thought Criminal and I was protected from this non-Party Approved image by my People's software (perhaps because she is known to steal her fashion ideas from the wardrobe of Comrade Chairman Mao), or because the Bu$Hitler Regime removed the image in a horrid attack against your demonstrating continued need for CHope.

For your sake, I hope it was the latter. However, should the show-trial non-partisan investigation reveal that you are indeed a Thought Criminal, I'll have a spot in the boxcar ready for you down at Platform 4.

-Obamissar Vodkavich
Obamissar of Gulags and Car Wash Products

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WHAT IS THIS!!!! Great Stalin's Ghost, a Broken link, no picture. This can only mean the great censors have acted swiftly to protect us from indecent propaganda. I must immediately contact the highest authorities.

Comrade_Elliott We will have a show trial for you. As Commissar of Kicking doors at Midnight, My Goons are on the way, to kick in your door as I write this. (Of course they could be stopping for Donuts and Coffee, and couple of Smokes), but rest assured they are on there way!!! And these are the best Crew of Goons yet!!! Kind fearless leader allowed me to pick from the rejects of the rejects, from Klinton II Administration (AKA the Obamessiah) and Cheney's hunting club.

"And even gave us some "Black Helicopters" But we can not use them today, Che had to borrow them to go Grocery shopping. And pick up some toothpaste, a new toilet brush, some root beer, hair conditioner, Poptarts, and some pounce Cat treats.

But they are still coming just you wait!!!

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Red Star said:
"And even gave us some "Black Helicopters" But we can not use them today, [HIGHLIGHT=#ffff00]Che had to borrow them to go Grocery shopping. And pick up some toothpaste, a new toilet brush, some root beer, hair conditioner, Poptarts, and some pounce Cat treats.

But they are still coming just you wait!!![/quote]

Well a cheery good morning to you too, comrade Red Star.

Just what the hell was I supposed to do? The People's van is still stuck in a damned snowbank, and if you are interested in eating moldy potatoes and turnips for the Inaugural, then let me know now, comrade! My repeated requests for a replacement for that piece of crap that passes for transportation, has fallen on deaf ears. I was given express permission by the Inner Circle to do whatever necessary to get the food for our purge Party here. I guess you don't realize that it takes time to create masterpieces such as mine, and I need those ingredients, like yesterday, man! So stuff your mouth with a donut and leave me to my visions, comprende?

BTW: what the f**k would I do with that stuff???

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I figured out the error, I hope you all can see the travesty done to us by the Bushitler and RethugliKKKans.

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Glorious Comrade_Elliott has been vindicated! A true Person of the People! Beet of the Week? The photo promotes the People's message and shows the horrors of the gun-toting Sarah.

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Che Gourmet wrote:Red Star said:

Just what the hell was I supposed to do? The People's van is still stuck in a damned snowbank, and if you are interested in eating moldy potatoes and turnips for the Inaugural, then let me know now, comrade! My repeated requests for a replacement for that piece of crap that passes for transportation, has fallen on deaf ears. I was given express permission by the Inner Circle to do whatever necessary to get the food for our purge Party here. I guess you don't realize that it takes time to create masterpieces such as mine, and I need those ingredients, like yesterday, man! So stuff your mouth with a donut and leave me to my visions, comprende?

BTW: what the f**k would I do with that stuff???

Che Comrade and Old Friend you are always welcome to use the Peoples Black helicopter. Just remember to reload the peoples machine guns, fill it with gas, and make sure that the ash trays are emptied.

Comrade_Elliott I will
over look your breach of the people's Computer posting polices, it appears that the peoples I.T. Department cleared this post. You are lucky comrade. It appears my Goons located a free Donuts. And if I understand correctly liquor, I am on my way to check this out. So I will let you go with a stern warning...

P.S Che did you pick up my Cheetos?

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Comrade Elliott,

I don't usually go for "girls 'n' guns," but this works for me.

Do you recall deep in the recesses of your once reactionary mind how "The other reindeer used to laugh and call him names?" Clearly they called Rove, who called Bush, who called McCain, who called Palin, who provided the Liechtenstein bank account number and made Rudolph past tense. That this was announced decades back in a children's song is a clear indication of how successful the military-industrial-holiday complex has been, broadcasting executions well in advance, sure they will be carried out with impunity.

It looks to me like you've uncovered a vast ruminant conspiracy that Oliver Stone will buy to reveal yet more of the festering falsities upon which our so-called reality rests.

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And deserving you will be! It will be glorious to see you and Oliver pulling Oscar apart on-stage like a Thanksgiving wishbone.

Although Comrade Stone sets numerous examples of progressive thought and action, I'd have a lawyer read through the contract, just in case. Comrade Stone might wish to liberate your work for his own personal gain, through which the PublicGood™ will be served and you'll end up with scratch.

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Not a bad idea to have that lawyer on hand comrade. Comrade Stone is a sneaky weasel.