
Trump poster: Make America FEEL THE EARN again!

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Please notice that I haven't once used the Cube to bash or promote any of the GOP candidates, even though some others have tried. I respect our members and their opinions. I also waited for the field to clear and see where the primaries would end up.

Now that Trump has won Nevada and Drudge declared him "the nominee" - apparently because The Donald is likely to win most other states - I thought it was time to post this "Feel the Earn" banner and suggest that we start uniting behind one candidate.

I also like all the remaining candidates and believe that any one of them would be a much better president than the current one, or any of the two wannabes on the Left (the Bolshevik and the Menshevik).

I noticed that some of us, mostly Cruz supporters, have a thing against the other candidates, especially against Trump. They certainly have the right to do so, but my biggest fear is that our side will self-destruct and there will be no one left to stand against the Democrats in the general election.

I agree that Trump is not perfect, but no other candidate is perfect either. I just wish Cruz would make a deal with Trump for a VP or an AG ticket, so they would stop damaging each other's credibility.

I also think that Ben Shapiro is giving Cruz terrible advice (reiterated by Rush) to attack Trump in the coming debate. He may have as well advised Cruz to jump in front of a moving tank with a baseball bat. No one who has attacked Trump so far has prevailed. Cruz may damage Trump, but it will cost him his own campaign. I hope he has more sense than that.

I don't want to turn this into a long treatise, so I'll stop here. If you're wondering about the reasons why I chose to side with Trump, check back later for an update, which I'll post below.

* * *


Donald Trump vs. "True Conservatives"

This may appear to some of you angry at times, but I was prompted, in part, by the incessant FB messages and emails I have been receiving for some time - mostly from Cruz supporters - ridiculing Trump, Rubio, and other Republican candidates as not "true conservatives" while often relying on "progressive" sources for their arguments.

First, let's look at the bigger picture.

We can all agree that the current national discourse, the list of debated issues, and even the vocabulary in which we debate them are a more or less recent creation of the "progressive" Left. The same forces have also fractured our society into collectivist pressure groups, to whom the Democrats and the Republicans alike must now pander in order to survive politically. The causes the Republicans must support and the questions they must publicly answer mostly come from within the "progressive" frame of reference. As politicians, they live and die within the "progressive" paradigm, complying with political correctness which they personally despise.

The only political actor on the national stage since Reagan who has been able to shatter that paradigm, frame, and narrative, is none other than Trump. He has created his own narrative, his own issues, and continues to frame the debate on his own terms. He rejects the game the establishment is playing on both sides. Trump plays his own game by his own rules. People like it and that's why he is leading in the polls.

Ted Cruz may have great conservative ideas which he articulates better than Trump, but today's cultural landscape has been rigged with traps for conservative ideologues. Even if "ideologically pure" Cruz ever wins presidency, he will have to live in that adverse landscape, which the Left will transform into a toxic quagmire before he can say "pro-life." What good will his great ideas do if they are bogged down in the enormous government bureaucracy staffed with "progressive" Democrats?

The media, academia, and Hollywood cultivate polarization and mutual partisan resentment as an antidote against conservative ideologues. Partisanship only benefits Democrats. Doing anything within this framework is counterproductive; the best thing a conservative president can do is rename the "progressive" swamp into a "conservative" swamp, which will hardly make the swamp a better place. What's really needed here is a complete overhaul of the cultural landscape. The next president will fail unless he drains the noxious "progressive" swamp in its entirety.

This job can only be effectively done by a non-ideological and forceful president-bully with a popular appeal, who can unite and inspire the nation across the partisan lines and has the license to call things what they are, according to common sense and not political correctness. Trump has earned that license and proved that he has the above qualities. As a bonus, he has also proved that he is immune to media criticism.

Trump attracts large crowds because people who have been bullied by the "progressives" for too long are finally excited to see a bully on their side. It takes a bully to stand up to other bullies. Ted Cruz, with all his intellect and "pure" conservative credentials, is not a bully.

This brings me to the pious advocates of "pure" conservatism who like to blame the GOP establishment for the current mess. I'm all for shaming political whores, but it wouldn't also hurt to take a closer look at their own icon William Buckley, the celebrated creator of today's conservative movement. Buckley also seemed to put a lot of effort into splitting hairs over the question of who is a "real" conservative and who is not. But was his movement a success? Let's look at the outcome: all commanding positions in the American culture, media, and education have been surrendered to the "progressives," the economy is sliding towards socialism, and conservatives are now the pariahs of the 21st century. Last time I checked, conservatives measured success by the outcomes, not by good intentions.

Furthermore, Buckley placed religion as the cornerstone of conservatism, where it doesn't belong - which becomes obvious if you look at the proliferation of "progressive" churches and reverends like Sharpton, Jackson, and Jeremiah Wright. Obsessed with "purity," Buckley "excommunicated" atheist author and thinker Ayn Rand - the greatest and possibly fatal loss for the conservative movement - as well as other "unpure" ones, including the anti-communist, anti-UN John Birch Society for being "too extreme." As a result, to qualify as a "true conservative" one almost has to be a castrated monk, which is pretty close to our public image and, for some, a self-image as well. Good luck winning the culture wars, holy brothers!

Buckley's "pure" vision is continued today by his brainchild, National Review, which has assumed the role of announcing to the nation who is a "true" and who is "not a true" conservative. Following in their founder's tradition they recently attempted to excommunicate Donald Trump. This cost them a large chunk of their audience and a great deal of mental anguish, which will hopefully prompt them finally to look outside their ivory tower and see how the rest of us live.

Everyone who has attacked Trump so far has lost: National Review, the RNC, Fox News, Jeb Bush, and even the Pope. The latest attacker licking his wounds is now Glenn Beck. When a certified psycho like Alex Jones tells Beck to get a straightjacket, it's got to be serious.

Did I enjoy watching Trump bash the Bushes on the WMD and WTC? Absolutely not. Upon reflection, however, as much as it pains me to say it, Trump gave George W. Bush what he deserved - a taste of the popular narrative created in the absence of any effort by the former president to clear his own name from false accusations when he was in office.

Like many others on our side I spent way too much time debunking the anti-Bush fallacies and ridiculing the Bush Derangement Syndrome - something Bush himself could have done more effectively. But he didn't. He just quietly stepped down, allowing the lies to take hold and solidify into an internationally accepted narrative. That made me, among many others, feel betrayed and deflated. Remember Limbaugh's comment about being tired of carrying Bush's water? I'm pretty sure he felt the same way.

To make matters worse, the unopposed anti-Bush hysteria also gave the White House to Obama, who still blames Bush for all his troubles. Bush's refusal to fight has given his opponents so much fuel that seven years later Obama still runs on the anti-Bush platform and gets great mileage.

That probably explains why voters rejected Jeb: they were afraid to live through the same scenario with another Bush.

That may also explain why they'd rather have Trump - a Teflon bully.

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I guess it was time to give your country the [img]/styles/pc/imageset/heart.png[/img] before February is out and the Florida primary begins.

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This New York kind of guy is making myself somewhat nervous. The 150 year revolution is under attack.

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I think we need to call the mental hospital and ask them to monitor Komrade Direktor. He's been awfully strange. He's been posting more this past week, and he didn't send me to the Gulag for clearing myself up, Komrade Stalin or even Komrade Gorbachev would have done that to me, and Gorbachev was a puss compared to Stalin. Not saying he should be committed though, I just think it would be in the best interests of the Kollektive if he were monitored for any mental illnesses and/or excessive drug use.


If Trump gets the nomination, I'll probably vote for him. If he doesn't get the nomination or manages to leave a bad taste in my mouth in the months ahead, it'll have to be either Gary Johnson or John McAfee for me. I refuse to vote for any other GOP or Dem candidate.

Also, you want some laughs?

This one was hard for me to watch. Mainly because I was laughing my @$$ off.
Real comments from Bernie Supporters (Click on the image to magnify)
Look at the Milk Carton
Solid Steel
Lenin's right on this matter
Build Wall...
Donald Trump Starter's Kit
Bernie Sanders Starter's Kit
Reading between the lines
Read the title
Hero V. Establishment
Brings a smile to my face
Krav MAGA (Make America Great Again)
Meanwhile on the Huffington Post...
"Tolerant" Liberals
No Brakes
Other People's Money and all that
Bernie Vs Trump
Babies for Bernie
And throw away the key
They shouldn't have taken "Dirty Lies 101"
Liberal Logic
I'd LOVE to have a Formula 1 President
Seeya Jeb!
The End of Hillary
Anchor Babies
Books for Bernie Babies
"It's not a cult!"
Low Energy and Low Beauty.
Remember chain emails?
Think long and hard
I never made this connection
Higher than half-staff
Same shit, different day (Although the loyalists actually looked like fighters)

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Shouldn't the coveted commie cube endorsement be for the most Stalinist candidate that can win?

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Red Square wrote:COMING SOON: Why I think we should unite around Trump
Because he is the only one that doesn't have to be somebody's bitch in order to get elected. Because he has a stake in America's welfare. Because he is not of uncertain origin and goals, like O'Bummer. Because the establishment, left and right, is rallying more and more against him. Now, that's rich. Because O'Bummer said "Chump will not be president". If O'Bummer feels Americans are stupid for electing Chump, well, we hit rock-bottom with electing O'Bummer, we can't descend any lower. Because Chump has actually worked in his life. He has run corporations, not hordes of thugs, like O'Bummer. Now these are already too many reasons to rally around Chump. He already has my vote since a while, Florida primaries included.

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This guy makes a strong case for Donald Trump. In the first video, at the 12-16 minute mark, he points out a few immigration conversations which are very hard to overlook.

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I just posted an update to the original post above -

Why I think Trump is our best choice.

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Image Fellow Comrades, It has always been my guiding philosophy to not just echo the remarks made by others but to post something unique and that sometimes against the grain as it were. This is one of those times.

As an astute observer and eyewitness to history I often try to use events of the recent past to predict what will happen in the near future.

Mathematically speaking, this is the development of differential equations that attempt to emulate the current trends that are set by the initial conditions to see what will happen as the time value is advanced. Please pardon my clumsy way of trying to explain this, it has been many moons since I've studied differential equations and the mathematical modeling of real world systems.

My observations of Mr. Trump have lead me to some very disturbing conclusions, and while I will pull the lever for the man were he to become the nominee I believe it is imperative that we get it right this time around because frankly speaking, this is our last chance.

Were the national Socialist Left to retain power they will tilt the delicate balance of the ‘extreme' court against the cause of liberty for a generation if not forever. They will also open the border to any and all to become a voting block to keep them in power in perpetuity…
....or until everything implodes making the fall of Rome look like a ‘tea party' with the added ‘benefit' of nuclear weapons thrown into the mix.

To be blunt about it I have two main concerns with ‘the Donald' were he to attain the nomination:
1. That he would lose.
2. That he would Win.

1. One only has to look at his current conduct to presume how he will behave in the general contest. And while his demeanor and style have been a great asset, the fear is that these will become a severe liability in the run-up for the fall election.

The man is very erratic and bellicose at times, and the left will only need a small sampling of such behaviour to brand him a ‘hater of women', ‘racist', etc. Where he to turn on a dime and change his mannerisms tomorrow, they would still have plenty of rhetorical ammunition to use against him.

This aside from his other peccadilloes in the form of a tabloid lifestyle and personal foibles.

2. Where he to win, we do not have a clue as to how he would act in office. We do know he has changed in the past, and this could easily be the case as time presses on.

Trump has a paucity of policy positions – witness the list from his website:

U.S.-China Trade Reform
Veterans Administration Reforms
Tax Reform
Second Amendment Rights
Immigration Reform

In addition we have Trump threatening those who would donate monies to oppose him using information he has on them. Do we really want such a man to have the full resources of the Federal government – FBI, CIA, etc. at his beck and call?

Comrade Torcer wrote:In addition we have Trump threatening those who would donate monies to oppose him using information he has on them. Do we really want such a man to have the full resources of the Federal government – FBI, CIA, etc. at his beck and call?

Image We already have one such, and his name is Barack Obama. Among other amusements, his Badministration has filed more whistleblower suppression lawsuits than all previous administrations combined, and used the IRS to suppress conservative non-profits.

Tricky Dick Nixon might have been corrupt and he is justly reviled for that, but he would never have dreamed of the dirty tricks that Obama has pulled during his Badministration.

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Image That is only one of the issues with Trump - and he still needs to become elected in the first place which it is highly doubtful.

He is an already well know, polarizing figure with very high negatives - higher than #Comrade Clinton.

His aggressive style may appeal to a small segment of the electorate, that will not be the case with everyone else.

It will be a reverse of the current trend - his opponent's polling will go up each time he acts like a bully.

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Words of wisdom? Do they still apply today? The real enemy is?

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself...A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." —Cicero

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A well thought out rationale by Red Square. The Republican party is sick (as in unhealthy, though not too short on sickos either) and like the drug/alcohol addict, must hit rock bottom and begin to reconstruct itself. The Tea Party was a start of this transformation, but the establishment Republicans/RINOs only helped perpetuate the image of the Tea Party that the left constantly portrayed. That ship has sailed.

We need a wrecking ball in Washington DC. An un-wussified individual who will verbally bitch-slap (or bully if you wish) and work to reign in some of the gross bureaucracies and get a few things done, i.e. immigration, VA, economic policies, etc. In these areas, Trump will be able to do what others won't.

I'm less worried about his social policies (though the Supreme Court nomination is extremely important), because really, look what we've had the last 7 years. It can't get much worse. Foreign policy is a toss up, who knows how he'll be, but who can't agree that currently we're getting screwed on almost all fronts.

Hopefully, a severe humbling of the Republican Party will help them start their 12 step journey. I have my doubts though, they're still mostly career politicians. Which brings the last point... at least Donald actually has some experience at something other than being a politician.

I hope he survives the general election. The knives will be longer, sharper, and rustier.

StimulusMaximus wrote:I'm less worried about his social policies (though the Supreme Court nomination is extremely important), because really, look what we've had the last 7 years. It can't get much worse.

I'll lay you even money against that, Comrade Red Square to hold the stakes and make the decision on the day after Obama leaves office.

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I for one look forward to presidential debates with Mr. Trump either gently warning his opponent, he will put her in federal prison for mishandling classified information, or asking him to explain, how his political philosophy is different from that of Hugo Chavez.

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Lev Termen wrote:

StimulusMaximus wrote:I'm less worried about his social policies (though the Supreme Court nomination is extremely important), because really, look what we've had the last 7 years. It can't get much worse.

I'll lay you even money against that, Comrade Red Square to hold the stakes and make the decision on the day after Obama leaves office.

I'm afraid I'll need odds, Comrade. It is, indeed, a gamble. Clickety-Clackety (dice rolling).

StimulusMaximus wrote:I'm afraid I'll need odds, Comrade. It is, indeed, a gamble. Clickety-Clackety (dice rolling).

*sigh* Sometimes P. T. Barnum is wrong. No vig for Comrade Red Square today!

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If anybody is still in doubt over whether to vote for Trump, here is the argument, that ought to convince anyone: Al Sharpton promised to leave the country, should the billionaire be elected President. Though many such promises where made before -- in the run-ups to 2000 and 2004 elections -- and very few departures actually materialized, even a glimmer of hope to be rid of this peddler of opium for the people counts for a lot.

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I see no reason to rally behind Mr. Trump.

He's going to win the nomination, whether we rally behind him or not.

I don't support him, and I don't want him becoming President. He's going to become President anyway.

And it won't be all that bad. For one thing, he's already destroyed Jeb Bush. I'm very happy about that. And his winning the nomination will destroy the Republican Party, along with all of their consultants and hangers-on. That's even better.

And while he'll never destroy the Democrat Party (Evil cannot be destroyed), when he becomes President he will at least -- FINALLY -- destroy Hillary Clinton. That makes me overjoyed.

So even though I don't support him, and don't want him becoming President, it won't be all that bad. I think of him as the chemo that a cancer patient has to take to get rid of the cancer.

And America definitely has a cancer. May he serve his country well.

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Mikhail Lysenkomann - that's close enough to what I'm thinking, too (although with less antipathy).

I expect his presidency to be a culture shock - unpleasant but necessary. Let me explain.

Just today I was describing Trump to a friend as a much needed electrical prod driven into the rotting body of the American culture, which is sick with progressivism, as a last hope to save it from sure death. The jolt will hopefully cause the dead and half-dead cells to fall off, and new healthy cells to start growing at a faster rate.

You compared it to chemo vs. cancer - works just as well.

He has shown a remarkable ability to bring down everyone who attacks him. In the end he remains standing, but the attackers shrink in size and lose their appeal in the eyes of public.

As I mentioned before, this happened to Bush, the Pope, National Review, some media personalities, partially even Fox News, and the GOP establishment. I'm sure Glenn Beck is losing a lot of followers because of his continued meltdown over Trump.

Now imagine the entire elitist "progressive" establishment rises against him - and similarly loses its appeal and respect. I'm talking about the MSM, Hollywood, academia, and the whole lot of activist organizations. Wouldn't you want to see them lose their aura of moral superiority and shrink in size, with all their former admirers suddenly realizing how ugly and idiotic their former idols have been? That could be a turning point for the revival of the country.

In this sense Trump reminds me of the innocent child who pointed his finger at the emperor and cried out, "The emperor has no clothes!"

For those who don't remember this children's story by Hans Christian Andersen, here's the skinny. The emperor wants new clothes. A pair of crooked weavers promise a suit made of a special fabric that's invisible to anyone who is stupid or unfit for his position. Nobody wants to admit they can't see it, until when the emperor appears in public, a child who is too young to understand the desirability of keeping up the pretense, cries out, "The emperor has no clothes," and suddenly everyone realizes they've all been hoodwinked and the emperor is shamed.

I'm sure that's another reason of Trump's popular appeal - he calls things as he sees them, while everyone else is playing the game of pretense. That's what I like about him too, even though I may be skeptical about some other things he does.


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Why do I feel like I'm on panel 8 of the comic book version of Hayek's Road to Serfdom? (as shown below) Image
Oleg: I've read your book twice and I have great respect for your analytical skills and good judgment. However, I'm not with you on this one comrade, although I agree with a certain portion of your rationale. Still, a completely unpredictable cluster bomb like Trump would be preferable to the ancient commie hippies.


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I hope you're right, comrade Red Square, but I suspect that Trumps whole campaign was launched to ensure Hillary becomes president. Trump was a Democrat not too long ago and has donated liberally to the Clintons. From my observations, the whole thing looks like an elaborate shell game, to me.

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Red Square wrote:Mikhail Lysenkomann - that's close enough to what I'm thinking, too (although with less antipathy).

I expect his presidency to be a culture shock - unpleasant but necessary. Let me explain.

Just today I was describing Trump to a friend as a much needed electrical prod driven into the rotting body of the American culture, which is sick with progressivism, as a last hope to save it from sure death. The jolt will hopefully cause the dead and half-dead cells to fall off, and new healthy cells to start growing at a faster rate.

You compared it to chemo vs. cancer - works just as well.

He has shown a remarkable ability to bring down everyone who attacks him. In the end he remains standing, but the attackers shrink in size and lose their appeal in the eyes of public.

As I mentioned before, this happened to Bush, the Pope, National Review, some media personalities, partially even Fox News, and the GOP establishment. [highlight=#ffff00]I'm sure Glenn Beck is losing a lot of followers because of his continued meltdown over Trump.[/highlight]

Now imagine the entire elitist "progressive" establishment rises against him - and similarly loses its appeal and respect. I'm talking about the MSM, Hollywood, academia, and the whole lot of activist organizations. Wouldn't you want to see them lose their aura of moral superiority and shrink in size, with all their former admirers suddenly realizing how ugly and idiotic their former idols have been? That could be a turning point for the revival of the country.

In this sense Trump reminds me of the innocent child who pointed his finger at the emperor and cried out, "The emperor has no clothes!"

For those who don't remember this children's story by Hans Christian Andersen, here's the skinny. The emperor wants new clothes. A pair of crooked weavers promise a suit made of a special fabric that's invisible to anyone who is stupid or unfit for his position. Nobody wants to admit they can't see it, until when the emperor appears in public, a child who is too young to understand the desirability of keeping up the pretense, cries out, "The emperor has no clothes," and suddenly everyone realizes they've all been hoodwinked and the emperor is shamed.

I'm sure that's another reason of Trump's popular appeal - he calls things as he sees them, while everyone else is playing the game of pretense. That's what I like about him too, even though I may be skeptical about some other things he does.



I liked him years ago. He started becoming a bit of a fearmonger than a pundit/commentator and I stopped being a fan of him, but I'd still listen to what he had to say if he wrote or spoke on a topic that I was interested in. Then he got his TV studio that he seemingly wanted for a long time and he started being "shady" and "not all there" from my point of view, and having not read or seen anything of his for quite some time, I just started to not care about the guy. This incident with Trump has made me lose any and all respect I had for Glenn.

I just had a visit to Glenn's site. His new line is "We tell the stories of love and courage where the good guys win." That just plain sounds shady & slimy. And he called Albert Einstein and Francis Drake, who was a Vice Admiral in the Royal Navy, "courage boys". I'm sorry Glenn, but if you think Einstein and Drake are boys then I'm the president of the Moon.

ratskins wrote:Why do I feel like I'm on panel 8 of the comic book version of Hayek's Road to Serfdom? (as shown below) Image Oleg: I've read your book twice and I have great respect for your analytical skills and good judgment. However, I'm not with you on this one comrade, although I agree with a certain portion of your rationale. Still, a completely unpredictable cluster bomb like Trump would be preferable to the ancient commie hippies. Ratskins


Interesting thoughts from Mr. Hayek, although I think that they could be applied to Sanders as well as Trump. I neither agree nor disagree with you and your use of Hayek's wisdom, I'm just throwing that out there.

(PS- "Ancient Commie Hippies" is absolutely brilliant! Mind if I use it?)

Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:I hope you're right, comrade Red Square, but I suspect that Trumps whole campaign was launched to ensure Hillary becomes president. Trump was a Democrat not too long ago and has donated liberally to the Clintons. From my observations, the whole thing looks like an elaborate shell game, to me.


I've had this "on my table" for a little while. I'm not entirely convinced, maybe 65-85% convinced, but from where I'm sitting there's just a little something missing that I can't quite put my finger on what it is. Still, with the losses, albeit small, by Sanders in the IA and NV caucuses I'm becoming more and more convinced of this.

mi wrote:If anybody is still in doubt over whether to vote for Trump, here is the argument, that ought to convince anyone: Al Sharpton promised to leave the country, should the billionaire be elected President. Though many such promises where made before -- in the run-ups to 2000 and 2004 elections -- and very few departures actually materialized, even a glimmer of hope to be rid of this peddler of opium for the people counts for a lot.


Komrade Mi, I don't think he'll leave. Al Silvertongue is a liar and a crook. He wouldn't leave his lush life here in the US for a life in a European country where everybody has small houses and high taxes.

StimulusMaximus wrote:A well thought out rationale by Red Square. The Republican party is sick (as in unhealthy, though not too short on sickos either) and like the drug/alcohol addict, must hit rock bottom and begin to reconstruct itself. The Tea Party was a start of this transformation, but the establishment Republicans/RINOs only helped perpetuate the image of the Tea Party that the left constantly portrayed. That ship has sailed.

[highlight=#ffff00]We need a wrecking ball in Washington DC. An un-wussified individual who will verbally bitch-slap (or bully if you wish) and work to reign in some of the gross bureaucracies and get a few things done, i.e. immigration, VA, economic policies, etc. In these areas, Trump will be able to do what others won't. [/highlight]

I'm less worried about his social policies (though the Supreme Court nomination is extremely important), because really, look what we've had the last 7 years. It can't get much worse. Foreign policy is a toss up, who knows how he'll be, but who can't agree that currently we're getting screwed on almost all fronts.

Hopefully, a severe humbling of the Republican Party will help them start their 12 step journey. I have my doubts though, they're still mostly career politicians. Which brings the last point... at least Donald actually has some experience at something other than being a politician.

I hope he survives the general election. The knives will be longer, sharper, and rustier.


Although Trump is a bit more brazen than other candidates, I don't think that he'll be able to do that. In my opinion, the bureaucracy is far too entrenched, slow, and set in it's ways to be able to do that in 8 years. I'm afraid that the only thing that would "get things done" is a total collapse.

Although I do agree with you on the 'tea party", from my view it's one of those "It sounded great at the time" sort of things, it looked good, but accomplished very little and left the GOP with the public opinion of being full of old fogies with extreme views that want to ban everything that's "fun". Of course that might not be so true, but that seems to be the view of the GOP nowadays.

Comrade Torcer wrote:Image That is only one of the issues with Trump - and he still needs to become elected in the first place which it is highly doubtful.

He is an already well know, polarizing figure with very high negatives - higher than #Comrade Clinton.

His aggressive style may appeal to a small segment of the electorate, that will not be the case with everyone else.

It will be a reverse of the current trend - his opponent's polling will go up each time he acts like a bully.

I'll wait to see if he gets the nomination, and if he does, where his poll numbers go, but this is "on my table" now. Very interesting theory. See my comments to Kapitan above, they apply somewhat to this.

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Actually, Comrade Red Square, our positions are closer than you think.

I do not oppose Mr. Trump becoming President; I just don't support him. Mostly because of his abysmal lack of understanding of economics.

All in all, he'll be good for the country. It's a safe bet that I'll be voting for him in November, instead of the Libertarian candidate.

I'm just not going to spend energy trying to convince Republicans to vote for him in the Primaries, because he's going to win anyway.

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Comrade Stierlitz:
Please feel free to use the phrase "ancient commie hippies" with my blessing. I agree that Hayek's panel 8 could just as easily be Bernie Sanders. Or Hugo Chavez. Or Mussolini. Or any other putrescent pandering populist.

As for his partner in slime the orange jumpsuit lady, I would offer the following advice, which is borrowed from Mark Twain: "Three can keep a secret if two are dead". Cue Vince Foster's ghost. . . .

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I've decided to become a populist and vote for whoever becomes president. Saves time and trouble.

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Based on some feedback on Facebook, I may have lost some followers because of this post.

I can understand the mutual resentment between the progs and the cons. But why are so many on our side unable to support their candidates without hating and trashing the others whom they may have to vote for a few months down the road?

In 2012 the Republicans self-destructed through mutual fighting, Romney lost, and we got Obama 2.0. I'm afraid that if this doesn't stop, we'll get Obama 3.0 with Hillary or even Bernie.

And RNC seems to be spending a lot of their money to destroy Trump, so that Hillary won't have to.

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Red Square wrote:I can understand the mutual resentment between the progs and the cons. But why are so many on our side unable to support their candidates without hating and trashing the others whom they may have to vote for a few months down the road?

Amen, Red Square. What you said.

The Trump-hatred from the libtards is understandable. Trump-hatred from Republicans is downright inexcusable. And stupid.

Especially since these were the same people who were telling us four years ago that we all had to suck it up and vote for Romney because, well, "he IS the nominee."

What goes around comes around, Republicans. Time for you to take your own medicine.

Added later: The GOP doesn't need people like this. Time for them to leave.

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Well, you didn't lose me Oleg. I figure everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'm a Cruz guy, but I'm fully prepared to fasten the seat belt and pull the lever for Trump if it comes to that. The captain has turned on the no smoking sign . . . hang on, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

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Buckley's "pure" vision is continued today by his brainchild, National Review, which has assumed the role of announcing to the nation who is a "true" and who is "not a true" conservative. - See more at: ... 7oFOI.dpuf


I think the proclamations of "true" conservatism has gone both ways. People with 90+% conservative voting records have too often been deemed as "RINOS" for simply taking any position at any time that showed any sense of moderation or tactical prowess. McCain, Romney, Ryan, Rubio, Jeb, GW Bush, Kasich, Christi, Cantor etc. etc. etc are just a few of the names who have been sacrificed by the arbiters of true conservatism. Ted Cruz has been far too willing to play the game of demeaning others as being not true conservatives and holding himself up as the only "true" conservative that now when he does so against Trump it seems as disingenuous as it was when he did so against others.What National Review has done is attempt to defend conservatives by pointing out the hypocrisy and the willingness by some to overlook Trump's liberalism simply because he has attacked Obama for not being an American, attacked Mexicans and talked of banning Muslims. Imagine if Jeb had once held most of Trumps positions that Trump held just 10 years ago.

My fear with Trump is in his claim to not be beholden to anyone because he is self funded. I like my candidates to be beholden. My concern with Trump is that he is right. He is not beholden in any way to remain "conservative" past this nomination process. The real question at hand is are Trump's positions now reflective of what he actually believes now, or, are the positions he has taken in his previous 60 years of life actually more reflective of what he actually believes.

As Hans and Franz like to say... "Hear me now, believe me later."


The idea that people might abandon TPC simply because they may have a different opinion than its editor is very liberal like. Perhaps they can throw food at you and shout you down like all tolerant liberals do.

User avatar
Red Square wrote:Based on some feedback on Facebook, I may have lost some followers because of this post.

I can understand the mutual resentment between the progs and the cons. But why are so many on our side unable to support their candidates without hating and trashing the others whom they may have to vote for a few months down the road?

In 2012 the Republicans self-destructed through mutual fighting, Romney lost, and we got Obama 2.0. I'm afraid that if this doesn't stop, we'll get Obama 3.0 with Hillary or even Bernie.

And RNC seems to be spending a lot of their money to destroy Trump, so that Hillary won't have to.

Personally, I'm not hating or trashing anyone. I can't vote (unless I vote for a Democrat) because I'm not a citizen. I'm simply an observer.

My observation is that Trump will take the Republican Party in exactly the direction that the establishment want it to go which is to be a left of center party that pays lip service to the Constitution but completely ignores it when writing legislation. The Democrats are already extreme leftists.

The history of the Roman republic ought to be a warning to us all. Unfortunately, too many of us have no idea what I'm talking about.

You all ought to listen to what the candidates really say. Obama told us all what he would be when he was campaigning and nobody believed he was serious. He was. Trump has said that he will be an entirely different person when he is president. You should believe that he is telling the truth about that.

Forget about his anti-PC grand standing and listen to what the man actually says and look at what his history is. It's more sensible to believe that something that has happened before will happen again than to believe that something that has never happened will happen. Especially when one is considering a political candidate.

That's not hate. That's rational analysis.

I stand by the theory that Trump is there to ensure Hillary gets elected. If Trump wins the nomination, he'll throw the election.

User avatar
Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt - allow me to disagree. One really needs to be here and feel what's in the air. I have neighbors here, both Repubs and Dems, who said they're voting for Trump. That means I don't have to feel weary of them anymore, and they of me.

It's not that I'm all that enamored with Trump personally. My motives are purely pragmatic. I'm looking at a bigger picture. I don't want America to remain viciously divided into two camps - it's like blood poisoning and that's deadly. Trump has created a movement outside of the established partisan and ideological divide, and my hope is that he will bring all people together and there will be no rationale for the mutual hatred anymore. With any other candidate, no matter how perfectly qualified he is, the demoralization and division will continue because it's beyond their control. So far Trump has been the only one who could withstand every media attack and gain even more popular support as a result. I'm surprised that so many smart people on our side can't see what is happening. It is a historic change. Just wait and see.

Lest anyone accuses me of being pollyannish, I very much realize the power of the Left and their unwillingness to make peace and surrender. But what I'm hoping for is that a confrontation with Trump will cause them to lose their power and influence over the country which they currently hold. As you may have noticed, all the previous collisions with Trump ended with his attackers going down like ships after hitting an iceberg.

The leftist media, academia, entertainment, etc. - their entire gigantic apparatus - is Titanic. Trump is the iceberg.

Let me draw a diagram...


User avatar
I believe you are not seeing the big picture, comrade Red Square, but are being fooled by the platitudes. Look at his history and you will see his future behavior.

I wonder why you would support a candidate who would shut down The People's Cube in a heart beat, if he could:

I'm not wrong about this man and I am very surprised that you are taken by such a superficial display of bombast.

If it was a choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, I'd suggest they both be shot for treason.

By the way, comrade, I am here. I live in Oregon and have been living in the USA for over 15 years - 12 of them in Ohio. I am fully conversant in American politics. Don't let the accent fool you. :-)

User avatar
Red Square wrote:So far Trump has been the only one who could withstand every media attack and gain even more popular support as a result.

This is where we part, comrade Red. I do not believe the Don has been faced with any real media attack. He has gotten and they have given him free press and friendly interviews since this thing began. We will soon find out if he has endured every media attack and if he can withstand it. I have my doubts on both accounts.

User avatar
El Presidente wrote:
Red Square wrote:So far Trump has been the only one who could withstand every media attack and gain even more popular support as a result.

This is where we part, comrade Red. I do not believe the Don has been faced with any real media attack. He has gotten and they have given him free press and friendly interviews since this thing began. We will soon find out if he has endured every media attack and if he can withstand it. I have my doubts on both accounts.
Comrade, if you google Donald Trump...

User avatar
El Presidente wrote:
Red Square wrote:So far Trump has been the only one who could withstand every media attack and gain even more popular support as a result.

This is where we part, comrade Red. I do not believe the Don has been faced with any real media attack. He has gotten and they have given him free press and friendly interviews since this thing began. We will soon find out if he has endured every media attack and if he can withstand it. I have my doubts on both accounts.
El Presidente, the attack is in fact vicious and it is coming from the media. It is coming in the form of relentless attacks by the GOP/RNC on the net, radio, television and press. The news, which isn't actually news, is about protecting some and destroying others, and at the same time, shoving the GOP's same as it ever was agenda down our throats.

User avatar
Daniel Greenfield never fails to echo my view -


The real threat we face is not from Trump's rhetoric.

Daniel Greenfield wrote:Bush Derangement Syndrome made him seem so terrible that every other evil could be justified by comparison. The exaggeration of Trump Derangement Syndrome is doing that all over again.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is driving some conservatives to call for destroying the Republican Party and conservatism, and even to usher in eight years of left-wing rule, in order to stop Trump.

Under pressure from Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton is now adopting positions well to the left of Obama. On racial issues, she's already more extreme than he is. Ponder that for a minute. Both Democratic candidates are now airing blatantly racist views about white privilege. Sanders and Clinton are also scrambling to get to the left of Obama on terrorism, socialized medicine and a raft of other issues.

The switch from “Anyone But Hillary” to “Anyone But Trump” is a sign of fundamentally misplaced priorities.

Political campaigns can get ugly and Trump's style is, at times, to get as nasty as possible, but it's a sign of misplaced insider priorities to allow personal animus to matter more than the war against the left. It's not unreasonable for some conservatives to be angry at Trump and his tactics. It is unreasonable to let that anger turn into a petulance that would let the left rule the nation for another eight years.

MORE >> ... greenfield

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I won't directly respond to any single Komrade here for various reasons. Just know that this discussion is making me think harder about and reevaluate my positions. All I will say is that I am neither for nor against Trump and that the GOP and the Dems have put up will not be getting my vote. I AM wary of Trump, although I can't quite put my finger on the reason why. Probably just a feeling.

I'm seeing this discussion and I'm reminded of a certain quote from the 1976 film Network. If you haven't seen it yourself, I can't recommend it enough. It's one of the most perfect illustrations of the modern media I know of.

"So, you listen to me. Listen to me! Television is not the truth. Television's a god-damned amusement park. Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers, and football players. We're in the boredom-killing business. So if you want the Truth, go to God! Go to your gurus. Go to yourselves! Because that's the only place you're ever gonna find any real truth. But, man, you're never gonna get any truth from us. We'll tell you anything you wanna hear. We lie like hell. We'll tell you that, uh, Kojak always gets the killer and that nobody ever gets cancer at Archie Bunker's house. And no matter how much trouble the hero is in, don't worry. Just look at your watch. At the end of the hour, he's gonna win. We'll tell you any shit you want to hear.

We deal in illusions, man. None of it is true! But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We're all you know. You're beginning to believe the illusions we're spinning here. You're beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you. You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube. You even think like the tube. This is mass madness. You maniacs. In God's name, you people are the real thing. We are the illusion. So turn off your television sets. Turn them off now. Turn them off right now. Turn them off and leave them off. Turn them off right in the middle of this sentence I am speaking to you now. Turn them off!"

User avatar
I haven't owned a TV in over 4 years. I don't miss it.

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Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:I haven't owned a TV in over 4 years. I don't miss it.

I haven't watched TV for about 3 1/2-4 years. I feel the same way.

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Red Square wrote:Trump Derangement Syndrome is driving some conservatives to call for destroying the Republican Party and conservatism, and even to usher in eight years of left-wing rule, in order to stop Trump.

I am convinced that Trump's mission is to make sure that another 4 years of left wing rule is achieved. If he wins the Republican nomination, he will run such a bad general campaign that Hillary will be inevitable. If he loses the Republican nomination, he will run 3rd party ensuring Hillary will be inevitable.

The Republican establishment would welcome such a scenario because the worst thing that could ever happen to them is for an actual conservative/libertarian to be elected president.

I don't understand how anybody who is in favor of limited government can support a man who says he loves eminent domain because it allows him to take the legally owned property of individuals for his own benefit, vows to raise taxes, is a serial abuser of immigration laws, and brags that he loves low information voters.

User avatar
Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:This sums up what have long suspected

“It may not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS.”

Komrade Kapitan, pay no mind to the man behind the curtain. The big holographic man is the real man. Once again, the Media is here to help and serve you, not tell you what to think and program you to behave like the government and the elites want. Pay no mind to the man behind the curtain. Return to your telescreen, await further instruction. Play no mind to the man behind the curtain. No mind=good, a mind=bad. Groupthink doubleplusgood, Singlethink doubleplusungood. Go to your telescreen and suckle off of it like the lobotomized State-Worshipper you are. Pay no mind to the man behind the curtain.

User avatar
In support of Comrade Director's post, may I offer:

Newton's Three Laws of Motion:

While Trump has not always been specific about his positions in his speeches, go to his official website where they are spelled out! They're good.

In addition, many former Democrats became conservative Republicans so, what's the big deal about Trump changing, as well? Country before party!

It seems to me that Trump has the required force and momentum to affect this change of direction.

User avatar
Oh yeah. This morning I found this.

It's an open letter to Donald Trump thanking him for overcoming his fear. It's deep and sweet.

To: President Trump

From: Just a simple man
I've been following your campaign since your announcement, reading millions of words written about you, watching thousands of hours of video and speeches, listening to many talk radio show segments, and engaging in dozens of debates with people around me.

No candidate has ever captured my attention the way you have.

Now that it's clear you will be the Republican nominee, I want to share with you something so personal, painful, and uplifting, that I almost don't want to write it, but I will anyway…trolls be damned:

My whole life, up until yesterday, has been based on reaction to fear.

Growing up as a black man in Washington D.C. during the “crack 80's”, when Marion Barry was mayor, I lived a lower middle class childhood in one of the most dangerous cities in America. Though I had many friends, I was also subject to the threats, intimidation, and bullying that happens when you're not like the people around you.

There was no father in my life to steel me against the world I lived in. My mother was strong, but it's not exactly the kind of strength I needed. I was a boy, and needed a Man.

(read more by clicking on the above link)

Pamalinsky wrote:.... I was a boy, and needed a Man.

He should probably vote for Bernie or Hillary, then ... or convert to Catholicism.

User avatar
Lev Termen wrote:
Pamalinsky wrote:.... I was a boy, and needed a Man.

He should probably vote for Bernie or Hillary, then ... or convert to Catholicism.

Read the whole thing, Comrade Lev! The whole thing! It's obvious you didn't.

Here it is, for your perusal:
[url=http://] ... ter-not-me[/url]

User avatar
Here's something else:

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump is out with a plan to repeal and replace Obamacare.

After repealing Obamacare, the real estate mogul proposes to tear down barriers so health insurance can be sold across state lines. Trump's health insurance plan would also make individual premium payments tax deductible. Additionally, his plan would eliminate Obamacare's individual mandate.

Trump's plan says reform must start with Congress repealing Obamacare.

Any reform effort must begin with Congress. Since Obamacare became law, conservative Republicans have been offering reforms that can be delivered individually or as part of more comprehensive reform efforts. In the remaining sections of this policy paper, several reforms will be offered that should be considered by Congress so that on the first day of the Trump Administration, we can start the process of restoring faith in government and economic liberty to the people.

User avatar
Thanks, Pammy! That letter actually reveals another reason to vote for Trump, and another reason why people are drawn to him. Trump is a father figure and a successful male role model that the country has been lacking for too long. Look at how his own children have turned out. If he were such a phony as some say, it would have shown first of all in his children's characters.

The Left has emasculated America. Look at the crop of current politicians - they are all running scared, preemptively denouncing Trump and each other at the slightest possibility of being accused of political incorrectness. And he remains unmoved because he sees a bigger picture, and people like that in him.

And look at the current young generation of Americans - they have neither balls nor spine, wishing for Bernie Sanders to come and ensure their perpetual childhood.

The leftist education has deprived them of manhood. Anyone with a spine and/or balls is automatically perceived as a fascist, racist, homophobe, Islamophobe, etc. We're entering the age of fear and denouncements. Those who are used to living without a spine and/or balls hate first of all, not those who crippled them, but those who kept their manhood. In their view, manhood=evil.

With Trump as president, a new generation of Americans will have a chance to grow up having both balls and a spine. They will have a positive role model and a father figure, to compensate for their many fathers who are either missing or had their manhood removed.

And America will have a chance to get back its emotional and psychological health, confidence, optimism, and positive disposition that's been missing lately.

Do you see any other candidate in the field who has such qualities? I don't.

Pamalinsky wrote:
Lev Termen wrote:
Pamalinsky wrote:.... I was a boy, and needed a Man.

He should probably vote for Bernie or Hillary, then ... or convert to Catholicism.

Read the whole thing, Comrade Lev! The whole thing! It's obvious you didn't.

Here it is, for your perusal:
[url=http://] ... ter-not-me[/url]

Sorry for not being obvious, Pammie. Let me try again:

"He should probably vote for Bernie or Hillary then, because both support NAMBLA ... or convert to Catholicism, where molestation is dogma."

In future responses, I'll try to leave more breadcrumbs.

User avatar
Dear Lev,
Sorry for not getting what you said, Lev. Sometimes I really derp things up.
Thanks for your kind response. I appreciate it.

User avatar
Red Square wrote:Thanks, Pammy! That letter actually reveals another reason to vote for Trump, and another reason why people are drawn to him. Trump is a father figure and a successful male role model that the country has been lacking for too long. Look at how his own children have turned out. If he were such a phony as some say, it would have shown first of all in his children's characters.

The Left has emasculated America. Look at the crop of current politicians - they are all running scared, preemptively denouncing Trump and each other at the slightest possibility of being accused of political incorrectness. And he remains unmoved because he sees a bigger picture, and people like that in him.

And look at the current young generation of Americans - they have neither balls nor spine, wishing for Bernie Sanders to come and ensure their perpetual childhood.

The leftist education has deprived them of manhood. Anyone with a spine and/or balls is automatically perceived as a fascist, racist, homophobe, Islamophobe, etc. We're entering the age of fear and denouncements. Those who are used to living without a spine and/or balls hate first of all, not those who crippled them, but those who kept their manhood. In their view, manhood=evil.

With Trump as president, a new generation of Americans will have a chance to grow up having both balls and a spine. They will have a positive role model and a father figure, to compensate for their many fathers who are either missing or had their manhood removed.

And America will have a chance to get back its emotional and psychological health, confidence, optimism, and positive disposition that's been missing lately.

[highlight=#ffff00]Do you see any other candidate in the field who has such qualities? I don't.[/highlight]

Nopity, nope, nope nope! I don't.

Speaking of spineless, ball-less dudes, I'm sure you heard the “Talkin' to” Mitt Romney gave to all of us unwashed plebes about not voting for Trump. And the ensuing response pointing out his pathetic thanks for Trump endorsing him in 2012.

I recently found a new word describing this sort of person.

I shall now refer to all of them as homunculi, because that is exactly what they are.

User avatar
Pamalinsky wrote:There was no father in my life ... I was a boy, and needed a Man.
There is a LOT more to that than most people realize.

This is EXACTLY why Donald Trump is winning. And why Vladimir Putin is so popular in Russia.

I expound further in a post I just made on Google Plus:

User avatar
Red Square wrote:With Trump as president, a new generation of Americans will have a chance to grow up having both balls and a spine. They will have a positive role model and a father figure, to compensate for their many fathers who are either missing or had their manhood removed.

And America will have a chance to get back its emotional and psychological health, confidence, optimism, and positive disposition that's been missing lately.

[highlight=#ffff00]Do you see any other candidate in the field who has such qualities? I don't.[/highlight]

I do, but he's not a Republican.


Oh wait... those aren't testicles, they're tentacles...

User avatar
Mikhail Lysenkomann wrote:Image
Pamalinsky wrote:There was no father in my life ... I was a boy, and needed a Man.
There is a LOT more to that than most people realize.

This is EXACTLY why Donald Trump is winning. And why Vladimir Putin is so popular in Russia.

I expound further in a post I just made on Google Plus:


Komrade Lysenkomann, thank you for saying what I've been trying to find the words to say. I'd add more to what you said, but as stated, I'm having trouble finding the words to say it.

This is a great video by the Dr. of Common Sense about one of the differences between Putin and Obama:

User avatar
Mikhail Lysenkomann wrote:Image
Pamalinsky wrote:There was no father in my life ... I was a boy, and needed a Man.
There is a LOT more to that than most people realize.

This is EXACTLY why Donald Trump is winning. And why Vladimir Putin is so popular in Russia.

I expound further in a post I just made on Google Plus:

Thanks for the H/T, Mikhail. The original guy, of course, remains the source.

User avatar
Apparently, Donald Trump is the Republican version of Barak Obama. His history is irrelevant and his anti-constitution proclamations are irrelevant. What matters, apparently, is that he says all the right things at the right moments right before he rapes you. He is whatever you hope him to be, despite the evidence to the contrary.

User avatar
Mikhail Lysenkomann wrote:
Pamalinsky wrote:There was no father in my life ... I was a boy, and needed a Man.
There is a LOT more to that than most people realize.

This is EXACTLY why Donald Trump is winning. And why Vladimir Putin is so popular in Russia.

I expound further in a post I just made on Google Plus:

Lysenkomann - thank you! My thoughts exactly.

User avatar
Pamalinsky wrote:Image
Oh yeah. This morning I found this.

It's an open letter to Donald Trump thanking him for overcoming his fear. It's deep and sweet.

To: President Trump

From: Just a simple man
I've been following your campaign since your announcement, reading millions of words written about you, watching thousands of hours of video and speeches, listening to many talk radio show segments, and engaging in dozens of debates with people around me.

No candidate has ever captured my attention the way you have.

Now that it's clear you will be the Republican nominee, I want to share with you something so personal, painful, and uplifting, that I almost don't want to write it, but I will anyway…trolls be damned:

My whole life, up until yesterday, has been based on reaction to fear.

Growing up as a black man in Washington D.C. during the “crack 80's”, when Marion Barry was mayor, I lived a lower middle class childhood in one of the most dangerous cities in America. Though I had many friends, I was also subject to the threats, intimidation, and bullying that happens when you're not like the people around you.

There was no father in my life to steel me against the world I lived in. My mother was strong, but it's not exactly the kind of strength I needed. I was a boy, and needed a Man.

(read more by clicking on the above link)

Trying to convince me by quoting a letter that may or may not be genuine smacks of tactics used by the left. Look at the man and his history. He would be a worse president than Obama and would do more damage to the Constitution than any previously imagined. He's a thug and a bully and, worse, he will not use his bully boy tactics on his very good friend Hillary. Support for Trump is a vote for Hillary.

I am, quite frankly, astounded that otherwise intelligent people are so enamored by this disgusting and classless individual. I've known trailer park trash with more class than Trump. We have better options.

User avatar
Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:Apparently, Donald Trump is the Republican version of Barak Obama. His history is irrelevant and his anti-constitution proclamations are irrelevant. What matters, apparently, is that he says all the right things at the right moments right before he rapes you. He is whatever you hope him to be, despite the evidence to the contrary.

Comrade KKK,

I respectfully disagree. Donald Trump is not the Republican version of Barak Obama.
I used to think so but now I don't. Why? Because it's so obvious Obama loathes our country and Trump doesn't. I do believe Trump loves America. Just that alone makes him somewhat conservative, wouldn't you say? It's in his best interests to be so. And ours.

People are fed up with being betrayed by both parties. FED UP.

I used to be for Cruz but, knowing his wife is an investment manager at Goldman Sachs gives me pause. She also, according to my research, is a member of CFR, just like Bush, Romney, Clinton, and so many others. You can't tell me this does not have an influence on Ted as a candidate.

Way back when George HW Bush uttered the words, most pointedly, “New World Order”, it set my teeth on edge. What the hell does that mean? These are the words that I remember the most. It's as if he said nothing else but that. Alarm bells went off in my clueless brain.

I know Ted has been quite conservative in his actions, except for his actions on immigration and the H1B visas. There is no shortage of bright STEM workers in this country. They, the establishment, simply want cheaper, and inferior workers. They don't care if they are inferior. They just don't, as long as they are cheaper. I find this appalling.

While I realize it's a bit of a gamble, I would be equally devastated if either candidate betrayed us. I am hoping, yes, hoping, for the best, and I hate that.

I am looking at the phenomenon of cause and effect here. This can be argued endlessly. Thing is, Trump is ahead. He is the voice of pissed-off American people, who want their voice heard. And, that voice is being heard, finally! We've been waiting so long.

Having Hillary as our CIC is simply unacceptable. It's a suicide pact for the death of our nation.

User avatar
Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:
Pamalinsky wrote:Image
Oh yeah. This morning I found this.

It's an open letter to Donald Trump thanking him for overcoming his fear. It's deep and sweet.

To: President Trump

From: Just a simple man
I've been following your campaign since your announcement, reading millions of words written about you, watching thousands of hours of video and speeches, listening to many talk radio show segments, and engaging in dozens of debates with people around me.

No candidate has ever captured my attention the way you have.

Now that it's clear you will be the Republican nominee, I want to share with you something so personal, painful, and uplifting, that I almost don't want to write it, but I will anyway…trolls be damned:

My whole life, up until yesterday, has been based on reaction to fear.

Growing up as a black man in Washington D.C. during the “crack 80's”, when Marion Barry was mayor, I lived a lower middle class childhood in one of the most dangerous cities in America. Though I had many friends, I was also subject to the threats, intimidation, and bullying that happens when you're not like the people around you.

There was no father in my life to steel me against the world I lived in. My mother was strong, but it's not exactly the kind of strength I needed. I was a boy, and needed a Man.

(read more by clicking on the above link)

Trying to convince me by quoting a letter that may or may not be genuine smacks of tactics used by the left. Look at the man and his history. He would be a worse president than Obama and would do more damage to the Constitution than any previously imagined. He's a thug and a bully and, worse, he will not use his bully boy tactics on his very good friend Hillary. Support for Trump is a vote for Hillary.

I am, quite frankly, astounded that otherwise intelligent people are so enamored by this disgusting and classless individual. I've known trailer park trash with more class than Trump. [highlight=#ffff00]We have better options.[/highlight]

Really? Name one.

User avatar
Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Ben Carson, my next door neighbor, my cat, my mechanic, the guy down the street who pumps my gas, my boss, my toenail fungus.......I could go on but I don't have the time.

User avatar
Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Ben Carson, my next door neighbor, my cat, my mechanic, the guy down the street who pumps my gas, my boss, my toenail fungus.......I could go on but I don't have the time.

Just as I thought.

User avatar
Pamski, Trump is a Clinton stooge. Look at his history. He is there to ensure Hillary becomes president and you're falling for the ruse.

User avatar
Pamalinsky wrote:
Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Ben Carson, my next door neighbor, my cat, my mechanic, the guy down the street who pumps my gas, my boss, my toenail fungus.......I could go on but I don't have the time.

Just as I thought.

I'm impartial on this, but you better watch Komrade Kangaroo. His kind are VERY feisty.

User avatar
This Ambrose Bierce quote seems fitting:

"Conservative, n. A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from a liberal, who wishes to replace them with others.

User avatar
From Ian Tuttle at National Review Online:

Trump believes in nothing except the force of his own personality. Often, it's not quite correct to say he's lying, because he never believed anything in the first place. Donald Trump is post-truth.

That's the only reasonable conclusion to draw from Thursday night. “I'm changing,” he told Megyn Kelly. And, indeed, one had the sense that Trump was altering his mind right there on the stage in Detroit, that for a brief moment every Trump position was suspended, had slipped through a metaphysical crack, neither Being nor Non-being. Between the idea and the reality, between the motion and the act, there stands Donald J. Trump.

Many people seem to think that that is what America needs: ruthless adaptability as the highest credential. But it should be obvious that cold-blooded self-interest is both antithetical to constitutional government and monumentally dangerous: Any president powerful enough to singlehandedly make you a “winner” could just as easily make you a big, big loser, too.

There's a sucker born every minute, as the saying goes. Trump is counting on it.

User avatar
Captain Craptek wrote:This Ambrose Bierce quote seems fitting:

"Conservative, n. A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from a liberal, who wishes to replace them with others.

It's from "The Devil's Dictionary." More humorous quotes from it:

ADMINISTRATION, n. An ingenious abstraction in politics, designed to receive the kicks and cuffs due to the premier or president. A man of straw, proof against bad-egging and dead-catting.

ALLIANCE, n. In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pockets that they cannot separately plunder a third.

COMMERCE, n. A kind of transaction in which A plunders from B the goods of C, and for compensation B picks the pocket of D of money belonging to E.

COMPROMISE, n. Such an adjustment of conflicting interests as gives each adversary the satisfaction of thinking he has got what he ought not to have, and is deprived of nothing except what was justly his due.

CORPORATION, n. An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility.

DEBT, n. An ingenious substitute for the chain and whip of the slave-driver.

DELIBERATION, n. The act of examining one's bread to determine which side it is buttered on.

DELUSION, n. The father of a most respectable family, comprising Enthusiasm, Affection, Self-denial, Faith, Hope, Charity and many other goodly sons and daughters.

DICTATOR, n. The chief of a nation that prefers the pestilence of despotism to the plague of anarchy.

ELECTOR, n. One who enjoys the sacred privilege of voting for the man of another man's choice.

FREEDOM, n. Exemption from the stress of authority in a beggarly half dozen of restraint's infinite multitude of methods. A political condition that every nation supposes itself to enjoy in virtual monopoly. Liberty. The distinction between freedom and liberty is not accurately known; naturalists have never been able to find a living specimen of either.

User avatar
Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt - I can post as many plus a hundred more Trump-bashing rants from both conservative and progressive sources, and it will not change anyone's mind because they all miss the point. People support Trump for reasons that lie outside of the scope of these rants. Please don't assume that he enjoys such a broad support because of people's ignorance, or that his supporters don't read the media. They do. They simply see in Trump certain qualities that his critics don't see, and that other candidates don't have.

My favorite Trump-bashing article so far is this one from the Washington Post:

Psychologists and massage therapists are reporting ‘Trump anxiety' among clients

Type “Trump” and phrases such as “scaring me” or “freaking me out” into Twitter's search engine, and a litany of tweets unfurl, including one posted two weeks ago by Emma Taylor as she lay in bed in Los Angeles: “I literally can't sleep because I just thought about how Trump may actually win the Presidency and now I'm having a panic attack.”

“It's like a hurricane is coming at us, and I don't have any way of knowing which way to go or how to combat it,” Taylor, 27, a Democrat, said in a phone interview. “He's extremely reactionary and that's what scares me the most. I feel totally powerless and it's horrible.”


User avatar
Red Square wrote:Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt - I can post as many plus a hundred more Trump-bashing rants from both conservative and progressive sources, and it will not change anyone's mind because they all miss the point. People support Trump for reasons that lie outside of the scope of these rants. Please don't assume that he enjoys such a broad support because of people's ignorance, or that his supporters don't read the media. They do. They simply see in Trump certain qualities that his critics don't see, and that other candidates don't have.

My favorite Trump-bashing article so far is this one from the Washington Post:

Psychologists and massage therapists are reporting ‘Trump anxiety' among clients

Type “Trump” and phrases such as “scaring me” or “freaking me out” into Twitter's search engine, and a litany of tweets unfurl, including one posted two weeks ago by Emma Taylor as she lay in bed in Los Angeles: “I literally can't sleep because I just thought about how Trump may actually win the Presidency and now I'm having a panic attack.”

“It's like a hurricane is coming at us, and I don't have any way of knowing which way to go or how to combat it,” Taylor, 27, a Democrat, said in a phone interview. “He's extremely reactionary and that's what scares me the most. I feel totally powerless and it's horrible.”


I reiterate what I earlier stated - Trump is the Republican Obama. It doesn't matter what his history is or even that he changes policy positions on the fly. What matters is that you all FEEL like he is the solution. It's a dangerous way to decide your future. It's going to end badly.

User avatar
Mikhail, thank you for the links to your blog and the Scott Adams blog.

Pamalinsky, thanks for getting the ball rolling.

How is the earth holding out, Ken?!

Image .

User avatar
Comrade Putout wrote:.
Mikhail, thank you for the links to your blog and the Scott Adams blog.

Pamalinsky, thanks for getting the ball rolling.

How is the earth holding out, Ken?!

Image .

Putout, you're mistaken. That melting Earth is actually his ice cream. He's very particular about the appearance of it. And I believe he likes it IN A CONE. Give him a cone for goodness sakes! He's gonna get his whole house all sticky and it's all because of you.

User avatar
Comrade Stierlitz wrote:
Pamalinsky wrote:
Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt wrote:Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Ben Carson, my next door neighbor, my cat, my mechanic, the guy down the street who pumps my gas, my boss, my toenail fungus.......I could go on but I don't have the time.

Just as I thought.

I'm impartial on this, but you better watch Komrade Kangaroo. His kind are VERY feisty.

Pamsky the Riveter.png


User avatar
Pammie... what a beautiful image of you!

You really did a good job - thanks for sharing this with us!

If I did not know you and saw that image I would have thought it was the original!

(You know I'm gonna use it somehow in the future... Image)

User avatar
Comrade Putout wrote:.
Pammie... what a beautiful image of you!

You really did a good job - thanks for sharing this with us!

If I did not know you and saw that image I would have thought it was the original!

(You know I'm gonna use it somehow in the future... Image)

OMG Sista Putout! Thank you for responding to this so late. Use it, use it, use it to your hearts content! I am very proud of it. I just couldn't wait for someone to respond to it. I was so excited! I joked with my spousal unit that I thought this was my "magnum opus!" I just loved putting it together!

Talk about instant gratification! I knew you would love it, I just knew it. Thanks for responding.
I don't want this thread to turn into a nasty political to-and-fro and wanted to inject some humor into the fray.

Love you, Sista May!

User avatar
Red Square wrote:Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt - I can post as many plus a hundred more Trump-bashing rants from both conservative and progressive sources, and it will not change anyone's mind because they all miss the point. People support Trump for reasons that lie outside of the scope of these rants. Please don't assume that he enjoys such a broad support because of people's ignorance, or that his supporters don't read the media. They do. They simply see in Trump certain qualities that his critics don't see, and that other candidates don't have.

My favorite Trump-bashing article so far is this one from the Washington Post:

Psychologists and massage therapists are reporting ‘Trump anxiety' among clients

Type “Trump” and phrases such as “scaring me” or “freaking me out” into Twitter's search engine, and a litany of tweets unfurl, including one posted two weeks ago by Emma Taylor as she lay in bed in Los Angeles: “I literally can't sleep because I just thought about how Trump may actually win the Presidency and now I'm having a panic attack.”

“It's like a hurricane is coming at us, and I don't have any way of knowing which way to go or how to combat it,” Taylor, 27, a Democrat, said in a phone interview. “He's extremely reactionary and that's what scares me the most. I feel totally powerless and it's horrible.”

Yeah, I saw this and my immediate response was, "Good grief."

Get a grip people. The ride is only gonna get rougher! Try to have some fun with it.

To quote our esteemed Nanski Peloski, "Embrace the suck!"

User avatar
Comrade Putout wrote: Image

Oh, Comrade! You made a chainmail hood for my beloved Kitty! I always wished she could have one of those... now she does.

Thank you!