
We Are Strong, We Are Invincible, We Are Trannies

POLL: Chelsea Manning's Manifesto on Tranny Rights...

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Tranny Politics gets a boost today by Chelsea Manning's Manifesto on Tranny Rights:


Having reduced the sovereignty of the USA to nothing, while lending a sweet hand to Al Qaeda and other enemies of the good old USofKKK, Private Manning (who will be promoted to Supreme Commander of the US Armed Forces just before the Dear Leader leaves office), has expressed that the world needs to bend over and recognize Tranny Rights.

The entire 2,000 word manifesto can be summarized:

"It is not enough to chop off an appendage here, or the removal of a female cebaceous gland mass there, but the whole world must recognize that everyone has the right to redefine itself as they see fit, be it male, female, neuter, animal, or vegetable, and as many times as they want. That is the essence of individualism and human liberty. And if in the process of doing so, you place the lives of 300 million Americans in danger, so what? The principle matters more than life itself!!!"

What do you think?

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His womynifesto is fundamentally flawed. A correction to the text is very strongly suggested: everyone has the right to define themself as The Party™ sees fit.

And when The Party™ strongly suggests a plan of action, members had better see to it that it is carried out.

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Jíbaro wrote:
What do you think?

Thinking is unauthorized.

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However, I think it is more of thought transference, you see in government many have led the charge to postulate doctrines purporting to eliminate some of the difficulties implied in common sense. From a perceptual standpoint, we then assume that his past, present and future can be mutually and fixedly related as an evolution of nature where all thoughts are conditioned by causes. Perhaps wearing a scarlet T would help to define.

I too am disappointed at the treatment of trannies. Perhaps we need to start at a younger age to indoctrinate force proper views on educate the children to create the proper politically correct atmosphere not offend anybody in a warm, caring, touchy-feely environment where everyone, be he Dear Leader or the bum in the gutter, is equally valuable to society.

Of course Dear Leader is more equally valuable.


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I trust you enjoyed my humble interpretation of Shostkakovich's op. 134. Perhaps after dinner I will scratch out a few bars of Ernst's Erlking variations for your listening enjoyment.

BTW: Are those crickets I hear?

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