
We need more Astroturf™!

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We are dismayed with all the recent hecklers at meetings and the portrayals of Obama as the Joker and blockades of bills and on and on... It is time to put to work our resources and purchase get procure more Astroturf™ for The Party™.

News like this is devastating!

Is Obama's Vaunted Political Operation Getting Outworked By Tea-Baggers?

Please comrades, support your local Astroturf™ committee, it's for The Children™

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Comrades, do not fear these so-called tea-baggers. These are all paid agitators, so says Babs Boxershorts:

She must know from whence she speaks; as a member of the Party Elite, she is more than familiar with the techniques of agitprop.

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Comrade Babs!

I so miss you Comrade Babs from New York who moved to Kalifornia and is a cunning linguist! How is that syntax, semantics and synthesis working out for you? I see you've really moved up in The Party Comrade Babs, since our lonely nights together planning in the Basements of Berkeley.

"To CHANGE the congress..." Comrade Babs? How many terms have you served Comrade? I know, I know... all checks and benefits and side deals years of services are for The Children™, just like all the houses of children in the Bay Area that were terrorized by leagues of our leftist radicals, just like the SF Dyke March™ parade that takes over the streets every year without permit and bans all !#@$%^&Myn from the streets while naked boobies droop down the avenue for The Children™.

You and your district are an inspiration Comrade Babs, a true inspiration to The Glorious World of Next Tuesday™.

Oh, and thank you for keeping that vile prole Michael Savage in check, isn't he from New York too?