
We Need More Charlie Crist

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Making sure not to observe right wing media after eating, I do make it a habit to brave the individualist scumbag Faux News nightly. Your welcome?...

Much ado is being made over Florida Governor Charlie Crist choice to run for re-election as an Independent on racist right wing media. "Why did Crist do it?" "Why the sudden change in Floridian thought?" "That Rubio is so dashing!"


I can explain in one picture why Crist will either be awarded a cushy Ambassadorship by Dear Leader or be knocking on your door soon seeking your vote for Seminole County Commission.

Crist Loves Obama.jpg

Those filthy right wingers just can't stand the fact that Crist sided with glorious messianic progress!

Communism needs more "Republicans" like Crist...

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Was that glorious photo snapped right before their make-out session? That's some serious man-on-man loveydoveyness gion' on!

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Hmmmm... I be of suspiciousness of the Crist. He seem to be liking too much to be in the front of the podium of Dear Leader. He may to be stroking Dear Leader with the right hand but he to be clutching tight the podium with the left.

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I think consider that Comrade in the making, Governor Chuck U Crist, is finally (praise Obamo!) able to reveal his true progressive rootedness! Glorious news, is it not? He is now desirous of coming out of Republipuke closet and showing hishimself for socialist, he longs to so wisely be. And undoubtedly, he will expect and receive obamanations glorifications from great Leader.

and by and by the way, Repubipuke Marco Rubio-O-O is a hunkarama, is he not? Not that I take note of such superficialness in any personhoodages.

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Comrade Buffoon wrote:Making sure not to observe right wing media after eating, I do make it a habit to brave the individualist scumbag Faux News nightly. Your welcome?...

Much ado is being made over Florida Governor Charlie Crist choice to run for re-election as an Independent on racist right wing media. "Why did Crist do it?" "Why the sudden change in Floridian thought?" "That Rubio is so dashing!"


I can explain in one picture why Crist will either be awarded a cushy Ambassadorship by Dear Leader or be knocking on your door soon seeking your vote for Seminole County Commission.

Those filthy right wingers just can't stand the fact that Crist sided with glorious messianic progress!

Communism needs more "Republicans" like Crist...

Rubio and Obobo winking and smiling...

Gay men have a unique way of detecting and communicating with each other.

Brown nosing is not merely an idiom.

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Comrade Jibaro, that sounds positively anally retentivene.

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:Comrade Jibaro, that sounds positively anally retentivene.

Yep, he is...

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Czar Czar, loveydoveyness indeed! Notice how Crist is checking the messiahs guns for mate suitability. But by saying so have we not just inadvertently smeared Dear Leader? Such blasphemy will surely get you monitored. I mean more so than usual...

Mrs Alczarweary, there is nothing wrong with a fella clutching his podium! That's all some of us have these days!

Fraulein Pulloskies, Comrade in training? Or comrade in clever progressive disguise?

Jibaro, Again, I sense implications that Dear Leader may be switch hitting... More Than Usual Monitoring ™ is in order...

Pic unrelated and uncalled for...


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Just had to get a screenshot of todays TPC. YIKES!


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A neo-kulak in need of liquidation, indeed.

As some of you may know, I live in Florida.

I can still remember when he was "Chain Gang Charlie" and I was ready to bear his children for it. I was young and foolish and dazzled by his Florida tan.

Just today we were at "Big Lots" and the cashier asked if we'd like to donate a dollar to public schools. WTF??? Isn't that why we pay taxes? ISN'T THAT WHY CHARLIE HUGGED OBAMA AND TOOK HIS STIMULUS?!?

And Obama thinks we should thank him? I'd write it on my check to the IRS if I didn't fear an audit. Where the hell is MY thank you?

But on the subject of thank yous, thank you for letting me rant.

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"people above politics".... does it not sound like Comrade Crist is below politics, seeking to be a good Prog Democrat Republipuke?

Oh how lovely, Pinkie, not only will be forced able to give through taxes but now mandatory 'donations'. Can anyone say, longer days in the beet field.

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People Over Politics, my aunt fanny. Anyone who believes that, I have some Florida swampland to sell them, and I'll even throw in free gators AND discarded pet pythons to eat them (the gators as well as the buyers). Does anyone really, sincerely believe he would have done this if Marco Rubio wasn't leaving him in the dust by double digits?

He'd have done better to just to stay put and run for governor a second term--he would've won re-election handily--and then he could go after Democrat Bill Nelson's seat the next time Nelson comes up for re-election, either 2012 or '14.

I would've voted for him both times, I still would've respected him, and who knows, perhaps I'd still be dazzled by his tan.

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Crist is typical liberal losers... like Benedict Arnold Spectorant, changes party's in any attempt to keep free loading OFF the people.
The "change" we need in government is for everyone of these people to become public servants again - holding REAL jobs and meeting a couple of times a year to do 'the people's business'. As BHO said, "at a certain point, you've made enough money".. should apply to all government employees, Pres. down. Learn to live on $40 TAX PAYER FUNDED DOLLARS a year and get a real job.
I and most others, are tired to supporting entitlement minded free loaders!