
When Obama is the Scorpion and the Church is the Prog...

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The Religious Prog: "But I thought it was all about us working together for the common good!"

Obama the Scorpion: "The common good ain't big enough for the both of us."

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HEY!!! That's an insult to the inhabitants of France!

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Comrades: The Catholic Church has clearly forgotten their place as well as the Nazis Obama's mantra, which has always been: “Don't Give, Sacrifice!”

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I've often thought the scorpion/frog thing could just as easily apply to our Jewish comrades. Think about it. Republicans are now the ones who get blamed for a lot of the same stuff that used to be blamed on Jews--e.g., the Black Death was blamed on Jews poisoning wells. Fast forward over 650 years, and now it's Republicans accused of wanting to dirty our water and air and thus spread more disease and death. I should think the Jews must be so relieved to finally have the heat taken off them for a change, that's why so many of them vote Democrat.

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Hmmmph. Who cares about what the reactionaries at the so-called "Catholic Church" think? As someone once said, "How many divisions does the Pope have?" I rest my case.

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Comrade Stalin and the late Soviet Union found out!Image