
Why I Am A Liberal Muslim: Social Justice & Jihad

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Loyal Comrades, Citizens, Proles, Unwashed Masses,

As we all know, Mosque at Ground Zero of Racist America is good for The Party. It has always been a battle of East and West, Islam and Christianity, the People and the Bourgeoisie, Socialists and Capitalists, Imperialists and er... ummmm.... Imperialists... er... Revolutionaries. So let us rejoice in the recent proclamations by Dear Leader Obama in support of our brothers of Islam in their Cordoba conquest pursuit of Social Harmony™ and Peace™. Peace™ be upon you.

All of this, and recent letter from a Party Official, and with good signal from Laika, I ask myself for the people, "What is common denominator of Enemies to The Party and what is primary reason to continue the battle for Social Justice? (Besides getting Chairman Meow more Hummels) And then it struck me, thanks to strong signal and tinfoil hat, ENVY! No not Eureka, comrades, ENVY!

Envy is not bad comrades, envy fills us with red hot blood to "...become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate." -- as Comrade Che dictated. Think of envy like a dear friend who whispers in your ear all the deep seated socially justified resentment you desire with the nuance of hot monkey love.
Why do I hate Jews comrades, it's not because Jews are bad for Party, many Jews give to The Party regularly and many vote for The Party via the USSA Democrat Party, but comrades, think about, THEY HAVE TO MUCH STUFF! That's right comrades, as small cockrel I sat there in my Dacha with very little, while fat complaining mother cooks beet stew and stinky philandering drunk father farts The International all the while Jews have EVERYTHING!!!

There is secret Zionist Jew Society, comrades, that wants to eat our children. Do not doubt, you have not read Hansel and Gretel? The Witch was Jew comrade, and Jewish Cabal controls West. And this is why they have so much. Comrade Marx was right to hate Jew, Jew has always had more while the proletariat has less. Thank Stalin, Comrade Hitler took cue from Comrade Stalin and Comrade Marx and cleansed for The Party. Jew has TOO MUCH!!!

And not just Jews, comrades, but Christians too. Why do I hate Christians comrades, it's not because Christians are bad for Party, many Christian thinks Obama Jesus was socialist... ahahahahaAHAHAHA!!! Stupid Christian, but Bible Thumping Christian HAS TOO MUCH STUFF!!!! That's right comrades, as I am an older wiser cock, now I see Christian everywhere with fancy bourgeoisie house (NOT STATE PROVIDED!!!) and own car and many boats and recreational vehicle and TOO MUCH TOILET PAPER!!!! Meanwhile I live in meager Dacha awarded to me by the state, with 12 kids to feed and many, many rows of beets to ho each day, and Christian has EVERYTHING!!!
And not just Jews and Christians comrades, but Rethuglikkkans!!! Why do I hate Republicans comrades!?! It's not because Republicans are bad for Party comrades, many Republicans are progressive and promote our agendas, agencies, and policies, no comrades, it's because Republicans HAVE TOO MUCH STUFF!!! That's right comrades, as stinky philandering drunk father and fat complaining mother dying in state provided rest home, I see Republicans living off 401k and Stock Portfolio AND GLORIOUS STATE PROVIDED SOCIAL SECURITY!!! What is this comrades, when the Party takes money from Republicans no state benefit should be given! Why must they have more while babushka has NOTHING?!?! Republican is the party of Rich, Rich, Rich, and they have EVERYTHING!!!

And not just Jews, Christians, and Republicans comrades, but Whites!!! Why do I, a red cock, hate whites comrades, it's not that whites is bad for party, many crackers support Party with voting and white guilt and many donation to help us in our struggle to hold down the blacks to free the proletariat from bourgeoisie control into our control, no comrades, Whites have TOO MUCH STUFF!!! While so many Muslim brothers and sister live in dismal poverty eating curry in the poppy fields, whites eat HOT POCKETS!!! AND BIG MACS! AND... AND... TWINKIES!!! Why must the People be exposed to such decadence comrades? Why when they have nothing, and whites have EVERYTHING!!!!
And it's not just Jews, Christians, Republicans, and Whites comrades, but America and Americans!!! Why do I hate Americans, comrades, it's not that Americans are bad for party, many Americans voted for Dear Leader Obama, majority of Americans voted for our comrade when the Pravada of MSM gave them Current Truth, no comrades, it's because Americans and the West have TOO MUCH STUFF!!! I see Americans everywhere with fancy bourgeoisie house (NOT STATE PROVIDED!!!) and own car and many boats and recreational vehicle and TOO MUCH TOILET PAPER!!!! And some are even Christian! And Jew! Meanwhile other nations have famine and poverty and NO TELEVISION OR INTERNET, and America has EVERYTHING!!!

And it's not just Jews, Christians, Republicans, Whites, and America comrades, but Infidels!!! Why do I hate infidels comrades, it's not because their bad for The Party comrades, many infidels support Party, even our beloved Karl Marx was infidel to Muslims, Christians, and all other Religions in creating our glorious religion of the state, so you see comrades, infidels can be good for party, no comrades, it's because Infidelmeans they don't believe what we believe and must be liquidated in the name of the state, Al-lah-Karl-Marx, Sharia be upon you.

Today I ask you comrades, do not support these people and nations of hate, join The Freedom Fighters™ today, comrades, in Social Justice & Jihad and let's support the party of Peace™.


Commissar Red Rooster; PhD, MFA, BS is a graduate of The Harvard School of Suckling Sociology & Redistributive Red Jihad. Born in Siberia to Neo-Kulak parents, Comrade Rooster has made it his life's goal to get back at the bastards for not giving up their wealth after The Great October People's Revolution™. He is also a regular behind the scenes contributor to MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, The Huffington Post, The Daily Kos, The New Times and other Revolutionary™ rags of record. He is currently on a humanitarian mission in the middle east on his Motivate The People for Peace Mission™, as pictured here.

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Well done red fowl. I denounce all our comrades who are constantly whining and scheming to get more OPM. What ever became of the simple joy of getting even? Seeing the "Haves" stripped of their possessions is reward enough for me. Of course if some of those possessions get redistributed to me I wouldn't complain, but that's not what our movement is about.

Death to the Juice fat cats!


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I'm gonna be a Muslim some day ... ature=fvwp

Hey I'm just an old infidel but I'm gonna be a Muslim some day
I'm gonna blow myself up in a million pieces
I'm gonna put a smile on Mohammeds face
I'm gonna kneel and pray five times a day lest I forget Mecca shows me the way
I'm just an old infidel Allah but I'm gonna be a Muslim some day

I'm gonna learn Allah's way to talk gonna search and find Allah's way to walk
I'm gonna shine and sharpen my old simitar till I get rid of every infidel
I'm gonna be Jihads best friend gonna go round cutting off infidel's heads
I'm gonna be Islamic Rage boy one day I'm gonna be a Muslim some day
I'm gonna be Islamic Rage boy one day I'm gonna be a Muslim some day

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Ah, Comrade Red Bird of Unhappiness, you have boiled down our beautiful Party philosophy into terms so simple a Journolist could understand it. Basically, it is the difference between Good and Evil:

Good = when we have more stuff than our enemies and
Evil = when our enemies have more stuff than us.

And, by our impeccable scientific Marxist logic, Our Enemies = everyone who has more stuff than us.

With this simple yet energizing concept in mind, we must rally the masses to fight evil wherever they find it! One day, no one will dare steal the People's bounty by working hard and creating wealth; no, everyone will come by their earthly goods legitimately by having Party higher ups distribute them in a fair manner! This is a conecpt all the common thieves people can rally around!

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You stole my routine! See here.

Nah, just kidding. Great satire! :D

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satire? Satire!?! SATIRE!?!?!

Citizen MujahidOfTheProletariat have you lost your mind!!! Here I, a Commissar in good standing, slave away for The Party and write a glorious article for Hope™ and Change™ and you call it SATIRE!?!?!

The pain and the suffering I go through for The People™, for The Children™, for The Common Good™!!! You should be shot!

Guards! Someone get this prole to a platform IMMEDIATELY!!!

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umm, I thought ALL cocks were liberals, full of jihad, no? But I digress.

A glorious roasting you have given the enemy (and it appears you did not miss anyone), loyal Red one! Comrade Opiate said it most well (and clearly enough that even the simpletons can grasp his means. Evil = others with more stuff). I don't know how you've borne your heavy burdensome burden so long, dear Red. I am filled with thrilledness you have shared with us, your comrades.

Citizen MujahidOfTheProletariat appears to be heading for a beheading, the gulag or a little of both!! I DENOUNCE HIS ATTEMPT AT JESTING! spit spit!!

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Red Rooster wrote:satire? Satire!?! SATIRE!?!?!

Citizen MujahidOfTheProletariat have you lost your mind!!! Here I, a Commissar in good standing, slave away for The Party and write a glorious article for Hope™ and Change™ and you call it SATIRE!?!?!

The pain and the suffering I go through for The People™, for The Children™, for The Common Good™!!! You should be shot!

Guards! Someone get this prole to a platform IMMEDIATELY!!!

Image That was not I, an obedient Slave of Marx'Allah and strict follower of Das Koranpital and Hadith der Musselmanistichen Partei, but my evil evil twin the KKKafir KKKapitalist KKKarl. I carelessly left my computer on all night, you see, and he logged on, disseminating his godless individualistic corruption in that one post. Dear brother in Blind Faith to Marx'Allah, I commend thee on thine incredibly-gratifying work to make Marx'Allah's deenalectic of Islamo-Socialism prevail over all the false deenalectics followed by the unjust KKKafir MushriKKK KKKorporatist foe which serve as sedition against Marx'Allah, turning His Slaves away from him without justification. May the Pax Islamo-Socialistica arrive soon!!!

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Comrade Cock... you make for much of the good reportage. You should be for knowing that I have been hearing of the whispering that I am for the greed because I have too much of the underwives. pfft As if that is for my doing. It is by word of All ah that there be so much of the wifery of the husband! Is that greed? How else are there to be so many to be made for the Jihad if there is not much wifery? And someone must be first wife so that will be for the making of the many underwives. It is as you are for saying... ENVY! The whispering is the signage of the ENVY from those who are not to have so many of the underwives. But once the Jihad is of completedness, then there will be many underwives for the first wives and there will be much sanity in the world.

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Dear Comrade Mrs Al Czarweary,

Bless Marx that you are so wise in the ways of The Party™! That is why The Party™ is for Sharia, anything that makes womyn subservient to the whims of our animalistic behavior, anything that agitates the Femynist Mystique™ to make them raging lunatics and sexy sluts, anything that defiles the sanctimonious sanctity of "ladies" and "gentlemen". We want skanks or servants dammit and we want them NOW!!! And the womyn want HOT MONKEY LOVE. We are just people, just one chromosome from monkeys, just another animal in Allah's Animal Kingdom.

A sane world is full of stonings, be-headings, and whippings, chastising men for animalistic behavior yet promoting it in law and deed all the while, herding womyn to the sound of a shrill voice or devious pur-r-r-r-r in the angst of victimhood - there shall be no ladies or gentlemen -- for The Party™ couldn't agree more....


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Comrade Rooster, I see you had your camera at the last party at the Rancho! I had forgotten how much fun we had (hid and seek had an entirely differing meaning than of my remembrance). Whoopie is truly a "party down animal" is he not? But I am hoping at our next Beer'n Beet ™ gathering, you will get a few picture from another angle?
Mrs. Al, it is my esteemed thought you are deserving of as many underwives as you wish. Your ways or our way... or Obama's ways, something like that. I wonder how many underlings are under His Greatness ™ ?

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I miss the old "nude bobbing for beets" we used to play in the early Party. Of course, some proles needed encouragement, so the commissar is there to give a few licks to the last prole to emerge with a beet.

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Those were memorable days, eh Ivan. I did find it much easier to bob when less vodka had been consumed, which could lead to bobbing for unknowns, but, nevertheless, days filled with fun and laughter. Did anyone ever find the snake? And I do miss the exchanging of beet recipes. I fear I didn't copy the Snail Darter - Beet Chili receipt correctly. It's a little gamy, but I digress. I hope Red Rooster has gotten over the "incident"... I don't believe anyone meant ill.

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:I hope Red Rooster has gotten over the "incident"... I don't believe anyone meant ill.

No I don't think Rooster got over the "incident" yet. A Lame Duck congress is the least of our worries.

Peg leg chicken copy.jpg

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I would think he would have adjusted by now, but no, he is still complaining and hobbling?! So what if he can not chase after the chicks like he used to. He is an aging mature old bird with a full life ahead. (probably tough and tasteless, too) cough cough

He still has his memories does he not? Honestly, someone should have told him KFC was not a retirement physicality ........ and I believe that someone was Comrade Chedoh. cough

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Shoot, a bird like that, you don't eat him all at one time.

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Comrades, comrades, comrades,

Still pushing the myth of Fried Rooster I see, well perhaps I should clarify for The Party and the Hens out there looking for a Fried Rooster treat:

Capons (castrated young male chickens) are eaten and so are Hens, but Roosters meat is far to tough and stringy. Now let me show you my Wombat Factory charts on how The Party increased consumption of Chicken, this is classified information comrades so mums the word!!!


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TOUGH AND STRINGY!!! EH, COMRADE RED, do not speak of yourself as such. We see the glorious, proud, leftist Red.... and "tough and stringy". I winch at the very thought (not to mention what a turn off that is to the hens'n chicks)

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So sorry, Comrade Pulloskies, but consider this, as you Pull-oskies you can also pull tough and stringy meat to make it tender.

Oh, and I once knew and old African-American™ feller who loved him some jack rabbit, same problem, meat to tough and stringy, he quietly confided in me on the sly as he drank his hot coffee on a hot summers day, that the secret was.... vinegar. That's right, a good soaking and the meat softens... unfortunately I've been imbued with so much vinegar and have so much of my own that my case is hopeless... unless you pull real hard... for a long time... ummm... and then.... LOOK THE PHUCK OUT!

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Stringy meat is great for BBQ sandwiches. A good long stewing in it's own gravy should make it plenty tender.

I hear the Frau is an expert chicken yanker.

(and now I'll wait patiently for Putout to putout)

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Whoopie, I believe you have confused yanking with wringing. I am expert on wringing chicken necks, and goat necks and old goat necks, which is the most fun. The beloved late Mr. P came so close to having his neck .. . Did I metion I make good Chicken Gonad Soup? That takes some wring to, to get a'hold of those pesky nads!

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote: I am expert on wringing chicken necks

Is that like choking them?

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Choking; disassembling; the occasional gutting ... but let's just stick to wringing for the time being.

Praise be upon you comrades! I am new to this glorious party and I am highly left Trotskyite. I am shovel-ready and ready to work for the greater good of our people and our Motherland. The intelligentsia had a glorious idea attaching the Muslims and the Jihad against the west to our magnificent party. Father of the Revolution Lenin would be proud!

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Welcome Freddy, don't forget to report for orientation and if you survive the ordeal, I'm sure you'll make a fine addition to the Collective. ... t2928.html

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Tovarishch Krasniy Petookh,

On behalf of the Directorate for The Party™ Approved Margarita Research & Operations, I congratulate you for this exemplary article. It is sure to inspire the proletariate in valorous deeds of labor. For indeed AmeriKa has too much stuff. And with His Excellency's plan for a Marxist/Socialist future, the proles will either give up their stuff willingly, or His Excellency will tax their stuff and take it forcefully. For this is true freedom. To be free from your material stuff!

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Comrade Rooster,

I DENOUNCE YOU for revealing long time party/Islam/anyone but Christian whitey secret of secrets. If they find out that we are jealous of their wealth, well then, just about all of our pablum and cliches that we have worked so hard to brainwash all of the little children, and childlike people with for so many years, will have gone for naught.

But, yes, I will admit, your Current Truth, I'm afraid, is the real truth, and nothing but the truth. Just our luck, a truth seeking cock to bring our deepest, darkest thoughts to the surface.

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Ahhhrrrmmmm... a Party Approved Margarita and a glorious denouncement from my more equal Gang of Four comrade, Heir Leninka... how could a fowl comrade ask for more. I must now scour and scrub the archive of all thoughtcrimes that reveal our glorious plans:

"The Jew is perpetually created by civil society from its own entrails." - Karl Marx

"...the interests of the Muslims converge with the interests of the socialists in the fight against the crusaders." - Osama Bin Laden

"Whoever directly or indirectly puts forward the slogan of a Jewish "national culture" is (whatever his good intentions may be) an enemy of the proletariat, a supporter of the old and of the caste position of the Jews, an accomplice of the rabbis and the bourgeoisie." - Comrade Lenin

"Even admitting that Anglo-American imperialism will create some kind of abortive Jewish state, we have seen that the situation of world Judaism will hardly be affected. A Great Jewish immigration into Palestine after this war will confront the same difficulties as previously. Under conditions of capitalist decay, it is impossible to transplant millions of Jews. Only a world-wide socialist planned economy would be capable of such a miracle. Naturally, this presupposes the proletarian revolution." Comrade Abraham Leon

"The social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism" - Karl Marx

Comrades let us have "A World Without Jews", but as socialists WE ARE NOT ANTI-SEMITES!!!! Let's CUT OFF THE HEADS OF INFIDELS!!!! BUT WE ARE THE RELIGION OF PEACE™.... Ahhhrrrmmmm.... The Party of Peace™.....

(Oooohhh... look at all that nice shiny stuff....)

Please comrades, right away, help The Party by scouring The Internets and scrubbing out these vile reactionary lies!

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Red Rooster wrote: Please comrades, right away, help The Party by scouring The Internets and scrubbing out these vile reactionary lies!
At some point we need to have a show trail, too! :D


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Yes, let the showtrials of these Neo-Kulak's who spread vile reactionary lies begin!!!

It is good news comrades, our glorious call to the unwashed masses for Social Justice Jihad has reached #5 on the kapitalist Google:

Hail Obama!

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Red Rooster wrote:Yes, let the showtrials of these Neo-Kulak's who spread vile reactionary lies begin!!!

It is good news comrades, our glorious call to the unwashed masses for Social Justice Jihad has reached #5 on the kapitalist Google:

Hail Obama!

Up to NUMBER TWO as of 8AM EDT 27th Aug2010......


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Glorious Comrade! Comrade Alinsky was right! Subverting the Ne0-Kulak Kapitalist Rethuglikkkan agenda of Hate™ sure is fun!

Hail Obama!