
WWII Vets to Re-Take WWII Memorial

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Dateline Washington DC -

World War Two veterans today massed together in preparation for an attempt to retake the WWII Memorial in Washington DC's National Mall.

Under special orders from the White House yesterday, Barrycades™ have been set up to prevent veterans from visiting the open-air monument; in addition, several police/park rangers were called back from their furloughs to police the Barrycades™ and yellow tape surrounding the monument.

More as this develops.

(Photo courtesy of @RicochetEJHill)

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This just in: documented proof of an anarchist Rethuglikkkan Teabagger WWII vet who stormed the Barrycade™ at the National Mall's WWII Memorial.

The elderly terrorist, surrounded by children that he appears to have taken hostage, somehow broke through the Barrycades™ and yellow tape at the monument and is a clear and present danger to the progressive citizens of the USSA.


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Comrades, this just in: apparently, the WWII Memorial is funded almost completely by private capitalist hate funding!

Is it any wonder that our glorious President B. Husseinovich Obama is calling Park Police back from their furloughs to prevent the capitalist veterans from getting into the memorial?!?

These Teabaggers in wheelchairs probably want to get in there so they can start a business!!

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And what is more, these Barrycades™ had to be especially rented for the occasion! Surely, rental money cannot be coming from government funds, since government has been shut down by evil Rethuglikkkans. Monies must be coming from Dear Leader's Stash.™ How kind and generous he is!

Judicial Watch has filed FOIA request for all documents relating to closing of Memorial -- undoubtedly in order to give full public recognition to Dear Leader, who is too humble and modest to acknowledge his generosity and his efforts to keep us safe from these militaristic terrorists.

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Image It was pointed out that more security is now guarding monuments than was sent to the embassy in Ben Ghazi...
Image Stormed? at their ages? Nonsense, this is a slow, calculated infiltration designed to overthrow society over time
Image OOPS, nevermind, that was the DNC.

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To make sure the veterans know that he has closed the WWII memorial during the government shutdown, the President announced today that he would surround the memorial with the “Obama Line”–a system of pillboxes, barbed wire, minefields, anti-wheerchair ditches, and concrete obstructions known as “Dragon's Teeth.”

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When Dear Leader creates conditions of red line.....then we shall see the line hold fast.

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I have spent many hours researching, and I cannot seem to find the Jew-tube video that started this protest of Veterans...

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Comrade, I believe that Ted Cruz and the other Rethuglikkkan anarchist terrorists may have hidden that video in a 2000 page bill somewhere.

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It is obvious that the "greatest generation" is just trying to cause disturbance!!!
How transparent? Just a bunch of troublemakers and provocateurs.


My fellow Progressives

Yesterday, September 30, 2013, a date which will live in infamy, memorials of the Capital Mall were suddenly and deliberately toured by bus-borne and air borne tourists from the WII generation

The Leader had been at peace with that generation, and at the solicitation of the the media, was in consultations looking toward manufacturing a faux hardship story that would be blamed on Republicans

It will be noted that the distance between the Southern States and the Capital make it clear that these tours were planned weeks in advance. I regret to inform you that, despite the presence of barricades, the touring activity was extensive and that many optics were lost

Yesterday, they toured the WWII Memorial

Last night, they toured the Wall

Last night, they toured the Korean War Memorial

Last night, they viewed the Washington Monument

And this morning, they ascended the steps of the Lincoln Memorial

The veterans, therefore, have undertaken a surprise tourist activity throughout the Capital mall area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The progressives of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very success of our cheap political stunt

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Damn these Tea-Bagger Tourists! Don't these geezers know they should just stay at home, gum their gruel, and practice chanting "Um, UM, UMM! Barrack Hussein Obama!"? Sure, they stormed Omaha.

And Peleilu.

And Betio.

And Anzio.

And Luzon.

And Guadalcanal.

And Morocco.

And Okinawa.

And Sicily.

And Bastogne.

And The Rhine.

But can any modern high school student even FIND any of these places on a map? Hell No! So in the words of a rather famous and important drunken bisexual, "What does it matter now!?"

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Now Vietnam War veterans have been ordered away from the Wall, and grounds have been secured to prevent their return.

Furthermore, priests have been forbidden under pain of disciplinary action (or arrest for civilians) from saying Mass on military installations, even on volunteer basis without pay.

All hail to Glorious Leader for keeping fascistic militarists in their place!

(However, Camp David has been kept open on rationale that it is run by DoD, and its employees come under bill granting pay to civilian defense workers. I do not understand, but perhaps that is because I celebrated National Vodka Day too greatly.)

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RedDiaperette wrote:Now Vietnam War veterans have been ordered away from the Wall, and grounds have been secured to prevent their return.

Furthermore, priests have been forbidden under pain of disciplinary action (or arrest for civilians) from saying Mass on military installations, even on volunteer basis without pay.

All hail to Glorious Leader for keeping fascistic militarists in their place!

(However, Camp David has been kept open on rationale that it is run by DoD, and its employees come under bill granting pay to civilian defense workers. [highlight=#ffff00]I do not understand[/highlight], but perhaps that is because I celebrated National Vodka Day too greatly.)

Ours is not to reason why...