
Youth Corps Invasion - Copenhagenstyle

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The global warming movement of the Church of St. Al Gore is gaining speed. Just look at these glorious agitators disrupt a meeting of critics of the global-warming myth and deny them an opportunity to speak collectivists chanting our movement....


And here, this kapitalist tries to gain access to see our glorious St. Al Gore, but is denied by our Red Army...

St. Al Gore would be proud, so would Marx and Engels. Our fellow Comrades interrupted the evil speeches of that exploitative kapitalist group Americans for Prosperity. Prosperity?! No! We want equality! Penalize productivity, create mediocrity! We do not need these kapitalists pigs telling us we need prosperity! It's slavery and exploitative!

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Prosperity? What's that? The nation is prosperous when all are prosperous. If someone sticks his his head out of the hole, cut it off! That's what taxation is for, isn't it? It's not fair that resourceful and energetic people should be rewarded when Andy Stern doesn't have complete control over all of the workers in the world.

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I denounce Monckton the Potty Peer for having the audacity to speak the truth to a comrade!

Good Gore! What could have happened to those poor impressionable kids when they were confronted with the truth these lies for the fist time in their lives?

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I denounce Lord Monckton! He is a great example of what our glorious founder, i.e. Marx, spoke about...the bourgeoisie. He is apart of the ruling elite, him and his disgraceful "nobility"...3rd Viscount. He inherited his father's peerage upon his father's death! You see, Comrades! The bourgeoisie pass along their corruption and elitism to their posterity! Who is he to tell us the science is not settled?! What gives him the authority to override the collective conscience and scientific consensus?! The science is not settled! More and more scientists agree disagree with this elitist-bourgeoisie-nobility-kapitalist scum! His nobility does not give him Ph.D authority to tell us what is scientific or not! Let us prove it through "peered reviewed studies." And how dare he criticize our Hitler Youth history! The youth are indispensable to our cause and Hitler proved they are worthy!

Lord the Gulag!!!!!!!

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What a genius move by our younger comrades. Send them over to Copenhagen, invade such bogus meetings, denounce the foolish folks like Lord Mockington (yes, this is an insult with my character on), and cry and shout when he has the audacity to come over and call them such a preposterous things like "Hitler Youth". Our comrades are so not like Hitler youth, our youth want everyone included, except brain dead RethugliKKKans like Captain Mockington.

To think I am the same age as them. I feel sorrow for Lord Monckton, he's preaching to people who are so thick skulled, the Iron Curtain cuts like paper in comparison.

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Elliott, do not be dismayed by classification by age. The young still have time to learn. When people get to be my age, mid-fifties, and they haven't learned anything, they never will. And if they find something so overmastering that it causes a cognitive dissonance which cannot be ignored, then they ignore it because it would break them, and their world view, to change. Hence the anger.

Rejoice in your vision, and please know that as you age it will become even more acute. In the time that you've been here I've seen you questioning and seeking and I know that you have the humility to seek truth instead of try to wrap the world around yourself solipsistically. Congratulations. And I do hope that you won't think me patronizing if I say I'm proud of you.

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Just to show how the youth is indispensable to our movement and to our Party™, please watch this truthful, touching, and inspiring video. I could not watch it after 2:30 minutes in, because it was so moving and so sad for me to see this precious tool girl being affected by Global Warming™. Oh the horror, the HORROR!!!

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Oh, how I envy that little girl. She is much like Saint Garofalo, Saint Hillary, and Saint Nanski. Because of her, the world will be saved, all evil capitalist will be taken down, unions will take over, and finally, we will all be safe, and so will the polar bears and caribou.

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Do not pay attention the foremost Canadian scientist about polar bears, who says that he's never seen more. What does he know? Actually more than anyone else but Nansk didn't like what he said so he's an unscientist.

I heard today Bishop Desmond Tutu talking in Copenhagen, demanding, as he should, lots and lots of money. Is his miter in need of replacement? No doubt his house is.

He rallied the troops with a Dean Scream. It was like Howard Dean or Teddy K. Couldn't make out a word of it, but we could just feel the sincerity of it. And he was very sincere. Which overcomes the sincerity of the poor fools who will have to be robbed to make his sincerity realized.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote
we could just feel the sincerity of it. And he was very sincere.
Ah yes, that reminded me of this:

The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that, you've got it made.
Jean Giraudoux

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Elliott, do not be dismayed by classification by age. The young still have time to learn. When people get to be my age, mid-fifties, and they haven't learned anything, they never will. And if they find something so overmastering that it causes a cognitive dissonance which cannot be ignored, then they ignore it because it would break them, and their world view, to change. Hence the anger.

Rejoice in your vision, and please know that as you age it will become even more acute. In the time that you've been here I've seen you questioning and seeking and I know that you have the humility to seek truth instead of try to wrap the world around yourself solipsistically. Congratulations. And I do hope that you won't think me patronizing if I say I'm proud of you.

What I was getting at there was a sense of, "Jeez, I'm the same ageas them, and yet I sit with a mind of a far different caliber thenthem. (There should be a question here, but I already know not only thequestion, but the answer to it.)" You are right about how those whohave a problem dealing with something which conflicts with their views.Just look at any troll who's come on here. I find it rather stupid, thecome to a site which opposes their beliefs, trash us, and only get thecrap beat out of their ideas. The worst part, and confirming part ofyour statement, is they are unaware of what we are saying, by force ofwill. They absolutely refuse to take anything into consideration wesay, and instead practice the liberal favorite of ad hominen. Youwonder why I don't start arguements with them.

If there is one thing in this world that truly drives me nuts, it'sseeing people, as you described, wrapping themselves in a lie. Thecommon phrase is "ignorance is bliss". I absolutely abhor that sayingto the very core. You are right, I have a knack for seeking the truth,heck, if its truth is disputed, I at least question why I believe it inthe first place (think religion). I see what wrapping one's self insolipsism does, it promotes arrogance of a high caliber, and hubris.The worst part is, is they are completely unaware of what it does toothers (again, going back to ignorance is bliss).

Trust me when I say this Theo, not once have I ever thought youpatronize me. I understand, this is type, not speak, so there are nounderlying meanings or emotions I can hear. However, I am happy to readsomeone thinks proudly of me, you have made me a humble person today.

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Statist-in-Chief wrote:Just to show how the youth is indispensable to our movement and to our Party™, please watch this truthful, touching, and inspiring video. I could not watch it after 2:30 minutes in, because it was so moving and so sad for me to see this precious tool girl being affected by Global Warming™. Oh the horror, the HORROR!!!
"Daddy, daddy! The evil capitalists are destroying the world, what can I do to stop them?

"Why not record a video and post it on the internet?"


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Elliott, the single most important thing on earth is using one's own senses and brain. I grew up in a conservative family but of course also had to think for myself because nothing made any sense to me. I was supposed to grow up and marry and have a family, and since I was interested in guys that wasn't going to happen. So perforce I had no choice but to look at things on their own merits.

If you don't look at things on their own merits, then you are a follower, and a slave to someone else's fashion.

Yesterday I saw Lord Monckton, the best of global-warming deniers, with a real armory, talking to young moonbats who were howling down his talk. He had facts; they were merely trendy. Trends are the adoption of other people's views without thinking. When it's just clothes or hair, it means nothing. When it's ideas, it's slavery.

I have changed my mind over the years a lot. My father, 83, has said that brother Mark and I have changed his mind too, from having looked at the evidence. Notice the humility in the statement, "I looked at the evidence and changed my mind." This is, by the way, the proper statement of the scientist.

It's very difficult to maintain the humility of being responsive to outside stimuli. I know from experience. And it's doubly hard when it's about you, and not politics--there's a layer of abstraction when it's not about you. And I'm by no means out of the woods, and don't think think that I will be, about being objective about myself.

The thing to remember is that conservatism is <i>not</i> an ideology. Ideology is by definition (mine, I admit) insanity. It's the believe that you have found some overarching truth which will explain everything. This works in science but not with people. Conservatives are glum people. "That won't work," and the reason is that it hasn't in the past. Conservatives don't believe in making people change by using a bigger stick; they believe that people act in their own interests--because that's what people do.

Ideologues on the other hand are convinced that they can remake the world--think Obowma--and if people don't follow the pied piper, then they just need a reason to. Trot on the big stick. Which so often gets to a concentration camp.

Abstract yourself as much as possible from the calculus of what you are seeing. Act as though what you're seeing is something that happened to the Romans 2000 years ago. What would your, perforce, disinterested opinion be? Once you do that, you'll have a better idea of the true values involved, and also you'll shed a lot of anger too. I cannot claim to be a philosopher, having read nearly nothing, but I have found Seneca (as explicated by de Botton) to be comforting about frustration.

If there's nothing that you can do, just relax.

And here's my own take on it--laugh at the thrusting little monsters.

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Comrade Elliott,

Laughing is good. And taking their argument to the next level, is good, too. Like: Obama and Congress are so wonderful, that they will make sure only rich people pay higher taxes so the rest of us will have enough money to pay the $750.00 fine for not buying health insurance.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Elliott, the single most important thing on earth is using one's own senses and brain. I grew up in a conservative family but of course also had to think for myself because nothing made any sense to me. I was supposed to grow up and marry and have a family, and since I was interested in guys that wasn't going to happen. So perforce I had no choice but to look at things on their own merits.

If you don't look at things on their own merits, then you are a follower, and a slave to someone else's fashion.

Yesterday I saw Lord Monckton, the best of global-warming deniers, with a real armory, talking to young moonbats who were howling down his talk. He had facts; they were merely trendy. Trends are the adoption of other people's views without thinking. When it's just clothes or hair, it means nothing. When it's ideas, it's slavery.

I have changed my mind over the years a lot. My father, 83, has said that brother Mark and I have changed his mind too, from having looked at the evidence. Notice the humility in the statement, "I looked at the evidence and changed my mind." This is, by the way, the proper statement of the scientist.

It's very difficult to maintain the humility of being responsive to outside stimuli. I know from experience. And it's doubly hard when it's about you, and not politics--there's a layer of abstraction when it's not about you. And I'm by no means out of the woods, and don't think think that I will be, about being objective about myself.

The thing to remember is that conservatism is <i>not</i> an ideology. Ideology is by definition (mine, I admit) insanity. It's the believe that you have found some overarching truth which will explain everything. This works in science but not with people. Conservatives are glum people. "That won't work," and the reason is that it hasn't in the past. Conservatives don't believe in making people change by using a bigger stick; they believe that people act in their own interests--because that's what people do.

Ideologues on the other hand are convinced that they can remake the world--think Obowma--and if people don't follow the pied piper, then they just need a reason to. Trot on the big stick. Which so often gets to a concentration camp.

Abstract yourself as much as possible from the calculus of what you are seeing. Act as though what you're seeing is something that happened to the Romans 2000 years ago. What would your, perforce, disinterested opinion be? Once you do that, you'll have a better idea of the true values involved, and also you'll shed a lot of anger too. I cannot claim to be a philosopher, having read nearly nothing, but I have found Seneca (as explicated by de Botton) to be comforting about frustration.

If there's nothing that you can do, just relax.

And here's my own take on it--laugh at the thrusting little monsters.
I'll PM you my response, and you will see why.

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Leninka wrote:Comrade Elliott,

Laughing is good. And taking their argument to the next level, is good, too. Like: Obama and Congress are so wonderful, that they will make sure only rich people pay higher taxes so the rest of us will have enough money to pay the $750.00 fine for not buying health insurance.
Do you think they'd get it?

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Yes. Put your arm on one of their shoulders and say:

"Life is good! Obama is only going to tax rich people, not you and me."

Then laugh a little. Ha Ha Ha. Isn't that great? Ha Ha Ha

They might say something here, like: "Yeah, right on. Stick it to the rich."

Ha Ha Ha

Then you say: "Yeah, when the Health Care Bill mandates that everyone buy insurance, or else pay a $750 fine, and the only job you can get after you graduate is painting houses, you won't mind it when they force you to buy health insurance or pay a $750 fine, now will you? Because that's what's going to happen when the health care bill passes. No it's not a tax is it? No, it's not sticking to the little guy, is it? It's just a fine, collectible by the IRS, and you'll be paying that on top of all your student loans. Who's the sucker now?"

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Leninka, the most important thing is that we be good servants to the state. Of course it is. I am now having a collar made for my neck, to symbolize my fealty to the state. So what if they fine me $750? So what if they take away good medicine? So what if they take most of my money?

If it's for Saint Nanski I'll bear it gladly. For you can just look into her eyes and see her honor and integrity.

[ off ]
Projectile vomit here. I sickened even me.

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Comrade Theocritus,

No one is more loyal to the state than you. In Russia, under Stalin, there were "Shock Workers," don't you know. For the benefit of others, I will say that they were brought in to work enthusiastically to inspire other workers to work hard to accomplish a project.

Well, you are a shock made prog. You shock people into respect and reverence for Dear Leader, Nanski, and others. I mean, what is more shocking than having a collar made for your neck as a symbol of fealty. We should all be so collared, and glad of it.

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Thanks you, Leninka; my rheumy eyes are overflowing. I like that. Shock made prog. I think that I need to have it tattooed on my chest so I can show it with pride. I don't want it on my back, of course, because the scars from the whips might obscure the message.

I rejoice in the label of shock made prog. And I will always work for the Party.

Except of course when I'm stealing for me. Because I'm a made prog.

I learned that one from Nanski.

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Yes, there is much we can learn from Nanski. Much better to filter money through one's husband's business than hide it in the freezer like poor Congressman Jefferson did, and go to jail for it. Comrade Nanski and others know just how to do this, that is why, instead of being in jail, she will be jetting back to California soon for a well earned hiatus from all the work of having helped Comrade Fwank pass massive legislation to place more power into the hands of Dear Leader, in the matter of the banks.

Do you have a decent salve for the whip marks? I hope so.

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I'm planning to fly to American Samoa to let the workers there, who were exempted by from the increase in the minimum wage just to help dear Nanski and her husband. They're cheaper to hire to apply the salve.

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But that does not mean that Nanski does not care about workers here. She cares so much that she wants to make sure they are made to purchase health insurance for their wellness. And she cares so much about their living on a clean planet that she and the house passed the cap and trade bill. She knows the workers will understand when their energy costs double. No one cares more than Nanski.

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This poor child. It reminds me of my youth, when I would have nightmares about the nuclear holocaust caused by the war-mongering capitalists. Thank Gore our Messiah is now the president, and we can count on years of Peace ™.

But now, those same evil-doers have found a way to frighten the next generation: BREATHING!!!!!

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Comrades, in the middle of the night something struck me. Does not Nanski's jet, er, emit carbon dioxide? She has a whole 757 you know. And doesn't burning biodiesel, er, emit carbon dioxide?

And I have another worry. If we eschew all carbon, won't the plants die, and we'll all starve?

I know, I know. I'm off to Jiffi-Lobo.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Comrades, in the middle of the night something struck me. Does not Nanski's jet, er, emit carbon dioxide? She has a whole 757 you know. And doesn't burning biodiesel, er, emit carbon dioxide?

And I have another worry. If we eschew all carbon, won't the plants die, and we'll all starve?

I know, I know. I'm off to Jiffi-Lobo.
Actually Theo, hold that trip to Jiffi-Lobo. Nanski's jet is not fueled by fossil fuels, it's fueled by tax money. Why else is Kaleefornya sucking redistributing all those people's money? The nice thing about using tax money, is it's not only non-renewable, but absolutely 100% clean burning. The only thing emitted is a sense of false hope. Why else are so many Kaleefornyans waiting for the One to do what he does best?

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[ off ]I recently spent some time on the West Coast and in about a week will spend a week in California. I had a lovely time in both places but then I would have--I went to places which would have insured that. But I could also see how they would be moonbats out there. There is nothing bad which can happen. Everything is happy-clappy. And no one is minding the store and they don't think that anyone needs to.

Pavel Shovelindasky
...beach front property u say Comrade Theocritus?sunshine hidden behind curtain of smog? and a people after my own heart as neighbors? i may have to reconsider use of a qualifying set of "papers" in order to bum around such territories one day... we do have bathing suits to pack up here .... we ain't that slow all the time eh!
Pinkie? yoohoo u here? there? somewhere? pelle?

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We need a double secret underground and undercover spy to infiltrate a non-prog covert (and I do mean COVERT! All of their members are ANONYMOUS) organization called "AA".
I think "AA" is some sort of code.
According to my handlers at Lubiyanka, this "AA" organization began setting up cells throughout Canada and The USA back in the 1930s and there are now active ANONYMOUS cells in almost every town and city throughout the so-called "Judeo-Christian" world.

Get this!.....They seem to SUBMIT to a higher power other than Obama!
There is also rumor that there is some sort of ritual involving twelve steps.
I'm damn sure the Hugeonutz and the Free Mason Jars have something to do with it.

Your mission is to locate this secret covert organization in your immediate area and report back here in this thread. If you do not report back, Pinkie will not reply to your posts anymore and The Party™ will take disciplinary measures.


Pavel Shovelindasky
as much as I do understand... now i tremble... me trying to be "covert" under such circumstances would require plastic surgery beyond terra ferma's budget... but i could get my hands on the reading material... i even understand the "spirit of it all".... but issues force me to request a "half-way" house!

Pavel Shovelindasky
i keep mentioning Our Father, but I did have a dad... a real hole in One is his story, i have mentioned this before.... we could not even walk down "times square NY NY WITHOUT MY HEARING HIS NAME BEING Called across the little viallage's street...

Pavel Shovelindasky

You were given instructions.
We here at the People's Cube "Party" like it's 1917 not like Prince and "1999"....Red Corvette or not.

YouTube bandwidth sucking Post deleted with extreme Party™ predjudice.
No "half-way" house.

Carry out your mission.
We do not care about your father just as we do not care about my mother, the bitch.

Life is a bitch.
Quit bitching.


Pavel Shovelindasky
puppy breath yelp declined by non tinfoiled non-cap non wearer...... open bottle of Crown Royal and awaiting bite!
anyone in bold who don't care about my father is hardly worth my "time"
screw your own bitch.... I have a life to live.... it's a very simple one... i'm a priest of a prince in it and know what? despite "space ships", Universe, Dogs and cats, i still like it just the way i need to improve.....
Bold so does not look good on you puppy!

Pavel Shovelindasky
i do want to learn Russian language though :) ... potential tutors apply @ [email protected]

Pavel Shovelindasky
test one two three... is this thing on?

Pavel Shovelindasky
Delete me RED, ...not blue, not purple, but singular RED with no YelloW.... really, honestly.. honestly in Truth.. delete ME or Elevate me... middle ground is my territory already!

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Pavel Shovelindasky wrote:Delete me RED, ...not blue, not purple, but singular RED with no YelloW.... really, honestly.. honestly in Truth.. delete ME or Elevate me... middle ground is my territory already!

Request granted. As of today, you have become obsolete and officially terminated from the collective. Welcome to the non-club of non-persons. Congratulations are in order for the newly minted non-member.

All records of your existence shall be promptly expunged from public records. All subscribers to the Soviet Encyclopedia and the People's Cube shall be soon receiving new web pages in the mail, which they must affix to their monitors instead of the old pages containing all mention of non-person Pavel. In fact, what Pavel? Never heard of him.

As a reminder, the proper procedure of discarding old pages containing the name of Pavel Shovelindasky is the same as with discarding old anti-Bush T-shirts. It involves a shovel and a few hours of refreshing midnight digging on an empty stomach.

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You purged Pavel? You banished him, got rid of him, made him disappear?

And just when I'd nearly gathered up all my nerve to give him my phone number and "sext" him some pictures of myself!

You just can't see how sweet and sensitive he is, and that he, like, totally understands me. And now he's gone. (snnnn-ifff, snnorr-ggh) Eww, look what you've made me do to my sleeve now, this'll never come out.

And I think you're wrong about the anti-Bush T-shirts. After a whole year and Charlie Gibson's interview with Obama last night, it's still clear that hating and blaming Bush is still very much in style and I hope it never goes out of style.

I think you mean Mondale/Ferraro t-shirts.

And I think you ARE mean. Sending Pavel away into the cold snowy night. I think I'll go back to the ledge--not my old one, but the one from whence you pushed him.

Now excuse me while I take my shovel and go digging for some dirt to eat.

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Ah, Pinkie. To think that you fall for this newcomer when I've been casting sheep's eyes at you for the last two years. I am wounded, Pinkie, wounded. How <i>could</i> do this to a fellow comrade, and a Mad Prog too?

You were my only hope to be free of Bruno, you know--I had hoped that the gaze of your eyes, bloodshot beet-red, would free me from the clutches of that silly queen. But no, you throw yourself away on Pavel.

Instead of your fellow comrade in hammer-and-sickles.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Ah, Pinkie. To think that you fall for this newcomer when I've been casting sheep's eyes at you for the last two years. I am wounded, Pinkie, wounded. How <i>could</i> do this to a fellow comrade, and a Mad Prog too?

You were my only hope to be free of Bruno, you know--I had hoped that the gaze of your eyes, bloodshot beet-red, would free me from the clutches of that silly queen. But no, you throw yourself away on Pavel.

Instead of your fellow comrade in hammer-and-sickles.
Comrade Theocritus,

I am here for you. Pinkie may have left you for Pavel, but if you want something new, this Comrade is for you. I mean, fisting is the new fad in our collectivist world. Perhaps Pinkie liked Pavel's fisting more, who knows? But I guarantee you won't be disappointed with me.

Yours Truly,
Comrade Statist-in-Chief

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Alas, Statist-in-Chief, I will never know if I liked anything of Pavel's more, for Red Square, he of the heart as hard but not as movable as the Cube in his hand, ruthlessly tore us asunder. Our love shall remain pure but wanting forevermore.

O happy shovel! This is thy sheath; there whack, and let me die!

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Now I understand what all the fists on the progressive posters really stand for. Every time you raise a fist at a rally for some current issue, remember that the issue is not the issue: ANAL FISTING is the issue!

FISTERS is the true opposite of TEABAGGERS. I'll have to write a Current Truth essay about it.


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Statist-in-chief, you offer shivered my timbers, and I thank you. But please know that all of us made progressives are fisting tops. In fact all progressives are fisting tops. That's why we're made progs.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Statist-in-chief, you offer shivered my timbers, and I thank you. But please know that all of us made progressives are fisting tops. In fact all progressives are fisting tops. That's why we're made progs.
Theocritus, you are right. How could have I been so selfish? We the Progressives, indeed, are all great fisters. By the way, I am happy to know I shivered your timbers, after all, We the Progressives look out for one another when in need.

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And like all great fisters, wobbled my tripes too.