
Zimbabwe to rescue Greece!

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My Comrades!

It has come to my attention that Greece is facing a dire decision, either to accept the poisonous bailout offered by Europe and stay in the Euro Zone or to reject the bailout, default on their national debt and to leave the Euro.

I have glorious news, my Comrades!

After much deliberation I have decided to make an offer to Greece that Papandreou cannot refuse: To join the People's Utopia of Zimbabwe and the Zim Dollar Zone!

Under this treaty, Greece will immediately become a vassal of Zimbabwe. The People of Greece wil at last be be liberated. This is what all those Greek comrades have toiled for so long: the complete consummation of glorious socialism.

And what is more, they will be able to pay back their national debt in Zim Dollars!

Next Tuesday will finally arrive for Greece!




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Greece?? What a relief. I was thinking this was taken in the gulag yesterday... the peoples are getting tired of the same ole warmed up, used beet soup day after day and no jobs or fresh beetery. There was even complaining about the "lousy job dear leader is doing." But of course the peoples are happy and just horsing around!

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As a long-time admirer of yours, Obamugabe, I have to commend such a generous offer!

Methinks the Greeks will leave the Euro Zone (by hook or crook) and fall into the hands gentle arms of the Zim Dollar Zone where they belong!

You are far, far too generous Obamugabe. But cleverly brilliant!

I have grown so weary of their moaning and groaning. Frankly, it has become quite wearing and I am most grateful that you are making this offer. I am not alone in this, mind you, as many progs are chaffing at the notion that it is making us all "look bad." Can't have that, now can we?

Do proceed with your offer, Obamugabe, and remember, there's still Portugal, Spain and Ireland as possible back-ups to showcase your generosity!

I just hope next Tuesday doesn't fall on a Wednesday. Heavens, that wouldn't do, now would it!

Oh yes and, Amandla!

Ciao, Ciara!

Raum Emmanual Goldstein

You have outdone yourself, Komrade!

First, you ship a few automated printing presses, a few freighters full of cheap newsprint paper, and a crew of your insidious ingenious monetary advisors (preferably the ones that know how many zeros are in a trillion).

Next, I image we advise Papandreou to redistribute productive properties to "war veterans" (the definition of which may be adjudicated by close Luxemburg bankers political advisors to Papandreou.

And, of course the coup de gras would be to legalize polygomy in Greece in an effort to ensure Papandreou is able to tie up the womyn's vote in Greece one wife at a time (as you have so wisely done yourself, oh Khulu Ukuqala) .
