
ColorTime! 'Cause It's Nancy Pelosi

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[ Speaker Pelosi illegally sashays around in a San Francisco hair salon ]

'Cause it's Nan-cy Pe-LO-si
Swished her 'Frump' on
Nan, your Con Job's been spied
Oh, your fam'ly rich
And you thought no one lookin'
Blow-brushed Lib'ral Granny, D.C.Fly

None of these Sal-ons
Are s'posed to wind up op'nin'
Then you fled the scene
And you said some lies
And spilled that warnin'!
There's no laws can harm you
With Demo-crat Left-Wing standin' by

[ Pelosi illegally sashays some more ]

None of these Sal-ons
Are s'posed to wind up op'nin'
Then you fled the scene
And you said some lies
And spilled that warnin'!
There's no laws can harm you
With Demo-crat Left-Wing standin' by

We're gonna wash those Dems right out of their lair

(Is making best song referencing to "Wash That man Right Out of My Hair" ... da, Komradina?)

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Dear Comrade, as much as 'Crazy as a bed bug Nancy' is and as easy as the slime ball media let her get away with her lies, hypocrisy and nastiness, our great President reminds us what she is in every great speech he gives at his peaceful protests. Wash away! :)

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No one deserves more equality than our magnanimous party leaders who must struggle for the greater good of us all