
RinoTime® Problem

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Seems we're having real problems
It'll be bad for our sons
We've got RinoTime® problems and that Mitch ain't done...

Tips his hat to set sun of the West
Feel Xi's beat right in my chest
At this crossroad a second time
Cain't Swamp Turtle change his mind?
It's our pound of flesh
But it's real trillions
RinoTime® problems and that Mitch ain't done

Since we're having real troubles
It'll be bad for our sons
We've got RinoTime® problems and that Mitch ain't done

RinoTime® problems... still that Mitch ain't done

Likes broken glass under our feet
Mitch has lost his mind in Xi Sea
Looking for his prize sets our debt flash flood
Mitch orders GroupThink then Xi drinks our blood
He won't come outside, sez KAG friends can't come
We've got RinoTime® problems and that Mitch ain't done

Seems we're having real problems
It'll be bad for our sons
RinoTime® problems and that Mitch just one
We've got RinoTime®...


RinoTime® ... problems
But that Mitch just one

RinoTime® problems, tell that Mitch he's done

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Attention New Comrades of Karaoke Hooliganism

It has come to 'pelipsky's very own attentionspan that new comrades of Karaoke Hooliganism have questions, questions, questions as to how this karaoke shovels the load of bullcrap the RinoTime® Senators are pimpin' as beneficial to the entire collective.

Port maintenance and funding is why the USA collects tariffs from other nations desiring to sell their products in the USA according to Constitution. This means the RinoTimers® are actually gleefully selling the collective a DOUBLE TAX Whammy to pay for what the collective was never intended to pay for in the first place. hug.

RinoTimers® earn big cash for themselves because they think the entire Collective was educated in Oregon, where being able to read, write, and cipher is not what education is about.

RinoTime problem forelock tug,