
The Sounds of Silencing

Hello Oleg my old friend
They've come to block your views again
Because some Marxists softly creeping
Stole a march while we were sleeping
And opression that was practiced in Ukraine
Still remains
Become the sounds of silencing

On Facebook page they start the purge
Per the dreams of Zuckerberg
Neath the cover of controlling spam
They cut your traffic with a race card scam
When your pride was gashed by the charge of inciting hate
No debate
Becomes the grounds for silencing

And on your Apple screen you saw
Ten thousands screenshots maybe more
Screenshots blocking without 'splaining
Screenshots smearing without backing
Screenshots saying things that no one ever proved
No one moved
To stop the work of silencing

Proggs, thought he, you do not know
Silencing your true self shows
Smear my words so I cant teach you
Block my links so I cant reach you
But his words on hypocrite libtards fell
And echoed in the well of silencing

Wikipedia Mao-ed and preyed*
On the website it unmade
And the right flashed out its warning
In the tweets that it was forming
And the tweets said the rights of the patriots
Are vested in the Archive Hall
Amendment scrawls
Cry out against the sounds
Of silencing*

*(Wikipedia declared Peoples Cube to be no longer relevant and worthy of a Wikipedia entry in January 2017, even though, at that time, the readership, in the Peopleskaraoke at least, had increased by about 500% in the previous five years. So, apparently, "explosive growth in readership" is one of the criteria the Wikipedia considers when deciding you are no longer relevant.

I post non-political parodies at a website called "" which also has (and retains) a Wikipedia entry. In the same time as The Karaoke portion of the Cube upped its hits by 500%, Amiright has experienced a catastrophic (90%) loss of readership, to the point where I might get 100 hits in a month. At the time The Cube was deleted, I was getting 4000 to 5000 hits per month at the Karaoke. And lest we forget the Karaoke is naught but the red headed stepchild of the Cube as the People Blog gets far more numerous hits

So to sum up, losing 90% of your readership and having a fraction of 1% of the readership of the Cube means you can still be Wiki-relevant. OTOH, explosive growth and having 500 times the hits of Amiright ... Off to the Wiki Gulag for you!!)