
Trunalimanumaperzure .. wadafukduzthatmean?

Makes you think ol Scranton Joe's been sniffing cans of benzene
If you say it slow enough it could be something obscene

I used to speak more fluently when I was just a lad
Now they give me Adderal so I wont sound so bad
But then one day I slurred a word now everybody knows
The weirdest word you cant discern and this is how it goes

Makes you think old basement Joe is living in a brain haze
If he says it one more time will be a source of dismay

He traveled to a couple of states and everywhere he went
They heard this word and all would say "There goes a senile gent"
When Dems and Bar' Obama ask him up to speak
He just says his special word and we're like "What the freak?"

Makes you kind of wonder if Joe's sniffing cans of benzene
If you say it slow enough it might be something obscene

So when the prompter moves too fast there's no need for dismay
Just slurry up this special word and, "What the hell he say?"
But better use it carefully or it could change your life ...

(Sundown Joe speaking}
For example: One night I said it to this hideous old crone ... and it turned out to be my wife .. And what a lying dog faced pony soldier she was!
If he says it once again, it's dementia displaying
If he says it one more time, Dems must resort to praying
Trunalimanumaperzurewhadahellzhesaying .....

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A spoon full of sugar is not enough...most Glib One.

Maybe Comradette Dollinsky 'splains Joe's current situation...about how much sugar can be packed in Joe's State-Provided bag.