
News We Don't Have Time To Write About (archive)

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Joe Biden suggests 'cash for clunkers' program to pay 'big bucks to buy obsolete Iranian nuke making stuff and buy new from us. Good for both of our economies.'

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It's the equipment's fault: ambiguities of agreement with Iran due to using 'cone of silence' for security at negotiations

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Police stations offering criminals free video camera to wear in case of homicide.

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Experts agree: Hillary Clinton best candidate to lessen the percentage of Americans in the top 1%

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Paul Shanklin Pleads With Public To Stop Buying His Clinton Parody Tapes in The Event The Unthinkable Occurs.

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Gary Trudeau's Doonesbury comic makes fun of republicans for ten-millionth time with joke that was old in 1975 in heroic attempt to make fun of no one that will "punch up" and kill him

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'I love Hillary, Hillary has nine lives' campaign cat gets run over

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Bernie Sanders announces run for president; denounces Vietnam war, draft, and the Beatles

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After the Baltimore Riots, The Forest Service is considering recinding its ‘Do Not Feed The Bears' admonition for obvious reasons.

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Attention college students: The Peoples Cube is a designated safe space from human freedom

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NASA new mission to search for racism, sexism, and economic inequality in space suffers from gender-baiting, race-baiting, and class-baiting power struggles over multibillion-dollar budget

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Hillary Clinton goes on a money-talks tour

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Knowing what we know now, would you have had anything to do with the founding of the United States?

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China's new stealth fighter utilizes local area's smog to evade detection.

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If elected president Hillary promises to sell her spare white privilege to minorities at a newly created 'Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Federal White Privilege Credit Offset Exchange'

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The name of the celebrity set to glance the cover of the People Pets magazine after undergoing the complex of revolutionary species-reassignment procedures remains a tightly-held secret.

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Following the lead of other prominent online publications, People's Cube staff and contributors vote to unionise.

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Socialism will bring electricity to every corner of the nation, promises Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders

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Students: Make big bucks this summer as a Hillary ordinary American; all expenses paid, travel, free acting lessons

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College progresive enforcement squads issue schematic humor flow-charts so students will know if a joke may be spontaneously laughed at under progressive law or if progressive law requires other action

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Rachel Dolezal claims she was masquerading as black for research into the plight of minorities for her new book Black Like Me

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State funded research proves the existence of Quantum Aggression Particles (Heterons) in the Large Hadron Collider.

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Pope Francis orders personal bodyguards to replace Swiss and Austrian weapons with Rape Whistles and United Nations resolutions

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Great Pyramids removed as symbols of a defunct nation of Slave owners.

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As the cultural and legal rejection of incest ebbs, the term "motherfucker" is seen as a manifestation of microaggression, which is far worse than the actual aggression it used to signify.

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Images of Multicolored White House Blamed on Political Satire From Hater's @ The People's Cube.

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Obama's latest executive Order rescinds “Hail to The Chief”.
Cyndi Lauper's “True Colors” now onboard the Diversity Color Train.

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Who is the real MacGuffin? New poll shows 52% of democrats believe Hillary is the real MacGuffin, 33% responding Sanders the real MacGuffin.

[The lions of Scotland take many forms.]

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Cuba to offer cheap medical tourism to Americans who can't afford their high Obamacare deductibles

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Hillary walks back "People should and do trust me" comment - "I meant, the people that have given me millions of dollars in bribes should and do trust me."

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Victory: Iran agrees to build the bomb so long as we agree to leave them alone for ten years!

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Plutonian citizens protest the surveillance state.

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Reports say that living, breathing constitution down with asthma, 'Just can't be enforced like it used to'

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"We'll ask again later": Under pressure, State Department redefines procedures attempting to free American prisoners held in Iran

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Hillary Clinton bemoans the lack of opportunities for black serial killers and says racism is the cause...

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Shocking new book explores both the pros and cons of socialism, discovers they are the same people

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Margaret wrote:Shocking new book explores both the pros and cons of socialism, discovers they are the same people
Image Here's hoping that today's socialist pros will become tomorrow's cons, and not the reverse.

I always enjoy your witty commentary Margaret. I hope you are aware that despite the fact that not many people ever see or comment on this thread, those of us who do are tickled by it. If The Cube were a haunted mansion, this thread would be the hidden room that links to all the secret passages. Your beet patch is the finest in the motherland. Keep it up comrade.

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Democrat party bigwigs beginning to worry their primary looks like choice between Trotsky or Stalin

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Bernie Sanders tweets:

GOP debate is over. Not one word on five-year economic plans for the peasants and workers to support. That's why the Rs are so out of touch.

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Chinese stock market tumbles over fears Hillary might go to prison after all

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EPA's release of three million gallons of toxic waste into Colorado's Animas River is glaring indictment of capitalist system, says Bernie Sanders

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Margaret....wasn't the EPA spill one of the colors of diversity as shown by Obama on the white house walls? Perhaps we will have six more weeks of pretty colors flowing down the Animus?

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Bernie Sanders savagely blasts Hillary Clinton over private e-mail server scandal 'this is a glaring indictment of capitalist system'

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An orange liquid chemically consistent with the Animus River polluted by EPA efforts are now flowing from Hillary's Server.

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New child's book asks 'If Socialism were a Zoo, What Cage Would YOU live in?' - by Stockholm Syndrome Press

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Ecosystem that successfully sued to stop CO2 'pollution' found dead from lack of CO2

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President Obama warns: A republican president would only screw-up the economy and national security; try to rule by executive orders.

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Joe Biden heads to Mexico to declare he is running for El Presidente.

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Putin travels to bottom of Black Sea in submarine to meet with his political opponents

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Presidential Candidate #Deeznuts selects Kanye west as running mate.

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Universe to be renamed something more inclusive.

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Refugees fleeing from Obama's foreign policy invade Europe

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Mars comes under fire from interplanetary community for refusing to accept migrants fleeing Earth.

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Obama jump starts mid-east economy with 150 billion dollar stimulus package

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Government applauds Apple for introducing $99 pencils to the private sector

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New Maxim: "If you see something, check your privilege before saying anything"

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"The fatal conceit of capitalism is the idea that the government can't command and control every aspect of society and the economy," says Bernie Sanders

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John Boehner undecided on Dem offer to run as their presidential candidate

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Burger King #tomakeitscarymakeitblack #blackwhoppersmatter #holdthelettuce

The cops are gonna be all over this thing.

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StimulusMaximus wrote:Burger King #tomakeitscarymakeitblack #blackwhoppersmatter #holdthelettuce

The cops are gonna be all over this thing.

Look who's coming to dinner.

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Obama demands congress issue a declaration of war against climate change

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You have a better chance of receiving Illinois Lottery payouts than you do of ObamaCare payouts in more and more States as exchanges fold. State officials consider changing ObamaCare to a lottery system.

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"Some call my careful weighing of politics over whether I'll run or not congenital indecisiveness but I can assure you this careful congenital indecisiveness over political considerations would be my cardinal governing style if president," says Joe Biden

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Democrats endorse cliff-tossing grandma killer Paul Ryan for House Speaker

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Hillary got urgent 3:00 AM calls over 600 times but they were always below her pay-grade. She only takes calls from people equal to or higher than her pay-grade.

"Ambassador, you are below my pay-grade! Do you know who the hell I am!"

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Department of Energy suggestions for green halloween so stupid people are carving their jack-o-lanterns and wearing costumes that look like government regulators

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Obama creates cabinet level Climate Protection Agency

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True Fact: If you took all the subsidies for green energy in one dollar-bills and burned them you would generate more electricity than has been produced by green energy.

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College police notice for “individuals who witness incidents of hateful and/or hurtful speech or actions” to report them backfires as masses flood police with reports accusing P.C. students of hateful, hurtful speech and actions

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Missouri becomes a "safe space;" changes motto to "The don't show me State."

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"Only by instituting THE TERROR on campus can we make it a safe space." Red Snowflake Robespierre, student activist, head of Campus Committee for Public Safety

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Study finds that random attacks are becoming more directed, more organized

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Barack Obama is the General McClellan of presidents says descendant of Lincoln

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Answer: Ellis Island.

Question: What kind of immigration screening process does Barack Obama think has never-been-tried unprecedented un-American and "not who we are"?

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DNC is broke, asks Obama "Hey, where's all the hundreds of millions you've taken in at your fundraisers?"

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If there is such a thing as cultural-appropriation and the people who believe in it are not part of the culture that created universities aren't they trespassing on our culture by being at universities?