
Olympia and 9-11 Truth

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Comrades, it is with a heavy heart that I write this.This year, I witnessed NO 9-11 Truth demonstrations in the Olympia, WA Collective. Doubly shameful because Olympia is the home collective of Rachel Corrie and The Evergreen State College!

This morning I was downtown at 9 am, hoping to see our glorious community members waving signs demanding 9-11 Truth, the arrest of Bush and Cheney as war criminals, demands to Dear Leader to end the unjust and oppressive war in Afghanistan, and perhaps even the baring of breasts to protest bombs.However, all was not lost! As this article shows, there was still a noble progressive observation of 9-11

Interfaith Works event
What: Public event in response to hate crimes targeting Muslim Americans.

When: 7:30 p.m. today.

Where: Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 2300 East End St. N.W.

Includes: Readings and teachings from the Quran, led by leaders of the Islamic Center of Olympia; remarks from local clergy; and discussion about religious intolerance.

Perhaps there was no need to wave signs, because all good progressives were engaging in constructive discourse and dialog on the oppression of the Religion of Peace(TM).

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Islam is a real Gas.

The Prophet said, "Allah does not accept prayer of anyone of you if he does Hadath (passes wind) till he performs the ablution (anew)."


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That must be it Comrade Groucho. Our noble protesters in Olympia must have had a bean supper the night before, and were unable to protest until they performed their ablutions.

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The People's Police Force has been gearing up for the protest.
cops beer.jpg

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This is really such a shame. Might I suggest you take it upon your own self, to march down Main street with sign of protest? We can't allow a perfect good bash Bushism, to go unnoticed or forgotten. The Truthers must not give up nor be distracted. We must not forget 911 9/11 Truthers for truth.

ah ha! I am so pleased that you decided to take my advise, you tricky trickster, you!
