
Tea Party outside of The NY Times and NBC News in NYC

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The Tea Partiers are getting bolder as they are learning from the progressive tactics. See below. In case I can't make it there with my camera, those who live in the area would do well to come and post pictures of it here.


This Sunday TeaParty365 will host a protest outside of The New York Times and NBC News headquarters in Manhattan. Media Research Center (MRC) founder and president, Brent Bozell, will be joining us. Join us and send a message to these liberal media icons that you've had enough of their left-wing bias

The protest will begin at 2:00 PM Eastern on Sunday October 17th, in front of The New York Times building (620 Eighth Avenue, New York, NY 10018).

The MRC fleet of New York City "Tell The Truth!" trucks will be on the scene and we'll have plenty of "Don't Believe the Liberal Media," buttons, signs and bumper stickers.

At 3:00 PM Eastern, we will head to Rockefeller Center where NBC is headquartered, just a few blocks away.

Bring your cameras; there will be some great photo opportunities to get your picture taken with Brent Bozell and the fleet of "Tell The Truth!" trucks!

See more here >>

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ummm, I feel sure the media will give them fair unbiased covered while they do their honest, straightforward reporting on what insane, racist screwballs they are. I can hardly wait.

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Yes, Fraulein,

counter revolutionary misfits are they. They would not know the truth if it ran them over in a T34 Tank!

Dear Leader is the only one intelligent enough to know the truth.

About the best that can be said for this effort are the Trogs are getting restless!

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Yes...this is a last, desperate gasp coming from a doomed conservative political campaign!
They know that they are clueless, violent and racist outcasts of society. This is most true because Nancy Pelosi and Party propogandists objective journ-o-lists at MSNBC said so. ( Don't you just love Rachael Maddow ?!) All these bothersome demonstrator people talk about is the lousy Constitution ( which Dear Leader has condemned as being " deeply flawed ") and responsible government...... yada...yada.....yada. Like that's ever going to happen.

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I'd be careful around the Rockefeller center Red Square, I hear NBC has peacocks, and they aren't afraid to use them.

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Krasnodar wrote:Yes...this is a last, desperate gasp coming from a doomed conservative political campaign!
They know that they are clueless, violent and racist outcasts of society. This is most true because Nancy Pelosi and Party propogandists objective journ-o-lists at MSNBC said so. ( Don't you just love Rachael Maddow ?!) All these bothersome demonstrator people talk about is the lousy Constitution ( which Dear Leader has condemned as being " deeply flawed ") and responsible government...... yada...yada.....yada. Like that's ever going to happen.

Comrade Maddow is indisputable proof that our progressive media harpies stars are exactly the type of women we fear lust to wake up with after a hard night of consuming a month's ration of Vodka marching for people's progress and equality.

Since this Comrade has more of Ms. Maddow than he needs, please take this lovely background picture to spice up that drab desktop.


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Comrades Ivan... your gift to me of Ms. Rachael Maddow picture is beyond words of my speaking. Now I am free to delete useless landscape images from desktop, making disk spaces for more " progressive sunshine " as is obviously emanating from this MSNBC journ-o-list.
I, Krasnodar, will try to give back something of equal valuements to you, Ivan Invaobitch !

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Krasnodar wrote:Comrades Ivan... your gift to me of Ms. Rachael Maddow picture is beyond words of my speaking. Now I am free to delete useless landscape images from desktop, making disk spaces for more " progressive sunshine " as is obviously emanating from this MSNBC journ-o-list.
I, Krasnodar, will try to give back something of equal valuements to you, Ivan Invaobitch !

My leg tingles in anticipation of such an equal gesture. I will joyously sport a blank background until that day. Please take your time, Comrade.

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C. Ivanobitch....
I felt my leg tingle that way once.... I immediately took the next freeway off-ramp and looked for a gas station.

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Who are these people who would protest the party organ? 80% of Manhattan is behind dear leader, if you know what I mean. I hope the party organ responds with the lauded, and comforting bias and obfuscation in their reportage of these scumbags who would dare question our lies, dribble, and topsy-turvy, twisted logic.