Competition is a barbaric, insensitive ritual that reeks of social Darwinism. We cannot allow the fittest to survive on our pages. Your loss is someone else's gain, and your gain is someone else's loss. Therefore, losers contribute to the society and winners take away from it. Being a winner is unethical, while a society of losers is happy and striving as a collective. In the spirit of diversity, inclusiveness, and collectivism our contests shall have no winners. Everyone is declared a loser, which in our book means an ethical team player.

Caption: Automation

User avatar

...and then before we knew what hit us the guys doing our coding and search engine optimization staged a coup, took over the editorial office, and changed the entire creative direction of the website...

User avatar was amazing, we used to work in the beet fields day and night for just one beet and then we made these robots work for us and we increased our beet production a thousand fold...