
This Week's Special in The People's Galley

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What a State of the Union Speech! And what a better place to digest those soaring words of rhetoric afterward than in the People's Galley with this new fine offering that will bring back your fondest memories of the speech.


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That is something Whoopie is always doing... saying, "cut the cheese, please" and then laughs. I do not get what is funny but at least he is not telling jokeless jokes. Pres. Michelle will not like it when she see dear Leader sneaking tater tots for consumption since she made that illegal. I would love to see... hate to see what happens when he gets back home.

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:That is something Whoopie is always doing... saying, "cut the cheese, please" and then laughs.

Not bring up old business Frau but I recall you made a criminal fortune selling Limburger cheese. I believe it was none other than Snoogie who sniffed you out (er, sniffed out your dirty dealings) and made them public.

But for that you were tried by the People's Court and found to be rich and creamy with an aroma all your own.

As for my cheese cuttings, all I can say is "When are you going to learn not to pull my finger?"

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Waiting for orders to start rounding'em up.

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My Dear Commodore,

I see you enjoy the ramblings of Comrades Abbott and Costello. The week before during his visit to Amerikkka, I couldn't stop thinking about Hu's on first.

I remain,
Dr. Chicago

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:
Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:That is something Whoopie is always doing... saying, "cut the cheese, please" and then laughs.

Not bring up old business Frau but I recall you made a criminal fortune selling Limburger cheese. I believe it was none other than Snoogie who sniffed you out (er, sniffed out your dirty dealings) and made them public.

But for that you were tried by the People's Court and found to be rich and creamy with an aroma all your own.

As for my cheese cuttings, all I can say is "When are you going to learn not to pull my finger?"

THAT TRIAL IS LONG FORGOTTEN. I was innocent, I say. Innocent!

And when will you learn to stop putting your finger in my soup??!