
Hope Yen, Taiwanese racist

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Comrades, I'm asking you to rally around Dear Leader during this pre-re-election season. It is unfair that He who Won the title of "World President" should come under the scrutiny of the foreign press.

The median wealth of white U.S. households in 2009 was $113,149, compared to $6,325 for Hispanics and $5,677 for blacks, according to the analysis released Tuesday by the Pew Research Center. Those ratios, roughly 20 to 1 for blacks and 18 to 1 for Hispanics, far exceed the low mark of 7 to 1 for both groups reached in 1995, when the nation's economic expansion lifted many low-income groups to the middle class.

and this little gem:

"What's pushing the wealth of whites is the rebound in the stock market and corporate savings, while younger Hispanics and African-Americans who bought homes in the last decade, because that was the American dream, are seeing big declines," said Timothy Smeeding, a University of Wisconsin-Madison professor who specializes in income inequality.
"There's a good chance the wealth gap will widen further," Smeeding said, citing the stalled housing market. "What we need to do is help lower-income people move up."

If you can't trust the word of an Income Inequality professor, who can you trust? This is obviously the work of the former regime. The only way to set this crime against humanity is to make sure that no AmeriKKKan earns more than $5,677.00, unless, of course, they are white AmeriKKKans, in which case, they should earn no more that $4500.00 per year (it is, after all, the fair thing to do!) I am also concerned about the fact that not once was the former regime blamed in this story.

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We have a most grievous situation here in the U.S.S.A. Census Bureau defines poverty as:

● Lives in a home that is in good repair, not crowded, and equipped with air conditioning, clothes washer and dryer, and cable or satellite TV service.

● Prepares meals in a kitchen with a refrigerator, coffee maker and microwave as well as oven and stove.

● Enjoys two color TVs, a DVD player, VCR and — if children are there — an Xbox, PlayStation, or other video game system.

● Had enough money in the past year to meet essential needs, including adequate food and medical care.

We must emphasize the "widening gap" between rich and poor, embellishing it with the racial component for added impact.

I am not so much disturbed by the impoverished state of our proletariat as I am outraged by the excessive richness of white people, who have obviously acquired wealth at the expense of people of color. There is only so much money to go around. We must find more efficient ways of confiscating white wealth and place severe limits on wealth accumulation. (Comrade Warren Buffet will be exempt from accumulation limits because of his progressive public statements supporting The State.)

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Comrades, this is a most timely and important topic. I was downtown this very day and saw people of color talking on common flip-phones. They are entitled to the i-phone or a non-specific color-berry like the rest of us, but "the CLUB" has raised their rates on cover-charges and set-ups, and so Kapitalism once again oppresses those with darker skin and more tattoos on their necks. It is truly shameful, and when my Droid dies, i'm giving it to one of our "urban outdoorsmen."

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Just more proof as to why the white man truly is born evil, lives evil, and dies evil. When are the reeducation centers going to open up along every street corner? I wait and wait yet they aren't there in my little town.

Tovarichi wrote: It is truly shameful, and when my Droid dies, i'm giving it to one of our "urban outdoorsmen."
You're giving a dead phone to a minority. That's racist!!! I denounce you for such thought Tovarichi! I demand you report to the KRTC and buy one of those fine persons a brand new high end phone at the end of your treatment.

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Image Commisar Elliott, I COUNTER-DENOUNCE your open racialism, Sir! You assume that all urban outdoorsmen in my city that I would donate my phone to are of COLOR? <spit> What part of Texazistan do you think I farm? I'll donate my phone to the STATE who will re-distribute it through the Obama-phone program probably to a constituent of Shiela Jackson-Lee in Houston, but just as possibly to a starving artist in the Highland Park area of Dallas, that they too may have 3G connectivity. I do not say who is needy, let the state do that! Dead is not always inoperative, but is also outdated...

If you have comments, you may snivel them to the JUDGE if she's sober.

Me, racist? <spit>

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PROG FIGHT! PROG FIGHT! C'mon, Elliot, hit 'im back!

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Comrades please! Let us not squabble over 3G, but rather embrace the G that is to come.

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Tovarichi wrote: Commisar Elliott, I COUNTER-DENOUNCE your open racialism, Sir! You assume that all urban outdoorsmen in my city that I would donate my phone to are of COLOR? <spit> What part of Texazistan do you think I farm? I'll donate my phone to the STATE who will re-distribute it through the Obama-phone program probably to a constituent of Shiela Jackson-Lee in Houston, but just as possibly to a starving artist in the Highland Park area of Dallas, that they too may have 3G connectivity. I do not say who is needy, let the state do that! Dead is not always inoperative, but is also outdated...

If you have comments, you may snivel them to the JUDGE if she's sober.

Me, racist? <spit>
Your logic is flawed. You assumed all minorities are colored (what of the white woman or the white disabled folk?) Now, donating your phone to the state is a much better doing then just merely giving it away, after all, are we not unable to make the correct decisions? Is that not why we blindly willfully surrender our selves to the state? Your second post corrected this, and that is good.

While I am glad you corrected yourself in your second post, I must denounce you for denouncing me. Accusing me of singling out people of color is preposterous, you should know us higher-ups must show we care of everyone, regardless of color.

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I demand justice. I observe the oppressed using Last Tuesday's technology, make plans to empower them and I'm denounced and called racist. Demographic update for you, I'm in Texazistan, Our Hispanic Hermanos from the south are the MAJORITY, making ME and my family a MINORITY...

You then accuse and denounce ME AGAIN saying "Accusing me of singling out people of color is preposterous" I have not accused you , and (aside from spitting on the floor. twice.) I have maintained a sense of decorum and decency I show to all loyal members of the party, yet I get the heel of the boot once again. My Union Steward and the whole grievance committee shall be in touch.

Good Day sir.

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Tovarichi wrote:I demand justice. I observe the oppressed using Last Tuesday's technology, make plans to empower them and I'm denounced and called racist. Demographic update for you, I'm in Texazistan, Our Hispanic Hermanos from the south are the MAJORITY, making ME and my family a MINORITY...

You then accuse and denounce ME AGAIN saying "Accusing me of singling out people of color is preposterous" I have not accused you , and (aside from spitting on the floor. twice.) I have maintained a sense of decorum and decency I show to all loyal members of the party, yet I get the heel of the boot once again. My Union Steward and the whole grievance committee shall be in touch.

Good Day sir.
ALRIGHT!!!!! Tovarichi, you go sit in that corner. Elliot, you go sit in that corner. Don't either of you move until you can say something nice about each other.

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who do you think you are? you can't be acting like you're the queen of the gulag. There is but one queen of the gulag and that is Barney. Be careful, you were nearly denounced. I'll be watching you Nookie.

I remain,
Dr. Chicago

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Dr. Chicago wrote:Kommissarka,

who do you think you are? you can't be acting like you're the queen of the gulag. There is but one queen of the gulag and that is Barney. Be careful, you were nearly denounced. I'll be watching you Nookie.

I remain,
Dr. Chicago
I'd be careful at this point, Comrade Dr. The grapevine at the gulag is fast, and Commisarka Pinkies' shovel is truly furious. Be wary of she who has a beet red nose, beet red bandana, and blood stained shovel.

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I think he was directing his criticism to me, Comrade Infidel.

Dr. Chicago, do you KNOW who I AM????? I am guaranteed by at least 5,000 satisfied Red Army officers that any paperwork denouncing me to the gulag will be shredded and/or lost upon receipt.

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Comrade "Princess" Nookie,

I have no idea who you are. You obviously believe you are some kind of royalty, but I thought that we did away with that in the Ural Mountains when Czar Nicholas and his family were, ahem, taken care of. But we all must amuse ourselves the best we can eh, "princess"? 100% Infidel seems to think that you are someone of importance, but a humble prole like myself can't be bothered with important people.

I must return to my work at the morgue. It appears that our leaders are throwing themselves off of buildings and in front of trains these days. Lots to do.

I remain,
Dr, Chicago

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Comrade Chicago, I too have no idea who she is - but, as I've clearly stated before, anyone with "Nookie" in their name CANNOT be all bad!

Nevertheless, we must concentrate our energies on the problem at hand, rather than upon each other (although, for Princess Nookie, I could conceivably come up with some additional on-the-side energy). WE MUST DENOUNCE THE EVIL RETHUGLIKKKANS, for they intend to kill women and old people before Next Tuesday with their dastardly plans to not raise the debt ceiling!

I ask you, comrades, what good is a ceiling if we keep bumping our heads upon it?!? IT MUST BE RAISED!!! And raised HIGH!!!!!

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Comrade Chicago, I too have no idea who she is - but, as I've clearly stated before, anyone with "Nookie" in their name CANNOT be all bad!

Three words for you, ROCK: Rosanne "Nookie" Barr. Care to revise that sweeping statement?

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I think I'm going to be sick!

I remain,
Dr. Chicago

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Comrade Betinov - please consider my statement revised. With a vengeance.

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Dr. Chicago wrote:Kommissarka,

who do you think you are? you can't be acting like you're the queen of the gulag. There is but one queen of the gulag and that is Barney. Be careful, you were nearly denounced. I'll be watching you Nookie.

I remain,
Dr. Chicago
Someone isn't aware who the real queen of the Gulag is. Tell me comrade Chicago, do you think the queen is this

or this
I thought so.

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Barney Frank is the Banking Queen! Commissarka Pinkie is the Shovel Egalitarian Entity.

Once again, I shall share my humble story with my comrades.

I was born Tsarevna Nookie Norperdaughter Romanov, a daughter of the erstwhile Tsar and his German bride who may have been forgotten in western history books, but is remembered fondly by the Bolshevik Guard. While Mama, Papa and the rest of the family were in hiding, guarded by Bolshevik Soldiers, in Ekaterinenburg after the successful feats of Grandfather Lenin (PBUH), those same soldiers took something of a shine to me. They provided many private re-edukation sessions for me during which they revealed the NAKED TRUTH about emperialism and capitalism, the thrilling future that lay ahead due to the intercourse of PEACE and FREE LOVE. They told me I was an apt pupil, as I didn't seem to need any encouragement to engage in these sessions.

When the time came to give Mama, Papa, Alexei, and the others the punishment they deserved for existing, the guards couldn't bear to see me die with them. For a few years they hid me in building that had served as a shower house for peasants earlier; having no need of showers, the other Bolsheviks never came looking for me. At night time I began providing much needed comfort to the guards and soldiers who had saved my life earlier. My legend grew far and wide, as I was able to provide comfort for many men. So when the local Politburo finally became aware of my existence and heritage, they decided that I was the furthest thing from a princess they had ever seen! :-)

They deemed me worthy to provide expert care and comfort to men throughout the Soviet Union.

I recently began using the title "princess" again, 1) because no one knew what Tsarevna meant and 2) it is actually quite possible to be a princess AND equal...albeit more equal than others. Except for Pinkie and Red Square. And Dear Leader, of course, that goes without saying.