
Obama Synthesizer Replaces Teleprompter to Inspire Masses

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I continue to be amazed by the wonders of science. I'm now freed of my dependence on TOTUS (Teleprompter Of The United States) thanks to the invention of the Obama Synthesizer Keyboard. Soon, not only will I find it easier to compose coherent speeches using all the best poll-tested words, but now my supporters can create their own speeches in my eloquent voice. Will wonders never cease. Looks like re-election in 2012 will be a "shoe-in" (but I think they forgot to include "shoe-in" in the ObamaSpeech Synthesizer). (Where is the Minister of Geeks when we need a geek?)

I'm sure there will be many loyal progressives here at the Cube who will be able to create amazing videos creating pogressively inspiring speeches in the mellow voice of Yours Truly.

Now get to work.

--Fearless Leader

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Comrade Peoples,

I don't see a "GOLF" key in there anywhere. Where's the GOLF key?

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Hey!!! That's the Henry Ford! I'm gonna get on the Southfield right now and drive the 10 miles up to it....Never say nothing good came out of Detroit! :-)