
Remembering September 11th.

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If I may be serious comrades, let us not forget what happened today, seven years ago. Let us remember those who lost their lives by scared cowards. Let us not forget why we are in Afghanistan AND Iraq. Let us keep fresh our American Pride.

The following link send you to a montage. I'd describe it, but I'd rather you see it.

Here is the link:

It's long, about 20 mintues, but once you start watching, you will be hooked.

Most importantly, let us not forget this day, so it happens not again.

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Flight 93 flew damn near over my house.
I don't need to be reminded once a year and I feel sorry for the people who do.
No, I don't. I feel disgust.
I'll always remember.
Otherwise, carry on.

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I couldn't watch any of the reruns today. I saw the towers burn and collapse from up close on Fulton/Church in NYC and that was enough for the memories to haunt me for the rest of my life.

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A moonbat where I do other work wrote:Perhaps we could have done without the picture of the poor man seconds away from death. Imagine if we had to look at all the horrible pictures of our lifetimes on their anniversaries, concentration camps of the Hitler era, Hiroshima, starving children in Africa and those with their arms hacked off. . . close your eyes for a minute and you can come up with even more stunning and evil pictures.
It doesn't take courage to post a horrible photo, and it really does America no good for ordinary people to horrify themselves again and again over an event in history.

And said moonbat, after a thorough reaming from me, whined

Where do you get that I think our problems with extremists can be worked out with "understanding?" I never said that at all.

I just think we should not memorialize 911 with pictures of that man falling to his death. Simple enough. Give the victims the dignity they deserve.

Name me any American who has ever forgotten the World Trade Center disaster.
It's not like Republicans remember and Democrats forget.

Is it possible you sit around hoping you can insert a reference to "tin-foil hats" into every entry you write?

There's so much wrong with that I don't know where to begin. How to draw him through the eye of a needle backwards, with a crochet hook until his eyes pop out out of his microcephailc head...

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Theo, this just proves that they just don't get it! if we don't know that already, for we witness this through their own deeds and words.

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I thought of writing an entire article on why the left hates history--the airbrushed photos, the razor blades sent out with updates to the Soviet Encyclopedia, the refusal of China to own up to Mao and Tiannamin Square, and may do so yet, but I contented myself with, for now this
No, anonymous, [the shits really will not even fill in a nom-de-plume] you did not say that problems can be worked out with understanding and I'm rather impressed at your ratiocination. It was, however, a perfectly logical deduction based on empirical evidence. Progressives always prefer sucking up to dangerous people out of expediency and possibly cowardice and possibly an admiration unadmitted even to themselves. And yes, I expect heat from that last statement.

I see. This man, whom no one can recognize, is robbed of his dignity because of the picture. Question: whey are you flying to Washington to dynamite the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?

Sniveling moonbat wrote:It's not like Republicans remember and Democrats forget.
Thanks. I was hoping for that. Ever heard of The salient feature of progressive politics is its elasticity, for it's entirely concerned with the acquisition of power. It's a secular religion and as such has no anchor keeping it relatively stable, as does a religion with a divine inspiration. The only thing that Democrats remember are McCarthy and Watergate because the other scandals were nearly all done by liberals. Democrats don't like to be reminded of the Rosenbergs. Walter Duranty. Lincoln Steffens.
Watch a liberal on the news. Whenever someone mentions something shameful to a Democrat, the talking head instantly changes the subject, which is why they appear so shifty. Because they are.

And no, I don't use "tin-foil hat" all the time. In fact I've rationed myself to two, insofar as I can tell. Which is like sailing around the world for years and saying only twice that the ocean is wet.

This is a loathsome bunch of preening people, so smug in their assumed, and undeserved superiority, that they dare not consider history for it makes the most unflattering mirror on those who would put themselves above the rest of the world. Real people, intelligent people, people with a mental age of over five, know that the world is complicated and that's because they learn from history. Moonbats on the other hand are so goddamned arrogant that they think that their mere wish is enough to distort reality to their ends. And hence history is the enemy, to be expunged or rewritten, but never to be learned from for that would take a humility, the humility of knowing that they aren't the hottest big honking shits on the face of the universe.

There. I think I have in that the seeds of an article on

And by the way, if any of you wants a really nifty little notebook the MacBook Air that I'm typing on right now seems at first small compared to the 17" MacBook Pro that I'm used to, but it's the difference in ease of use between a large hardback dictionary and a small paperback novel in use.

Very nice.

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I am proud to be an American after looking at this well done memorial. The revisionists will attempt to chip away at the historical facts for their own desire of power, but they will never erase the memories from mind.

I can forgive, but I will never, never forget...

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I'm not sure that forgiveness is the answer here. I've read <i>Infidel</i> by Ayaan Hirsi Ali; <i>Among the Believers</i> by V. S. Naipaul (the finest travel writer of my experience): both of them show how Islam is a totalitarian belief system. They are jealous of other belief systems which they see, rightly, as a challenge to their view of the world. Their sense of personal responsibility does not exist outside their faith. The major strength of the West, tolerance, is not shared by them. (Which is odd for the Moors before 1492 in Spain were actually tolerant, unlike the Catholics.) But Islam is not a tolerant religion and people who claim that the moderates don't approve have forgotten to listen for the voices of the moderates.

I'm still listening.

The question is, frankly, very simple to frame. Ideologies believe that there is only one view of the world and it is theirs. Any dissent is impossible for their will view it as an attack on their entire view of the world and since their entire identities are wrapped up in Islam, even though they may have picked up skills in the west, any thought of pluralism is a threat to their very psychological well-being. They really believe in the "perfect freedom of Islam," which means that they've abrogated their personal responsibility for existence to a religion. And will do <i>whatever it takes.</i>

Their cultures have failed technologically. And having failed, what is left? The faith. Fundamentalism believes that there was one halcyon time in the past and every succeeding generation is in decline and things must be torn down and made up again. If they destroy us, on this reasoning, then perfect Islam will arise. And so there is no compromise.

What is the answer if we want to survive?

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I'll tell you what the answer is. They must be destroyed. Every last one of them.

Winning 'hearts and minds' cannot possibly work with these extremists. How can you reverse years and years of brainwashing on how you have to kill people not like you. When a culture has children's shows about killing Jews, when you teach your young from the moment that they can walk that every other society on the planet must die, you cannot reverse that much in the same way you cannot 'unteach' walking.

Is it a nice solution? No.
Is it a popular solution? No.

It is a horrible ugly solution but it's really the only way.



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You're right. I didn't understand how ingrained this is though until I read those books. These people's very identities are based on the idea that there is nothing outside Allah. Winning hearts and minds would require the reconstruction of their very psyches and minds--bandaging sick puppies' paws just won't do.

There will never be an "Awww...." moment with group hugs all round.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:You're right. I didn't understand how ingrained this is though until I read those books. These people's very identities are based on the idea that there is nothing outside Allah. Winning hearts and minds would require the reconstruction of their very psyches and minds--bandaging sick puppies' paws just won't do.

There will never be an "Awww...." moment with group hugs all round.
Moron yahoos from the left would think so, but as you've mentioned before in this thread sircomrade Theocritus, that isn't going to happen! As you have pointed out O'Brian, the only way to deal with these extremists is to answer their violence against us with retaliation, until the last believer is wiped from this life.

Unlike a formal war (against two or more nations with formal declarations), the war we face against terrorist is going to be long, probably longer than any war and post-war time America will ever have, assuming the elephants are in control, and have a spine to stand up against the asses.

Here's the biggest issue though with this being an informal war, the moment America withdraws from the war, all the terrorist have to do is wait. They only have to wait to gather their people, their weapons, their plans, their strengths and other resources. When that day comes, when the war is over for a time, say 20+ years, when the illusion of world peace is pulled over our eyes and ears again, and when democrats continue to cloud history and create a feeling of pre-9-11, the terrorist will target America again, with an even worse means of terrorism attacks. (Nukes probably). There is a reason President Bush said, "we face a unique enemy", and it's all because there is no diplomacy involved, and the only way to win, is to make their religion a mythology.

There have been no attacks on American soil since President Bush went to Afghanistan, there is a free, democratic run nation in Iraq, we are safer now than before the attacks.

"I don't believe we should negotiate with animals who want to kill us."-Ronald Reagan
"Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty"-Ronald Reagan.

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The response of the Clinton Administration to the Islamofascist attacks in the 90s led them to think they could continue with impunity. Pres. Bush disabused them of that notion in a big way after 9/11. Now, Obama and the Left wants to take us back to the "good ole days" when we responded to acts of war by lobbing spitballs in the general direction of Mecca. Or maybe going to the U.N. and clobbering their host countries with a stern lecture. To me, the first duty of the federal govt is not managing the economy or the like, for Lord knows they don't know how to do those things anyway. The first duty of the federal govt is to protect the country from its enemies for they are the only ones with the means and the power to do so. If they're not going to do that, they're worthless. If Obama is elected, we might as well paint targets on our backs because the empty suit will be fiddling while Rome burns.

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Opiate wrote:The first duty of the federal govt is to protect the country from its enemies for they are the only ones with the means and the power to do so. If they're not going to do that, they're worthless.
Yes. Freud talked about the narcissism of small difference, and conservatives and others have proven him right. The most important thing on earth is the liberty that we have here for without that, there is nothing. I see people saying they can't vote for McCain because of...and I understand their points. But Obama is so lost in his self-regard, leading troops of religious followers, that they truly believe that they can, with a hug and well-meant words, change things.

I don't think that these people have a fully developed <a href="">theory of mind</a>. People who believe that talking can solve things are diplomats. But the Secretary of State during the formation of the UN (Atchison?) was offered credit for it and he snorted saying that it would cause untold misery. That it would postpone the settlement of grievances by violence which was what settled everything.

We have to ask ourselves. When two polities are utterly opposed to each other, when do they talk? The weaker one wants to talk. And by weaker I don't mean militarily or technologically or financially but in devotion. We have been so safe for so long that we have forgotten what it's like to defend our positions.

I don't mean to bang the same drum, folks, but there are a goodly number of gays out there who get this. I know that the survival of the US means the survival of our liberties and the things that I like, and am accustomed to, but it also means <i>my</i> precious survival.

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In response to both Opiate and Theocritus, you're both right. Truly, liberty is that what the feds must do for America. Also, if you think of it, in this day in age, what would happen if America fell, especially to these Islamofacist? The world would than fall with it.

"Diplomats are just as essential in starting wars as soldiers are in finishing it."- Will Rogers.

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Comrade_Elliott wrote:Also, if you think of it, in this day in age, what would happen if America fell, especially to these Islamofacist? The world would than fall with it.

Elliot, we don't have to look far to see the results would be; just look at Europe, the model Obama and his Ship of Fools want us to emulate. A cartoonist has to fear for his life after drawing some cartoons "insulting" to the prophet Mohammed. The police in Scotland were forced to withdraw a public service advertisment featuring a kitten because these are considered "unclean" to Muslims. A bunch of Muslim "teenagers" rip apart a city in weeks of rioting and the police just stand around fondling their brie. And one of the nitwit leaders of the Anglican Church thinks it would be a good idea if Muslims were allowed to follow Sharia Law instead of British Law. And don't ask Mark Steyn about the Canadian "Human Rights Commission" (a piece of Orwellian doublespeak if there ever was one) that wanted to hang him for something he wrote that some Muslim immigrant group found insulting. Y, Theocritus, the survival of our liberties really are at stake here, and I don't know what irritates me more; the fact that we are threatened or the fact that so many self-proclaimed intelligent people don't seem to get it. Maybe it will take their asses to be on fire as they run from a destroyed building for them to figure it out; or to quote a line from the first "Death Wish" movie, "A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged." The lessons of history don't seem to have done the job.

And here's a good Will Rogers quote:
"Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggie" until you can find a rock."

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Opiate of the People wrote:
Comrade_Elliott wrote:Also, if you think of it, in this day in age, what would happen if America fell, especially to these Islamofacist? The world would than fall with it.

Elliot, we don't have to look far to see the results would be; just look at Europe, the model Obama and his Ship of Fools want us to emulate. A cartoonist has to fear for his life after drawing some cartoons "insulting" to the prophet Mohammed. The police in Scotland were forced to withdraw a public service advertisment featuring a kitten because these are considered "unclean" to Muslims. A bunch of Muslim "teenagers" rip apart a city in weeks of rioting and the police just stand around fondling their brie. And one of the nitwit leaders of the Anglican Church thinks it would be a good idea if Muslims were allowed to follow Sharia Law instead of British Law. And don't ask Mark Steyn about the Canadian "Human Rights Commission" (a piece of Orwellian doublespeak if there ever was one) that wanted to hang him for something he wrote that some Muslim immigrant group found insulting. Y, Theocritus, the survival of our liberties really are at stake here, and I don't know what irritates me more; the fact that we are threatened or the fact that so many self-proclaimed intelligent people don't seem to get it. Maybe it will take their asses to be on fire as they run from a destroyed building for them to figure it out; or to quote a line from the first "Death Wish" movie, "A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged." The lessons of history don't seem to have done the job.

And here's a good Will Rogers quote:
"Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggie" until you can find a rock."
Very good points sircomrade Opiate (gives a whole hearted clap). Don't forget about Pope Benedict XVI and how he said, "violence is incappadible with the nature of God". Remember how frenzied the Islamofacist got, and the media too?

"All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing", how truthful this quote truly is.

One more, " Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous press which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."-Unknown

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The Brits call political correctness intellectual fascism.

I'm of the opinion that liberalism is arrested emotional development. It's the Mary Poppins school of diplomacy: we'll think nice thoughts and then they'll think nice thoughts and we can all sigh and smile and go home happy. This is projection and doesn't really give the Muslims the benefit of believing that they actually have minds of their own.

It's really all about them. They don't bother with thinking that others exist. This is comforting for it saves them the trouble of worrying about other people which takes away from the time they spend preening and talking about themselves.

Notice these people: they are big consumers of anything which will display their conspicuous compassion. They have the presumption of medieval royalty.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:The Brits call political correctness intellectual fascism.

I'm of the opinion that liberalism is arrested emotional development. It's the Mary Poppins school of diplomacy: we'll think nice thoughts and then they'll think nice thoughts and we can all sigh and smile and go home happy. This is projection and doesn't really give the Muslims the benefit of believing that they actually have minds of their own.

It's really all about them. They don't bother with thinking that others exist. This is comforting for it saves them the trouble of worrying about other people which takes away from the time they spend preening and talking about themselves.

Notice these people: they are big consumers of anything which will display their conspicuous compassion. They have the presumption of medieval royalty.
Eventually, there will be real thoughtcrimes. We also know what happens when you commit hubris (the royalty you are talking about). It's only a matter of time before they fall than.

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There are thoughtcrimes now. Suggesting that people in accredited victim groups ought to conform to the same standards as other people, or suggesting that there ought to be no penalty for being a white, heterosexual male.

Already there are sensitivity training seminars that people have to go to on trumped-up charges with the management of a corporation doesn't have the balls to face down a shake-down artist like Jesse Jackson. Children are being given psychoactive drugs at school to make their behavior more acceptable and pliable. (This is not to say there is no place for the drugs in any case.)

You may bet your bottom dollar that there will be as much of a push as they can get away with to silence the opposition by any means possible. I don't think that I'm being paranoid to suggest that the reason that these people <i>never</i> denounce an autocrat is that they get a hard-on thinking of how efficient it is to merely disappear the opposition or perhaps throw up a gulag or two to make them STFU.

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Comrade_Elliott wrote:Eventually, there will be real thoughtcrimes. We also know what happens when you commit hubris (the royalty you are talking about). It's only a matter of time before they fall than.


Thoughtcrime is here%20and%20now!


Hippe Freak wrote:"It was an absolute hate crime," said Ronken, who lives in Stanwood.

It is utterly disgusting. The pinko hippie commie tree huggin crystal grippin birkenstock wearing petchouli stank crowd say that George Bush and the republicans are destroying the consitution when they are the ones doing it! And the uneducated McDonalds mindless idjits buy into their doublespeak.
'Hate Crime' is in itself an idiot concept.
You kill someone, thats bad but you were just a psychopath so you go to jail for 5 years.
You kill someone because their black?! Holy ape shit batman!! You go to jail for 5000 years and we're going to put the jail you're in in jail!!
It's as if you can kill someone more, make someone deader because of your motivations.
I call George Bush a Capitalist monkey!!
Hoorah!! Free speech!!
I call Obama a communist monkey!!
Blashphemer!!! Racist Pig hate criminal!!!

Utterly rediculous.

Obama and his ilk are the ones that are going to start the fire that burns Rome to the ground. And the idiot public are giving them the matches.



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O'Brien, these people want utter control and don't mind submitting to it. As I've said, I've read several books about totalitarianism--Nazi, Islamic, and even a book on how to be a (gay) slave if you're lucky enough to get a good master. In each one there is the language, "The total freedom of..." And this translates to giving up that bit of personal responsibility which makes us individuals. Our souls, if you will, even if you don't believe in an immortal one.

They hate their own existence and their responsibility for their own lives and that's why they embrace nihilism. Freedom will always be their enemy and slavery the condition that they aspire to.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:O'Brien, these people want utter control and don't mind submitting to it. As I've said, I've read several books about totalitarianism--Nazi, Islamic, and even a book on how to be a (gay) slave if you're lucky enough to get a good master. In each one there is the language, "The total freedom of..." And this translates to giving up that bit of personal responsibility which makes us individuals. Our souls, if you will, even if you don't believe in an immortal one.

They hate their own existence and their responsibility for their own lives and that's why they embrace nihilism. Freedom will always be their enemy and slavery the condition that they aspire to.
I suppose this just goes to prove the Inner Party has control when one of their lines is "Freedom is slavery". I suppose so, looking at it a little more philosophically, we are all slaves to something, but when we are slaves to ourselves, i.e. free, we hold the ability to bend us our way, here lays the beauty of free will.

To throw your life to something on your level with person given powers, i.e. government (think about, we vote for them.) To go along with it without having any clue as to what they do is destructive because they can do anything they want to you, and you have thought yourself powerless to do squat about it. "Ignorance is Strengthen" perhaps?

I suppose I should clarify, I meant "real thoughtcrime" as getting arrested for merely speaking against the policies of political correctness, and getting erased from existence for it.

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Thoughtcrime, a real one, is telling the truth when the official line is a lie. If you are not party to a lie, then you are a criminal. The Mafia bloods people by making them complicit in some large crime to keep them blackmailed and under control. This is the same thing, to make people complicit in a lie.

The honest man must be destroyed. And they cannot admit that they hate truth so they will distort their thinking to destroy the truth.

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How terrible and shallow a Party is when their foundation is based on lies.

Greetings Cubists.
First comment here.

Did anyone recieve the 'Obsession' DVD in their local newspaper? From my understanding they were place in certain subscribers Saturday's edition. I was fortunate to have recieved one and I watched last night in utter horror. Although I already knew of the well pronouced hatred for Christians, Jews, The West, babies, kittens, and life in general, what chilled me to the bone was the children eagerly awaiting martyrdom, toting assault weapons and basically being sized for a suicide vest.

A good relation was also made in the way appeasment was used in 1930 Nazi Germany compared to now with the Islamo-fanatics.

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Yes Comrade Elliot, the answer can be found in Ignoc's Tenets:


2 and 3 are tied together I believe in that you cannot accomplish one without the other. Freedom is Slavery means that if you are 'free', you must basically fend for yourself. You must find the means for you to eat, to have a place to live, to merely exist. All your time is consumed by making sure you survive, so therefore you are a slave to existence. With the benevolence of the state providing all the means for existence to you by trading in your freedoms, you are no longer a slave to existence. The state will tell you where to eat, when to eat, where to live, when to get up, where to go, and what to do. So by giving up your freedom you are no longer a slave to existence and devote your time to the furtherance of the state which has provided everything to you.

In modern times, if you trade in your freedoms you no longer have to worry about getting laid off, not being able to pay bills, etc. The state will provide all for you, so you can free your mind to persue other activities like watching your sports team or playing computer games or watching tv.

Unfortunately they do not connect the dots that if the state is providing all equally there will be no computer games or tv shows (except Party approved propaganda) or sports. But they can't see beyond their remote control to think of that.



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[quote="OAbsolutely, absolutely, absolutely! This only goes to prove, "You can help some people all the time, you can help all people some of the time, but you can't help all people all the time." Here lays the fault of mass compassion. I'm not saying compassion is wrong, by all means, people don't deserve to be treated like crap. What I say is those who think they can care for everyone will always fall short because in a society of 1,000,000 people, you have 1,000,000 completely different opinions, needs (to some extent), and wants. Simple economics will tell you though the resources are unable to satisfy the population.

You wonder why sheep are easy to herd (Yes, I know sheep aren't people)? In some sense, they've completely surrendered themselves to a higher power, completely dependent upon the owner's moves.

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One thing I'd like to add is, with a little twist, those who distort history doom the future of their fellow comrades.

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Hello all who are now getting an update from this, or who are just reading this. I'm resurrecting this article from forum oblivion for this one day (It's September 11th, 2009).

Enjoy the montage again.

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These articles are more prevalent every year. This is what is disgusting about American media. ... QD9AKLNQ80

US Muslims: backlash fear builds each 9/11
By RACHEL ZOLL (AP) – 19 hours ago

NEW YORK — There is the dread of leaving the house that morning. People might stare, or worse, yell insults.

Prayers are more intense, visits with family longer. Mosques become a refuge.

Eight years after 9/11, many U.S. Muslims still struggle through the anniversary of the attacks. Yes, the sting has lessened. For the younger generation of Muslims, the tragedy can even seem like a distant memory. "Time marches on," said Souha Azmeh Al-Samkari, a 22-year-old student at the University of Dayton in Ohio.

Yet, many American Muslims say Sept. 11 will never be routine, no matter how many anniversaries have passed.

"I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach every year," said Nancy Rokayak of Charlotte, N.C., who covers her hair in public. "I feel on 9/11 others look at me and blame me for the events that took place."

Rokayak, a U.S.-born convert, has four children with her husband, who is from Egypt, and works as an ultrasound technologist. She makes sure she is wearing a red, white and blue flag pin every Sept. 11 and feels safer staying close to home.

Sarah Sayeed, who lives in the Bronx, said that for a long time, she hesitated before going out on the anniversary. The morning the World Trade Center crumbled, she rushed to her son's Islamic day school so they could both return home. The other women there warned that she should take off her headscarf, or hijab, for her own safety. She now attends an interfaith prayer event each Sept. 11, keeping her hair covered as always.

"There's still a sense of `Should I go anywhere? Should I say anything?' There's kind of that anxiety," said Sayeed, who was born in India and came to the U.S. at age 8. "I force myself to go out."

The anniversary brings a mix of emotions: sorrow over the huge loss of life, anguish over the wars that followed, but also resentment over how the hijackings so completely transformed the place of Muslims in the U.S. and beyond.

A poll released this week by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life found that 38 percent of Americans believe Islam is more likely than other faiths to encourage violence. That is down from 45 percent two years earlier.

It is now common in U.S. mosques for Muslims to preface public remarks by saying they know the government is eavesdropping but Muslims have nothing to hide.

"It put a lot of Muslim Americans in the position of, `We don't blend in as much as we thought we did,'" said Ibrahim Abdul-Matin, a native New Yorker whose college friend was killed in the World Trade Center.

Some of the Muslims interviewed for this story said they have been subjected to insults, though not on the Sept. 11 anniversary. Sayeed remembers a man walking by and calling her "Taliban." Closer to the attacks, an anonymous caller told Rokayak to get out of the country.

Abdul-Matin said he avoids TV news on the anniversary "if it's too much of this drumbeating or warmongering, if the focus is on `what they did to us.'" He prefers spending the day with his relatives, especially his mother, who was with him in Brooklyn the morning of the attacks.

"It's a family day," Abdul-Matin said.

This year, the anniversary falls on a Friday, the Islamic day of congregational prayer, and during Ramadan, the Muslim holy month, when mosques are usually packed. Muslims expect their prayer leaders, or imams, will at least mention the significance of the date in their sermons.

Asim Rehman, president of the Muslim Bar Association of New York, was at the federal courthouse in lower Manhattan when the planes hit. He said he passes the day "as a proud New Yorker" in "prayer and reflection" for the victims, their families and others.

Not all mosques will commemorate the day. A significant number of U.S. Muslims contend that no one of their faith could have perpetrated the hijackings. They resist suggestions that they should be monitoring their own communities for extremism.

Kamran Memon, an Illinois lawyer, has taken a different approach, founding Muslims for A Safe America, which challenges fellow Muslims to learn more about national security. The debates and talks he leads at mosques throughout the Chicago area start from the position that Muslims were behind the attacks.

On the anniversary, Memon keeps his work schedule light and prefers to stay home. He reflects on what happened, but his thoughts are more focused on what could be ahead. Some Muslims are convinced that if the U.S. is hit with another terrorist attack, the government will put them in internment camps, he said.

"There's this fear about what down the road this will mean for my daughter's future. What kind of life will she have here?" he said. "People may be less angry or less hostile toward Muslims in general, but if there's another attack, what then?"

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Coming back to some of the older posts, since I have not been here a year...

The "war on terror" has been going on since Mohammed's day. In the beginning "we" were losing... the Middle East and North Africa were predominantly Christian, Jewish, and indigenous religions, such as Zoroastrianism in Persia. Most of it was wiped out.

When "they" set foot on European grounds, first Charles "the Hammer" Martell sent them packing back behind the Pyrenees, and later a multinational force led by the Polish king sent them back to the Balkans, from the gates of Vienna.

All was fine until after WWII. Now they don't come with swords and scimitars, but with their breeding habits, countering Europe's lack thereof. Muslim leaders such as Ghaddafi see an islamic Europe within a generation. Germans in Duisburg-Marxloh for example are vastly outnumbered, so much that they learn Turkish to be able to do their shopping.

I had Turkish friends in my elementary school class. I helped them with the foreign language they had to learn now. I invited them to my birthday parties, when everyone else shunned them because "they stunk." I went to visit them in their little apartment. It was definitely Turkish (Persian carpets everywhere except the ceiling), and yes they were Muslims, but they had pictures of Ataturk on their walls. To them coexistence and a secular government was more important, or so it seemed. I have not seen them in 26 years, so who knows what has happened since. They had found a better life in Germany and were appreciative of it.

I had an Algerian friend, she was an imam (teacher) at a local mosque (must have been the "reformed" mosque, lol.) Her dad had to flee Algeria to France as the radicals were after his life. During our many conversations, we were able to find cultural (not religious) common ground. E.g. the Spanish Christmas carol, Los Peces en el Rio is some Moorish song as well. She also did not identify as Arab, but as Berber, as that is her heritage. She knows what the Arab muslims did to her ancestors in the conquest of North Africa. It's all very interesting. Do I have a point? Maybe. It's just that the US has a tradition of regarding the individual on his or her merits (or lack thereof.) While I have a strong disdain for the muslim faith, I do not for at least some of its followers.

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Genosse Pieck wrote:Coming back to some of the older posts, since I have not been here a year...

The "war on terror" has been going on since Mohammed's day. In the beginning "we" were losing... the Middle East and North Africa were predominantly Christian, Jewish, and indigenous religions, such as Zoroastrianism in Persia. Most of it was wiped out.

When "they" set foot on European grounds, first Charles "the Hammer" Martell sent them packing back behind the Pyrenees, and later a multinational force led by the Polish king sent them back to the Balkans, from the gates of Vienna.

All was fine until after WWII. Now they don't come with swords and scimitars, but with their breeding habits, countering Europe's lack thereof. Muslim leaders such as Ghaddafi see an islamic Europe within a generation. Germans in Duisburg-Marxloh for example are vastly outnumbered, so much that they learn Turkish to be able to do their shopping.

I had Turkish friends in my elementary school class. I helped them with the foreign language they had to learn now. I invited them to my birthday parties, when everyone else shunned them because "they stunk." I went to visit them in their little apartment. It was definitely Turkish (Persian carpets everywhere except the ceiling), and yes they were Muslims, but they had pictures of Ataturk on their walls. To them coexistence and a secular government was more important, or so it seemed. I have not seen them in 26 years, so who knows what has happened since. They had found a better life in Germany and were appreciative of it.

I had an Algerian friend, she was an imam (teacher) at a local mosque (must have been the "reformed" mosque, lol.) Her dad had to flee Algeria to France as the radicals were after his life. During our many conversations, we were able to find cultural (not religious) common ground. E.g. the Spanish Christmas carol, Los Peces en el Rio is some Moorish song as well. She also did not identify as Arab, but as Berber, as that is her heritage. She knows what the Arab muslims did to her ancestors in the conquest of North Africa. It's all very interesting. Do I have a point? Maybe. It's just that the US has a tradition of regarding the individual on his or her merits (or lack thereof.) While I have a strong disdain for the muslim faith, I do not for at least some of its followers.

This is fine and good, I understand your point. I have a problem with the story I linked above. It proposes the notion that average Americans are reacting out of baseless fear or anger in their attitudes towards Islam. Personally I haven't raised a finger, middle or otherwise, toward a Muslim though I despise the faith. I have not once heard of a "hate-crime" perpetrated against any Muslim American since 9/11. Perhaps someone wrote something on a wall once and I missed it.

What I have seen since 9/11 is Muslims blowing each other up overseas, fighting a war against the West, shoe bombing, blowing up trains in England, rioting in Paris, killing film makers in the Netherlands, rioting across the globe because of a cartoon, killing and maiming by driving their cars into crowds at universities, killing thier children who disgraced their families, sniping Americans at random from the trunk of a car and so on.

Those "some of its followers" need to get off their asses and engage or find another faith. This is far beyond any grey area. Western Civilization as at the point of being overrun and appears to be prepared to go out with a whimper. Moderate muslims are silent and far too many are apologists.

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INGSOC, I honestly have no problem with anything you wrote, I actually agree with it.

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*sniff* *sniff* (wipes tears away, blows nose) that was a touching article Comrade INGSOC, those poor poor disenfranchised people, their feelings are being tried because of what others MIGHT think about them when they look at them. Those poor souls. We need a day of Remembrance for the Muslim-American Feeling Holocaust that has occurred on this soil. It really is a tragedy comrades....

Dammit, I don't give rats reality about their fweelings of being looked at differently, I don't give piece of Obama's tie about MY fweelings of being looked at differently! What is this 2nd grade!
Good Mohamed Your Lawd, Grow Up!

Freakin' racist articles tick me off to no end!

God Bless Those American Individuals Who Died on 9/11.
God Bless The Individual Americans who fight TERRORISM hence!

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Bunch of fucking Obama damned "troofers" wandering around Olympia today. Usually on Fridays there is some sort of anti war vigil (in all fairness they do bitch at Obama for "continuing" the war on terror as much as they did about Bush, so at least they are consistent.) Of course you usually get a few other prog moonbats "Healthcare Now". What? there are no doctors in this country? Today though was a bunch of spineless cowards demanding an investigation into the "truth" of 9-11 complete with banners, and such.

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Colonel 7.62 wrote:{off}
Bunch of fucking Obama damned "troofers" wandering around Olympia today. Usually on Fridays there is some sort of anti war vigil (in all fairness they do bitch at Obama for "continuing" the war on terror as much as they did about Bush, so at least they are consistent.) Of course you usually get a few other prog moonbats "Healthcare Now". What? there are no doctors in this country? Today though was a bunch of spineless cowards demanding an investigation into the "truth" of 9-11 complete with banners, and such.
Progressives at their best Colonel!

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O'Brien wrote:I'll tell you what the answer is. They must be destroyed. Every last one of them.

Winning 'hearts and minds' cannot possibly work with these extremists. How can you reverse years and years of brainwashing on how you have to kill people not like you. When a culture has children's shows about killing Jews, when you teach your young from the moment that they can walk that every other society on the planet must die, you cannot reverse that much in the same way you cannot 'unteach' walking.

Is it a nice solution? No.
Is it a popular solution? No.

It is a horrible ugly solution but it's really the only way.



Ironically, the USSR understood the problem of Islam far better than the US does. For example, in 1944, Central Asian Muslims living in the USSR attempted to start their own Intifada. Stalin reacted by having entire ethnic populations of Muslims deported to the gulag. The Intifada was over almost as soon as it begun. Many years later, Hezbollah terrorists kidnapped Soviet diplomats in Lebanon. Gorbachev responded by sending the leaders severed heads of Hezbollah agents every hour until they were released. They were. It's not kind. It's not pretty. But it must be done.

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Once again, I'm bumping this post up comrades. Hard to believe it's been two years since I posted this originally.

Hopefully this time we won't run into any trolls.

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Found this at Rightnetwork and dang if I haven't noticed the very same thing myself...

Somehow, impossibly, it seems to happen multiple times every day: a casual glance at the clock shows the time to be 9:11...

... and the pain is instantly there. A searing stab into an eternally raw wound.

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Comrade INGSOC,

Such an appalling article of pure drivel (thanks for sharing it). I wouldn't suppose the author would understand that 9/11 isn't about the 'feelings' of muslims and their collective fears of the day (It's about those who died needlessly; the destruction made at the hands of 19 barbaric animals clinging to a religion that is on par with what is currently being promulgated in the general Islamic community worldwide and in your neighborhood mosque).

Nor would she draw any comparisons with how Christians happen to feel this day, let alone even mention them in her article. And it's not important to relive those memories of people leaping to their deaths; the carnage and destruction; firemen and policemen getting killed trying to save as many people as possible. To the human debris that talks down as if to plebes, "it's too upsetting; we can't show these images; we really need to move on", the reality that there are truly evil people in the world espousing a truly evil religion that wantonly destroys anything that gets in its way that isn't like it, intrudes on their congizant dissonance like a razor blade.

I'm really not interested in how muslims feel this day. I'm not interested in their phony frailty, or their sordid attempts at disassociating themselves with "radicals" who share their repugnant religion. To me, they're all radicals just that those who feign "moderate" haven't yet let their bad "radical" out of the cage yet. But make no mistake: it's hiding in there waiting for the order to be let loose. Have doubts? When a defining moment arises demanding a choice of loyalties see which one they pick.

On Sept. 11, 2001 I was with my fiance in my apartment. She was watching the morning news. I was in another room. She called to me: "Look at this! It looks like an explosion happened at the WTC." I came out and watched a building bellowing thick, black smoke. Then I saw the second plane come around and slam into the second building in a burst of flames and smoke. I sat there stunned; mind numb and blank. For a split second the thought raced across my mind: TERRORIST ATTACK. I told my fiance that we are being attacked by an enemy. The news then reports the Pentagon got hit. Again the news: another plane crashing in Pennsylvania. I sat at my kitchen table with tears forming in my eyes. My fiance (who's from Singapore and not an American) also teared up in emotion and unbelief.

That day we needed to get our marriage license. When we got to the county office we were told that it was closed for the rest of the day due to the attacks. There was a solemness in the air—an unsettling fear with the question: "what else will happen?"

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Nine years later still doesn't fully numb the whole thing. I had the advantage(?) of not hearing about it until the dirty deed was over and done with. So I suppose I was spared the initial moments of wondering what was going on, and already knew how bad it was going to get.

At the time I was working for AOL, and they shut down all their call centers that day to keep phone lines open. Next day we had a special set of instructions for New York clients, including keeping calls as brief as possible to ensure the phone lines were open for emergency workers.

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I was living/working in Big Sky, Montana on 9/11/01, I came downstairs on my way to work, and my roommate told me what had transpired, and I told him he was full of it. Then I saw the TV, and was in shock. I remember telling him that "Bin Laden finally got the Trade Center". I spent the entire day online reading news reports trying to make sense of it all.

On a side note, on 9/10/01, we had a party at the resort I was working at for the head honchos of FEMA, I am sure the wake-up calls they received on 9/11 weren't what they were expecting. The National Guard set up roadblocks on the highway to Big Sky, and gave the FEMA people an armed escort to the airport in Bozeman, where a transport was waiting, and F-16's were circling......That plane was one of very few flying that day.

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The perspective of an Israeli:
I was 5 when it happened, and it didn't bother me particularly. I remembered it, but it registered to me as another terorr attack and I've heard about many of them. Only years later I knew how terrible it was, and I am horrified when I think of the people on the plane, heading straight.

American Muslims should be angry at the terrorists, not the Americans. Oh yeah, everybody already said that.

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Whinny-da-PBUH wrote: On Sept. 11, 2001 I was with my fiance in my apartment. She was watching the morning news. I was in another room. She called to me: "Look at this! It looks like an explosion happened at the WTC." I came out and watched a building bellowing thick, black smoke. Then I saw the second plane come around and slam into the second building in a burst of flames and smoke. I sat there stunned; mind numb and blank. For a split second the thought raced across my mind: TERRORIST ATTACK. I told my fiance that we are being attacked by an enemy. The news then reports the Pentagon got hit. Again the news: another plane crashing in Pennsylvania. I sat at my kitchen table with tears forming in my eyes. My fiance (who's from Singapore and not an American) also teared up in emotion and unbelief.

That day we needed to get our marriage license. When we got to the county office we were told that it was closed for the rest of the day due to the attacks. There was a solemness in the air—an unsettling fear with the question: "what else will happen?"
My heart goes out to you and all of our New York comrades. It's one thing to be miles away from the event, but it's another when it's but a few minutes away from you.

You ask "what else will happen"? Give it time.

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Since a few of you guys are talking about where you were when it happened, I thought I'd share mine as well.

I was in 6th grade at the time (hard to believe it in my opinion), so this puts me at 12. I believe it was math class I was leaving towards the afternoon when my teacher announced the towers were hit. The only thing I could think of was "No way. No flipin' way. THE twin towers, the ones in New York?"

Then went home to watch the news to see the truth.

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Commissar_Elliott wrote: You ask "what else will happen"? Give it time.
I don't think we can afford the luxury to wait until then. Here we are at 9 years later and muslims being lead by Hamas sympathizer Faisal Abdul Rauf are using our "western culture i.e 'tolerance'" against us; our very own Constitution against us to manipulate a situation in where they want to add salt to the wound by erecting a 'victory' mosque to symbolize to the Islamic world the 'victory' Islam had over the infidels on 9/11. That is the only purpose for this mosque.

You could say that by 'giving it time' we have come to this place of indifference once again to the point of even having a debate over whether this mosque should be built or not. There shouldn't be any debate about it if everyone was paying attention over the last 9 years and living up to "never forget[ting]"

It's good that a large majority—even New Yorkers—are opposed to this mosque. That means people are "getting it". "Tolerance" seems to be the new buzzword being bandied about whenever there is opposition to an anti-American/leftist agenda getting shoved down our throats, but it should never be in the lexicon when fighting enemies, or standing up for principles that otherwise would mean disasterous consequences for this country.

Muslims don't have tolerance, yet they will prey upon those who do.

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I was on a flight landing in Graz, Austria at the time the first plane hit the North Tower.

By the time we taxied to the gate, the 2nd plane had impacted the South tower.

As a result of this, NO ATM or vehicle reservation kiosks worked (the power had been cut to sections of the Financial district and Tribeca, so the Transaction Server links were borken).

The Austrians took all of us on that business flight under their wings, and supplied rental cars without ability to actually collect, and local currency on promissory signatures with our bank cards (my company required us to not take out advances, but to do business with company credit cards, which did not work).

In the days we were their afterwards (about 2 weeks), the overall mood of everybody we met was that Austrians stood in solidarity with the USA, and that we all were in this together.

To this day I still remember this well…..

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Whinny-da-PBUH wrote:
Commissar_Elliott wrote: You ask "what else will happen"? Give it time.
I don't think we can afford the luxury to wait until then. Here we are at 9 years later and muslims being lead by Hamas sympathizer Faisal Abdul Rauf are using our "western culture i.e 'tolerance'" against us; our very own Constitution against us to manipulate a situation in where they want to add salt to the wound by erecting a 'victory' mosque to symbolize to the Islamic world the 'victory' Islam had over the infidels on 9/11. That is the only purpose for this mosque.

You could say that by 'giving it time' we have come to this place of indifference once again to the point of even having a debate over whether this mosque should be built or not. There shouldn't be any debate about it if everyone was paying attention over the last 9 years and living up to "never forget[ting]"

It's good that a large majority—even New Yorkers—are opposed to this mosque. That means people are "getting it". "Tolerance" seems to be the new buzzword being bandied about whenever there is opposition to an anti-American/leftist agenda getting shoved down our throats, but it should never be in the lexicon when fighting enemies, or standing up for principles that otherwise would mean disasterous consequences for this country.

Muslims don't have tolerance, yet they will prey upon those who do.
I didn't say we should wait, as in us few, I meant just wait for them to make the next move. Let them show exactly what they are willing to do to achieve their ends.

I don't say this often, or in this case, written, but I will always say America's biggest weakness lays in its apathy. It starts something, but never wants to finish it, regardless of how long it takes. Look at the current wars, from the start, a majority was in support of it, now, all you hear of is pulling them out (granted, that's due to the selective media, but I digress). Give it time, and the mosque will not only rise, but people will come to not care about it. You say "there will always be some few who are always opposed to it." Duh, but not enough like it is today, a week ago or the like. Americans always get tired and just go home, they never want to finish the job.

Now look at our enemies, the Islamofacists, the Nazis, Commies etc. Do you think they gave up after 4 years of trying?

I can only guess the reason the intolerant prey on the tolerant is because by definition, the tolerant have to accept any and everything the intolerant say/do. If you don't accept, the tolerant becomes intolerant.

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I live about 60 miles from NYC. I woke up that morning and turned on the TV to see the WTC burning. At the time nobody knew what had happened. As I stood there watching and drinking my coffee the second plane hit in real time. Standing there all alone I said outloud "What the F*ck! What the f*ck just happened?"

I stood there another 2 hours in a virtual trance coffee cup in hand. The guy on TV was saying we been attacked. It was war. When I finally came out of it and stepped out onto the patio a truck just dropped a dumpster at the school next door with a loud bang...I instinctively ducked, thinking it was a bomb blast. My heart was going a mile a minute.

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I'm bumping this post up again comrades. This will be the last time I do this unless someone posts on here and I decide to respond. It's been 10 years since that day. Hard to believe it if you ask me.

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*Sigh* Yeah. Ten years. I remember when it happened,I remember the pastor of the church I was going to in Texas at the time announcing that Afghanistan had just been attacked when we invaded, and I remember that the AOL call center I worked at shut down tech support calls for the Concert for 9-11. I spent a day processing donations instead of fixing computers that day. I was barely 21, foolishly married and trying to figure out my life when 9-11 happened. Ten years later it serves as a milestone not only to see how this country has changed, and the debate over civil liberties, security, personal freedom, tolerance, liberalism, conservatism, the roll of government in our society; but also it's given me a ten year perspective on my own life. It's... been a hell of a decade all around.

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10 years and on a Sunday.... hrrrmmmm...

It is reported the knuckle dragging teabaggers will sing this quaint popular hymn although Commissar Bloomberg has denounce any bourgeoisie influence of "God" at the Remembrance.

Amazing Grace Lyrics

John Newton (1725-1807)
Stanza 6 anon.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

I ask all comrades and agitators to burst into The Internationale if the insolent Amerikans even try such a stunt. We out number them comrades!

STOP THE NEO-KULAK LIES! ... 11-lessons

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INGSOC wrote: Those "some of its followers" need to get off their asses and engage or find another faith. This is far beyond any grey area. Western Civilization as at the point of being overrun and appears to be prepared to go out with a whimper. Moderate muslims are silent and far too many are apologists.
I am hearing a growing argument lately of opposition to "political Islam" and not "religious Islam". As obvious as this dual political-religious nature of Islam appears to many of us, it is not obvious to many others. This dual understanding at least clarifies the issue somewhat and may put a secular face on Islamic opposition. Islam wears a cultural face as well, so the left may never be able to grasp it. Oh yes and a racial face ... it could be hopeless. Islam may be the perfect totalitarian system. No wonder Hitler loved it and despised sniveling Christianity.

The Christianity of Jesus, or was that Judaism ("they were first called Christians in Antioch"), was apolitical to the extreme. "My kingdom is not of this earth," was not a campaign speech for governor. Catholicism (is that Christian?) developed into a political-religious state. Man will always seek to dominate man and religion has proven the time tested tool. Will there ever be a Mohammed Luther or Abdul Calvin?

While we wait please pay your penance to the IRS.

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ThePeoplesComrade wrote:While we wait please pay your penance to the IRS.

Wouldn't that be "tithe", dear Comrade? I thought paying our "penance" is what "reparations" are all about.

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ThePeoplesComrade wrote:
INGSOC wrote: Those "some of its followers" need to get off their asses and engage or find another faith. This is far beyond any grey area. Western Civilization as at the point of being overrun and appears to be prepared to go out with a whimper. Moderate muslims are silent and far too many are apologists.
I am hearing a growing argument lately of opposition to "political Islam" and not "religious Islam". As obvious as this dual political-religious nature of Islam appears to many of us, it is not obvious to many others. This dual understanding at least clarifies the issue somewhat and may put a secular face on Islamic opposition. Islam wears a cultural face as well, so the left may never be able to grasp it. Oh yes and a racial face ... it could be hopeless. Islam may be the perfect totalitarian system. No wonder Hitler loved it and despised sniveling Christianity.

The Christianity of Jesus, or was that Judaism ("they were first called Christians in Antioch"), was apolitical to the extreme. "My kingdom is not of this earth," was not a campaign speech for governor. Catholicism (is that Christian?) developed into a political-religious state. Man will always seek to dominate man and religion has proven the time tested tool. Will there ever be a Mohammed Luther or Abdul Calvin?

While we wait please pay your penance to the IRS.
I don't see a Mohammed Luther of any sort comrade. Religion is going the way of the dinosaurs if you ask me. I'll take it one step further, it goes from religious, to a religious-state, to a totalitarian state free of religions (unless you count the State itself, but I digress).

Your statement about man dominating man is dead on, and sadly, I too buy the notion of religion being a tool of that. If not by religion, then what's left (force)? It sickens me to think my religion (Christianity) was once as dominating as it was, but I am thankful things have gotten better in those regards (despite what some losers will try to pin on me). I'm loosing focus, take care.

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Commissar_Elliott wrote:I'm loosing focus, take care.
No Hidden Meanings Intended