
Possible solution for OWS Hippies?

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Dear Comrades:

I've been thinking about the feasibility of this idea for a while. At first I thought I might create an entire movement to demand that the evil Rethuglikkkan rich pay for numerous marketing studies and focus groups to find out if it would be a good, party approved idea. But then, when I was looking in on the very sad stories from lazy dependent parasites, I determined that it would absolutely work. I base this conclusion on this sad story where this poor useful idiot prog said she was not happy to be entering the workforce at this time.

Comrades, I would like to propose that we ask the Commissar of Time to open up wormholes in all the Occupy tent cities to the date of August 15, 1969, in Bethel, NY.....aka Woodstock. I believe all these current Occupy events are but a pale imitation of the glorious original disgusting and useless event. Let these hippies go back in time to the real hippies. The original hippies can show them the proper way of being hippies. Also, I'd like to suggest some sort of "infinite loop" so that like the movie Groundhog Day, it keeps repeating. However, these wormholes will have to remain open and have wifi boosters built into them because the pampered trustfund babies modern day proles will need to Twitter, Skype, use Facebook and do Google searches on their laptop computers while denouncing capitalism, even in 1969. Also, all the gourmet food will have to be taken back and forth through the wormhole because the lazy unthinking good young progs cannot be expected to eat just brown rice like all the bums.

I recognize that this is going to require a monumental amount of redistributed™ moments and minutes, along with much higher taxes for the evil rich™. But really, it's for the children™. We don't want to be against the children, comrades. I think it is vitally important for the hippies of modern times to link up with the hippies of the original Woodstock before they became college professors and czars for Dear Leader™.

I feel very strong about this. In fact, I think this should be a right demanded by all the people at the "We are the 99%" tumblr page. Time travel back to Woodstock should be a human right. We should demand it for all Occupy hippies. And we can pay for it by taxing the rich. Make the rich pay their fair share to fund time travel specifically to Woodstock.

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Vladi my boy,

I believe that our Dear Leader Obama should create a new leadership
position for you..... " Czar of Temporal Justice and Endowments "

Did you teach at Berkeley ? Your concept is quite " bay area ".

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Comrade Vlad Linen wrote: Also, I'd like to suggest some sort of "infinite loop" so that like the movie Groundhog Day, it keeps repeating.
Ah, Comrade. Now I dream of a Bolshevik time loop. If only. . .

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Comrade Linen, while I do admire your concept of providing a means for the OWSers to loop repeatedly back into time, ala Groundhog Day, I feel that perhaps Woodstock 1969 is not the right time for them. After all, Woodstock was about peace and love, harmony with nature, and other such positive ideas, whereas the Flea Party must focus their entire beings upon rage against The Man the Evil Bankers and The Rich. In other words, I fear that sending such a large group of young people so filled with righteous hate to meet with such a large group of young people so filled with love and peace could not only extinguish the hatred the OWSers so rightly have been organized and prompted to feel, it could potentially cause a temporal catastrophic event, wherein, as the two groups cancel each other out, time itself - and perhaps reality as we know it- ceases to exist.

I heartily suggest serious consultation with Colonel 7.62 in order to determine the appropriate time to which the Flea Party 99% should be sent. Perhaps the French Revolution?

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Tovarich R.O.C.K., despite your handle, apparently you did not attend Woodstock - but We (Kollektively) did. Had you been there, you would realize the OWS Flea Partiers and Woodstockers are two swatches ripped from the same moldy, fetid, vermin-infested cloth - spoiled, privileged sons and daughters of worthless kulaks whom We have turned into Useful Idiots Tools through Our Glorious Indoctrination Education Industry System.

Were the two groups joined together, The Progressive World Of Next Tuesday™ would rapidly consume the Earth, if not the Solar System, with its massively generated Harmonic Convergence of Hate for all things that made the US of KKK the US of KKK, as the Age of Aquarius devoured all Evil Christians, Joos, and KKKapitOlists.

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" Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions "

We have much to be thankful for, dear comrades !

The Lord Obama and the Democrat Party are surely leading us into this splended age.
Anyone can see that the lyrics from the song are truly coming upon us.
The OWS is simply another manifestation of this song's truth.

The age of Aquarius IS the promised
" World of Next Tuesday " !

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Hey, Comrade R..... not so loud.
Yes, I grok on occasion, but cutting back on the frijoles with cheese and onions
has really helped stem my gaseous broadcasts.


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Well, K... Your avatar's surely got the mouth for it! (Edited: K, now that you've changed your avatar, the preceding line makes no sense at all. Is this an example of MiniTru Memory-Holing?)

Got any spare frijoles with onions? And cheese? Yum...

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Well......... let's see if there's anything in the frig.........

( insert rummaging sounds , clinking bottles )

Comrade R........ The Mexican leftovers are all gone. Hmmmm.

Hey, you're in luck ! Looks like there's still a couple of those red onion smoothies left.

That Labor Day party was really something, wasn't it !

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Slluuurp... MMMmmmmm... Nothing like a well-fermented Red Onion Dome Smoothie! (Grok!)